Jobs and career. TEST

Додано: 6 листопада 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Копія з тесту: Jobs and career. TEST
42 запитання
Запитання 1


Listen to the text by the link.

Question 1.

Philip is applying for a job as an activity leader.

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Запитання 2

Question 2.

Philip worked as a teacher in a school.

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Запитання 3

Question 3.

Philip was responsible for communicating to team members.

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Запитання 4

Question 4.

Philip quit the team because he did not get enough praise and encouragement.

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Запитання 5

Question 5.

Philip worked long hours when he worked at a factory.

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Запитання 6

Question 6

Philip thought the work at the factory was interesting.

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Запитання 7

Question 7

Philip's co-workers at the factory helped him a lot.

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Запитання 8

Question 8

Some of Phillip's co-workers at the factory were often complaining to the boss.

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Запитання 9


Curriculum Vitaes: Tips that can Help

Read the text and for questions 1-6 choose the correct option a), b) or c)

Six out of ten CV’s which are prepared by Information Technology professionals fail to meet the basic standards and are turned down without even being read fully, according to a recruitment company. As a consequence, thousands of candidates are excluding themselves from attractive job opportunities.

Although the company handles over 60,000 CV’s per year, it estimates that at least 60% would not be admitted if they were sent directly to potential clients due to basic errors.

The company Marketing Director said, “Sadly it’s often the most highly qualified candidates whose CV’s are so poorly constructed that they are literally dead on arrival. Attractive job opportunities in the IT industry often generate intense competition and there is often little to choose between the candidates”.

“Advice on the presentation format of CV’s in relation to the requirements that they are being submitted for should be an Industry standard so as to add real value to the candidates that you are representing and indeed to fulfil your professional obligations to your clients”.

“Writing a CV can be extremely difficult and too often a CV turns out to be a generic overview including a lot of information that is irrelevant. People should remember that an employer typically spends between 15 and 30 seconds scanning each CV and you have that one chance to make an impression”.

“A good CV is more than just documentation of your career path; it is a marketing tool designed to present your professional career experience according to the new job specification. It should also include details of past professional successes that effectively demonstrate your ability to undertake the job responsibilities outlined”.

Question 1

Recruitment companies say that potential clients ...

варіанти відповідей

make basic mistakes

only get 60% of CV’s

reject CV’s with mistakes

Запитання 10

Six out of ten CV’s which are prepared by Information Technology professionals fail to meet the basic standards and are turned down without even being read fully, according to a recruitment company. As a consequence, thousands of candidates are excluding themselves from attractive job opportunities.

Although the company handles over 60,000 CV’s per year, it estimates that at least 60% would not be admitted if they were sent directly to potential clients due to basic errors.

The company Marketing Director said, “Sadly it’s often the most highly qualified candidates whose CV’s are so poorly constructed that they are literally dead on arrival. Attractive job opportunities in the IT industry often generate intense competition and there is often little to choose between the candidates”.

“Advice on the presentation format of CV’s in relation to the requirements that they are being submitted for should be an Industry standard so as to add real value to the candidates that you are representing and indeed to fulfil your professional obligations to your clients”.

“Writing a CV can be extremely difficult and too often a CV turns out to be a generic overview including a lot of information that is irrelevant. People should remember that an employer typically spends between 15 and 30 seconds scanning each CV and you have that one chance to make an impression”.

“A good CV is more than just documentation of your career path; it is a marketing tool designed to present your professional career experience according to the new job specification. It should also include details of past professional successes that effectively demonstrate your ability to undertake the job responsibilities outlined”.

Question 2

The Marketing Director said that the best candidates ...

варіанти відповідей

are the most affected

do not send CV’s

write the best CV's

Запитання 11

Six out of ten CV’s which are prepared by Information Technology professionals fail to meet the basic standards and are turned down without even being read fully, according to a recruitment company. As a consequence, thousands of candidates are excluding themselves from attractive job opportunities.

Although the company handles over 60,000 CV’s per year, it estimates that at least 60% would not be admitted if they were sent directly to potential clients due to basic errors.

The company Marketing Director said, “Sadly it’s often the most highly qualified candidates whose CV’s are so poorly constructed that they are literally dead on arrival. Attractive job opportunities in the IT industry often generate intense competition and there is often little to choose between the candidates”.

“Advice on the presentation format of CV’s in relation to the requirements that they are being submitted for should be an Industry standard so as to add real value to the candidates that you are representing and indeed to fulfil your professional obligations to your clients”.

“Writing a CV can be extremely difficult and too often a CV turns out to be a generic overview including a lot of information that is irrelevant. People should remember that an employer typically spends between 15 and 30 seconds scanning each CV and you have that one chance to make an impression”.

“A good CV is more than just documentation of your career path; it is a marketing tool designed to present your professional career experience according to the new job specification. It should also include details of past professional successes that effectively demonstrate your ability to undertake the job responsibilities outlined”.

Question 3

The Marketing Director suggests that candidates ought to pay attention to ...

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CV’s presentation

other companies

other competitors

Запитання 12

Six out of ten CV’s which are prepared by Information Technology professionals fail to meet the basic standards and are turned down without even being read fully, according to a recruitment company. As a consequence, thousands of candidates are excluding themselves from attractive job opportunities.

Although the company handles over 60,000 CV’s per year, it estimates that at least 60% would not be admitted if they were sent directly to potential clients due to basic errors.

The company Marketing Director said, “Sadly it’s often the most highly qualified candidates whose CV’s are so poorly constructed that they are literally dead on arrival. Attractive job opportunities in the IT industry often generate intense competition and there is often little to choose between the candidates”.

“Advice on the presentation format of CV’s in relation to the requirements that they are being submitted for should be an Industry standard so as to add real value to the candidates that you are representing and indeed to fulfil your professional obligations to your clients”.

“Writing a CV can be extremely difficult and too often a CV turns out to be a generic overview including a lot of information that is irrelevant. People should remember that an employer typically spends between 15 and 30 seconds scanning each CV and you have that one chance to make an impression”.

“A good CV is more than just documentation of your career path; it is a marketing tool designed to present your professional career experience according to the new job specification. It should also include details of past professional successes that effectively demonstrate your ability to undertake the job responsibilities outlined”.

Question 4

The Marketing Director says that very often CV’s include ...

варіанти відповідей

necessary details

unimportant information

very little information

Запитання 13

Six out of ten CV’s which are prepared by Information Technology professionals fail to meet the basic standards and are turned down without even being read fully, according to a recruitment company. As a consequence, thousands of candidates are excluding themselves from attractive job opportunities.

Although the company handles over 60,000 CV’s per year, it estimates that at least 60% would not be admitted if they were sent directly to potential clients due to basic errors.

The company Marketing Director said, “Sadly it’s often the most highly qualified candidates whose CV’s are so poorly constructed that they are literally dead on arrival. Attractive job opportunities in the IT industry often generate intense competition and there is often little to choose between the candidates”.

“Advice on the presentation format of CV’s in relation to the requirements that they are being submitted for should be an Industry standard so as to add real value to the candidates that you are representing and indeed to fulfil your professional obligations to your clients”.

“Writing a CV can be extremely difficult and too often a CV turns out to be a generic overview including a lot of information that is irrelevant. People should remember that an employer typically spends between 15 and 30 seconds scanning each CV and you have that one chance to make an impression”.

“A good CV is more than just documentation of your career path; it is a marketing tool designed to present your professional career experience according to the new job specification. It should also include details of past professional successes that effectively demonstrate your ability to undertake the job responsibilities outlined”.

Question 5

Candidates should remember that employers ...

варіанти відповідей

are typical people

are very busy people

make an impression on people

Запитання 14

Six out of ten CV’s which are prepared by Information Technology professionals fail to meet the basic standards and are turned down without even being read fully, according to a recruitment company. As a consequence, thousands of candidates are excluding themselves from attractive job opportunities.

Although the company handles over 60,000 CV’s per year, it estimates that at least 60% would not be admitted if they were sent directly to potential clients due to basic errors.

The company Marketing Director said, “Sadly it’s often the most highly qualified candidates whose CV’s are so poorly constructed that they are literally dead on arrival. Attractive job opportunities in the IT industry often generate intense competition and there is often little to choose between the candidates”.

“Advice on the presentation format of CV’s in relation to the requirements that they are being submitted for should be an Industry standard so as to add real value to the candidates that you are representing and indeed to fulfil your professional obligations to your clients”.

“Writing a CV can be extremely difficult and too often a CV turns out to be a generic overview including a lot of information that is irrelevant. People should remember that an employer typically spends between 15 and 30 seconds scanning each CV and you have that one chance to make an impression”.

“A good CV is more than just documentation of your career path; it is a marketing tool designed to present your professional career experience according to the new job specification. It should also include details of past professional successes that effectively demonstrate your ability to undertake the job responsibilities outlined”.

Question 6

A good curriculum should show ...

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the new job specifications

your marketing tools

your overall skills

Запитання 15

3.Use of English.

The Big Day

Whatever candidates may think about examiners, they are not in fact __(15)__ monsters, dripping red ink instead of blood, but ordinary people who will do their best to pass candidates as __(16)__ as candidates follow certain basic rules of the game.

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Запитання 16

Whatever candidates may think about examiners, they are not in fact __(15)__ monsters, dripping red ink instead of blood, but ordinary people who will do their best to pass candidates as __(16)__ as candidates follow certain basic rules of the game.

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Запитання 17

Many candidates are __(17)__ in the First Certificate not because their English is __(18)__ but because they are __(19)__ about the requirements of the examination.

Question 17

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Запитання 18

Many candidates are __(17)__ in the First Certificate not because their English is __(18)__ but because they are __(19)__ about the requirements of the examination.

Question 18

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Запитання 19

Many candidates are __(17)__ in the First Certificate not because their English is __(18)__ but because they are __(19)__ about the requirements of the examination.

Question 19

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Запитання 20

Before you __(20)__ for the examination, make sure you know what is expected of you; you are __(21)__ to do well unless you answer all the questions set, and don’t include __(22)__ material.

Question 20

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will sit

would sit

have sat


Запитання 21

Before you __(20)__ for the examination, make sure you know what is expected of you; you are __(21)__ to do well unless you answer all the questions set, and don’t include __(22)__ material.

Question 21

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Запитання 22

Before you __(20)__ for the examination, make sure you know what is expected of you; you are __(21)__ to do well unless you answer all the questions set, and don’t include __(22)__ material.

Question 22

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Запитання 23

Don’t start writing as __(23)__ as you get the paper - think first, write __(24)__!

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Запитання 24

Don’t start writing as __(23)__ as you get the paper - think first, write __(24)__!

Question 24

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Запитання 25

If part of an answer is incorrect, you __(25)__ cross it out and write the preferred answer neatly above it.

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Запитання 26

If your handwriting __(26)__ illegible, it will be difficult for the examiner to give you credit for it, __(27)__ it is right or __(28)__.

Question 26

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Запитання 27

If your handwriting __(26)__ illegible, it will be difficult for the examiner to give you credit for it, __(27)__ it is right or __(28)__.

Question 27

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Запитання 28

If your handwriting __(26)__ illegible, it will be difficult for the examiner to give you credit for it, __(27)__ it is right or __(28)__.

Question 28

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Запитання 29

You will also lose marks if your essay is written in an __(29)__ style for the type of writing and intended audience.

Question 29

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Запитання 30

You .............. another job pretty soon. I have a feeling that you're going to get fired before long.

варіанти відповідей

would have started to look for

had better to start looking for

would start looking for

'd better to start to look for

'd better start looking for

Запитання 31

.............., he went to collect his payment.

варіанти відповідей

Having finished his work successfully

Although he had completed his work successfully

Despite the fact that the work was successfully completed

As long as the work is completed with success

The work have been completed

Запитання 32

I was under the impression that you, too, .............. along with us. I am sorry that you aren't.

варіанти відповідей

were supposed to come

came to suppose

supposed to have come

supposed to come

were supposed to have come

Запитання 33

It seems to me that they never gave a thought to probable future problems when the plans ............... five years ago.

варіанти відповідей

they laid down

were not laid down

to be laid down

had been laid down

were being laid down

Запитання 34

As far as I'm concerned, all he's good at .............. making up the most improbable excuses anyone has ever heard.

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he is


Запитання 35

I'm simply surprised at your lack of authority over him. Why can't you ............... him eat his dinner?

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Запитання 36

Have you heard the great news, Ali? The man, ............... refused your proposal last year, has been arrested for embezzlement of government funds.

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whose daughter


who have repeatedly


when he

Запитання 37

Would you believe it! ............... was no other than our poor old postman who had fallen into that pond still holding onto his mailbags.

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Запитання 38

The desperate voice over the phone says: Darling, I've got news for you: my niece Meltem, together with her husband, six children, two dogs and three cats, .............. come to stay with us for a whole month.

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are to





Запитання 39

No matter how hard I tried to make them understand, they just wouldn't take my word for ............... I said, .............. annoyed me very much.

варіанти відповідей

what / which

that / which

that / that

which / that

which / which

Запитання 40

Yes, I know you're tired and sleepy, but let me remind you one thing: If you ............... up all night to watch that stupid film, the world would look much brighter this morning, wouldn't it?!

варіанти відповідей

wouldn't stay

would have stayed

hadn't stayed

would stay

had stayed

Запитання 41

What a smart suit that is you've got on. It .............. cost you a fortune to buy.

варіанти відповідей

ought to have

should have

needn't have

can't have

must have

Запитання 42

The work had ............... under extremely difficult conditions.

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been doing


to be done


to complete

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