Mind up your mind!

Додано: 1 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 501 раз
4 запитання
Запитання 1

I.  Choose the proper word which best fits the sentence and fill in the gap:

1.     To get a good job an applicant should demonstrate __________ to work in a team comfortably to fill in the vacancy.

a)     initiative; b) persistence; c) willingness; d) ability

2. There are many _________________ why there is a growing number of students who take a gap year.

a)     chances; b) ways; c) reasons; d) opportunities

3.     ___________________________ look for much more than educational qualifications in candidates.

a)     volunteers; b) students, c) employees; d) employers

4.     The trip to Paris gave me the ______________ to speak French with local people and even to learn some dialect words this way.

a)     possibility; b) occasion, c) effort, d) opportunity

5.     The annual ____________ for this job is 3500 $

a)     money, b) fee, c) charge, d) salary.  

варіанти відповідей

a) 1. c), 2. c), 3. d), 4. d), 5. d);

b) 1.c), 2. d), 3. c), 4. d), 5. d);

c) 1.  d), 2. c), 3. c), 4. d), 5. d).

Запитання 2

II.   Convert the Direct Speech into the Indirect Speech. Watch the rules of Sequence of Tenses.

(Each correct sentence – 1,0 point) (Maximum – 4,0 points)

1.     Anna always says: “I like working for my uncle’s company, they pay me good money”.


2.     My Granddad tells: “The young people at my time had a better skill for communication. We talked to each other for hours.”

3.     Johan said: “All my group mates are waiting only for you. Speed up, please!”

4.     Sandra reported to her Chief Manager: “We have been doing the task for two days. People are tired. We will leave earlier today.”

варіанти відповідей

a)          1.   Anna always said that she likes working for her uncle’s company as they pay her good money.

2.     My Granddad told that the young people at his time had a better skill for communication as they talked to each other for hours. 

3.    Johan said that all his group mates were waiting only for me and I had to speed up.

4.    Sandra report to her Chief Manager that they have been doing the task for two days and people were tired that was why they would leave earlyer that day.

b) 1.   Anna always says that she likes working for her uncle’s company as they pay her good money.

2.    My Granddad tells that the young people at his time had a better skill for communication as they talked to each other for hours. 

3.     Johan said that all his group mates were waiting only for me and I had to speed up.

4.     Sandra reported to her Chief Manager that they had been doing the task for two days and people were tired that was why they would leave earlier that day.

c)  1.   Anna always says that he likes working for her uncle’s company as they pay her good money.

2.     My Granddad tells that the young people at his time have a better skill for communication as they talked to each other for hours. 

3.     Johan said that all his group mates was waiting only for me and I had to speed up.

4.     Sandra reported to her Chief Manager that they had been doing the task for two days and people were tired that was why they would leave earlier that day.

Запитання 3

III. Match the words with their definitions.

1.    Confidence                a)  to become fully grown or developed 

2.    Extended                   b) someone who does something without being paid

3.    Faint-hearted            c) the belief that you have the ability to do things well or     

                                    deal with the situation successfully

4.    Isolated                      d) a quality that gives a person ability to continue to do

                                       something although this is difficult

5.    To mature                  e) abroad

6.    Overseas                    f) to believe that someone is honest and will not harm you  

7.    Persistence                g) difficult

8.    Tough                        h) increased, longer in time or bigger in size    

9.    To trust                     i) not trying very hard, because you do not want to do      

                                something, or you are not confident that you can succeed   

10.           A volunteer               j) feeling alone and unable to meet or speak to other


варіанти відповідей

a) 1c,2h,3j,4i,5d,6e,7a,8g,9f,10b.

b) 1c,2f,3i,4j,5e,6a,7d,8g,9h,10b.

c) 1c,2h,3i,4j,5a,6e,7d,8g,9f,10b.

Запитання 4

IV. Choose the right variant 'told' or 'said' in the sentences.

1. Rob (_)the girls that Mark had phoned.

2. The girl (_)to me that her name was Julie.

3. I (_) them that I hadn't enjoyed the film.

4. The teacher (_) that it was time to go home.

варіанти відповідей

a) 1 said,2 said, 3 told, 4 told.

b) 1 told,2 said, 3 told, 4 said.

c) 1 told,2 told, 3 told, 4 said.

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