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How do you successfully manage shipping logistics at Jonston Cosmetics?
I think it's most important to work with good freight forwarders. So before we actually choose a freight forwarder, we check whether their service level comes up to our standards.
What exactly does that mean? Well, it means that we only want to work with forwarders who meet certain requirements. One thing that's really important is reliability. We need to be 100 per cent sure that our consignments are delivered to the customer at the right time. We also expect a high level of communication and co-operation between the forwarder and ourselves. And our forwarders must be able to provide flexible transport solutions at short notice.
And what about transport costs? The price is also important obviously, but as I said, there are other things to consider such as quality of service, handling of paperwork and advice. We usually ask for four quotationsf or each shipment.
What about all the documentation required in overseas trade? We have a team of experienced logistics people who discuss the best possible freight options with the customer and handle all the paperwork. Documentation is really very important, especially if things go wrong. So we always make sure we have copies and duplicates of every document in case something is lost. Consignments can easily be damaged in transit.
Are your customers aware of that? Yes, we always advise our customers on the risks and offer them the most suitable insurance for their consignments Unfortunately, handling damage is quite common so it's alwaysa good idea to insure a consigment. And insurance is less expensive than most people would expect; it usually costs between one and two per cent of the consignment's value.
1 Johnston Cosmetics selects freight forwarders without checking if they meet their required standards.
The company prioritizes collaborating with freight forwarders that are dependable and meet specific criteria.
For Johnston Cosmetics, on-time delivery of shipments is not a major concern.
Communication and teamwork between Johnston Cosmetics and the freight forwarders are highly valued.
Freight forwarders for Johnston Cosmetics are expected to handle urgent transport arrangements when needed.
The cost of shipping is the only factor Johnston Cosmetics considers when choosing a freight forwarder.
Johnston Cosmetics asks for three shipping estimates for each delivery.
A skilled logistics team at Johnston Cosmetics manages all required documents for international trade.
Johnston Cosmetics keeps only one copy of each important document to avoid paperwork clutter.
The company does not inform customers about the possibility of shipment damage during transit.
Customers are recommended to purchase suitable insurance for their shipments to cover potential damage.
Insurance for a shipment usually costs more than five percent of the shipment's value.
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