Combine words:
Combine words:
Combine words:
Name the reasons of the greenhouse effect
Name the effect of the pollution
..... - to stop something from happening or someone from doing something
..... - to stay away from someone or something
..... - to keep someone or something safe from injury, damage or loss
Which picture represents the environmental problem of Ukraine
What environmental problem do you see in the picture?
What do the letters "RRR" mean?
What does this lable mean?
... of our land, sea and air is very bad for the health of humans.
Most scientists agree that the temperature of our Earth is ...
The Earth's weather will be worse and there will be more wind, rain and ...
People at home can try to use less electricity by turning ... lights
Good can never grow out of ...
The biggest polluter today is a ..., especially in cities.
... is the organization for protecting the ecology of our planet.
... is difficult for some animals
We could all use our cars less and walk or use ... more.
Many countries must try to control the growth of the ...
We are not doing enough to protect the environment from ...
People should ... as much of their rubbish as possible
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