Mother Teresa was born in _______ .
аудіофайл до кр за посиланням https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btt50zJ3H58
As a child Agnes wanted to be a nun .
Are the names Teresa and Agnes for 1 person? –
One day in 1946 sister Teresa was riding on a train, she looked out of the window and saw _____________ .
She worked at _______ .
She have founded her own group of___________, that was called____________ .
She was a leader of this group, so they called her :
The nuns lived _________with people who were__________ .
To help Mother Teresa nuns came from __________ .
By 1990 the missionaries of charity were working in ________ .
Over the years Mother Teresa received many great awards such as________ .
Mother Teresa always said her greatest reward was helping people .
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