Listening. Final

Додано: 19 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 426 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Listen to the speakers. For questions (1–3) choose the correct answer. 

1. What does the boy think of extreme sports?

варіанти відповідей

He finds them very exciting to watch.

He thinks they are not dangerous.

He doesn't find them interesting to watch.

Запитання 2

Listen to the speakers. For questions (1–3) choose the correct answer. 

2. Which sport does Kate like best?

варіанти відповідей


figure skating

ice hockey

Запитання 3

Listen to the speakers. For questions (1–3) choose the correct answer. 

3. Which sporting event would Peter like to see live the most?

варіанти відповідей

any good match 

a Formula One race

an athletics competition

Запитання 4

Listen to the text. For statements (4–8) choose T if the statement is true according to the text, F if it is false.

4. Language schools in the UK give their students a chance to see the country.

5. Language schools stay open all year long.

6. The courses can only be attended by young people.

7. The students spend most of their time in the classrooms.

8. The teachers come from various English-speaking countries.

4. Language schools in the UK give their students a chance to see the country.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

Listen to the text. For statements (4–8) choose T if the statement is true according to the text, F if it is false.

4. Language schools in the UK give their students a chance to see the country.

5. Language schools stay open all year long.

6. The courses can only be attended by young people.

7. The students spend most of their time in the classrooms.

8. The teachers come from various English-speaking countries.

5. Language schools stay open all year long.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 6

Listen to the text. For statements (4–8) choose T if the statement is true according to the text, F if it is false.

4. Language schools in the UK give their students a chance to see the country.

5. Language schools stay open all year long.

6. The courses can only be attended by young people.

7. The students spend most of their time in the classrooms.

8. The teachers come from various English-speaking countries.

6. The courses can only be attended by young people.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

Listen to the text. For statements (4–8) choose T if the statement is true according to the text, F if it is false.

4. Language schools in the UK give their students a chance to see the country.

5. Language schools stay open all year long.

6. The courses can only be attended by young people.

7. The students spend most of their time in the classrooms.

8. The teachers come from various English-speaking countries.

7. The students spend most of their time in the classrooms.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Listen to the text. For statements (4–8) choose T if the statement is true according to the text, F if it is false.

4. Language schools in the UK give their students a chance to see the country.

5. Language schools stay open all year long.

6. The courses can only be attended by young people.

7. The students spend most of their time in the classrooms.

8. The teachers come from various English-speaking countries.

8. The teachers come from various English-speaking countries.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

Listen to the text. For questions (9–12) choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 

9. What does Henry Stimpson say about the objects on display in the museum?

There are almost 15,000 of them.

They are displayed on five different floors.

They can all be touched by visitors to the museum. 


10. Which invention did most visitors to the museum believe to be the most important?

A the X-ray machine

the washing machine

the control section of the Apollo 10 spacecraft


11. What is true about the screen where science films are shown?

It is wider than four buses.

It is located in the middle of an exhibition.

C It is one of the biggest in the UK.


12. The tours at the Science Museum

A  must be booked in advance.

B  do not have to be paid for.

C  last a long time.

 9. What does Henry Stimpson say about the objects on display in the museum?

варіанти відповідей

There are almost 15,000 of them.

They are displayed on five different floors.

They can all be touched by visitors to the museum. 

Запитання 10

Listen to the text. For questions (9–12) choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 

9. What does Henry Stimpson say about the objects on display in the museum?

There are almost 15,000 of them.

They are displayed on five different floors.

They can all be touched by visitors to the museum. 


10. Which invention did most visitors to the museum believe to be the most important?

A the X-ray machine

the washing machine

the control section of the Apollo 10 spacecraft


11. What is true about the screen where science films are shown?

It is wider than four buses.

It is located in the middle of an exhibition.

C It is one of the biggest in the UK.


12. The tours at the Science Museum

A  must be booked in advance.

B  do not have to be paid for.

C  last a long time.

 10. Which invention did most visitors to the museum believe to be the most important?

варіанти відповідей

the X-ray machine

the washing machine

the control section of the Apollo 10 spacecraft

Запитання 11

Listen to the text. For questions (9–12) choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 

9. What does Henry Stimpson say about the objects on display in the museum?

There are almost 15,000 of them.

They are displayed on five different floors.

They can all be touched by visitors to the museum. 


10. Which invention did most visitors to the museum believe to be the most important?

A the X-ray machine

the washing machine

the control section of the Apollo 10 spacecraft


11. What is true about the screen where science films are shown?

It is wider than four buses.

It is located in the middle of an exhibition.

C It is one of the biggest in the UK.


12. The tours at the Science Museum

A  must be booked in advance.

B  do not have to be paid for.

C  last a long time.

 11. What is true about the screen where science films are shown?

варіанти відповідей

 It is wider than four buses.

It is located in the middle of an exhibition.

It is one of the biggest in the UK.

Запитання 12

Listen to the text. For questions (9–12) choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 

9. What does Henry Stimpson say about the objects on display in the museum?

There are almost 15,000 of them.

They are displayed on five different floors.

They can all be touched by visitors to the museum. 


10. Which invention did most visitors to the museum believe to be the most important?

A the X-ray machine

the washing machine

the control section of the Apollo 10 spacecraft


11. What is true about the screen where science films are shown?

It is wider than four buses.

It is located in the middle of an exhibition.

C It is one of the biggest in the UK.


12. The tours at the Science Museum

A  must be booked in advance.

B  do not have to be paid for.

C  last a long time.

 12. The tours at the Science Museum

варіанти відповідей

 must be booked in advance.

do not have to be paid for.

last a long time.

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