New Destinations B1 Module 6

Додано: 2 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 403 рази
17 запитань
Запитання 1

Will you help me carry / take the kids to school today?

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

While we were in Paris, we went on a trip / tour of the city and saw all the famous sights.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

It will take us about an hour to reach / arrive the lake.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

The Statue of Liberty is a famous landmark / exhibition in New York.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

I’m sorry I can’t stay any longer. I am _____ .

варіанти відповідей

in a mess

in a hurry

at the latest

Запитання 6

Your room is always ______. I want you to tidy it up before you go out.

варіанти відповідей

in a mess

in particular

at least   

Запитання 7

Come here _____ ! I want to talk to you.

варіанти відповідей

in a hurry

at once

in particular

Запитання 8

We had to pay for our hotel room _____ .

варіанти відповідей

at the latest

in other words

in advance

Запитання 9

Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice.

They believe Kate Winslet is a great actress.

варіанти відповідей

Kate Winslet is believed to be a great actress. 

Kate Winslet believed to be a great actress. 

Kate Winslet is believe is a great actress. 

Запитання 10

Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice.

We are going to renovate our house next month.

варіанти відповідей

Our house are going to renovate next month.

Our house is going to be renovated next month.

Our house will going to renovate next month.

Запитання 11

Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice.

The electrician is installing our new cooker.

варіанти відповідей

 Our new cooker is installing by the electrician.

Our new cooker will be installed by the electrician.

Our new cooker is being installed by the electrician.

Запитання 12

Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice.

He may wash the car tomorrow.

варіанти відповідей

The car may be washed tomorrow.

The car will be washed tomorrow.

The car be wash tomorrow.

Запитання 13


This year for my summer holiday I wanted to enjoy the good life and travel in style so I sailed around the Red Sea in a luxury yacht. I left behind sub-zero winter temperatures in the UK and arrived to clear blue skies and cheerful sunshine.

The yacht that was to be my home for the week was named Elizabeth. (1) As soon as I got aboard, I took off my shoes and enjoyed the pleasure of walking on the cool wooden deck. After I was introduced to some of the other passengers, I was shown around the vessel by two crew members. (2)

On the first night we had a delicious evening meal which consisted of fresh fish and roasted vegetables followed by a rich chocolate cake served with vanilla ice cream. (3) The following morning we set off on our journey; it was a wonderful feeling just sitting and watching the turquoise water slide by. Later on in the day, I went snorkelling and saw some colourful marine life. (4) After a refreshing swim we all went back to the yacht where we had lunch. The remainder of the day was spent lazing on the deck.

During the rest of the week I learnt how to sail, which was loads of fun but mostly I spent my time swimming in the sea or on the deck relaxing and chatting to the other passengers. (5) I would definitely recommend this type of holiday to anyone who wants to get away from it all.

варіанти відповідей

At the end of the week, I felt completely refreshed.

My cabin was very comfortable and above the deck there was a spacious dining area and a lounge with a TV.

After that feast, I sat with some of the other guests watching the sun go down. 

Even though it was very hot during the day, in the mornings there was a chill in the air.

When I caught sight of Elizabeth in the port, I experienced a thrill of excitement.

Apart from lots of fish, I saw several large purple jellyfish, which I have to admit made me a bit nervous.

Запитання 14


This year for my summer holiday I wanted to enjoy the good life and travel in style so I sailed around the Red Sea in a luxury yacht. I left behind sub-zero winter temperatures in the UK and arrived to clear blue skies and cheerful sunshine.

The yacht that was to be my home for the week was named Elizabeth. (1) As soon as I got aboard, I took off my shoes and enjoyed the pleasure of walking on the cool wooden deck. After I was introduced to some of the other passengers, I was shown around the vessel by two crew members. (2)

On the first night we had a delicious evening meal which consisted of fresh fish and roasted vegetables followed by a rich chocolate cake served with vanilla ice cream. (3) The following morning we set off on our journey; it was a wonderful feeling just sitting and watching the turquoise water slide by. Later on in the day, I went snorkelling and saw some colourful marine life. (4) After a refreshing swim we all went back to the yacht where we had lunch. The remainder of the day was spent lazing on the deck.

During the rest of the week I learnt how to sail, which was loads of fun but mostly I spent my time swimming in the sea or on the deck relaxing and chatting to the other passengers. (5) I would definitely recommend this type of holiday to anyone who wants to get away from it all.

варіанти відповідей

At the end of the week, I felt completely refreshed.

My cabin was very comfortable and above the deck there was a spacious dining area and a lounge with a TV.

After that feast, I sat with some of the other guests watching the sun go down. 

Even though it was very hot during the day, in the mornings there was a chill in the air.

When I caught sight of Elizabeth in the port, I experienced a thrill of excitement.

Apart from lots of fish, I saw several large purple jellyfish, which I have to admit made me a bit nervous.

Запитання 15


This year for my summer holiday I wanted to enjoy the good life and travel in style so I sailed around the Red Sea in a luxury yacht. I left behind sub-zero winter temperatures in the UK and arrived to clear blue skies and cheerful sunshine.

The yacht that was to be my home for the week was named Elizabeth. (1) As soon as I got aboard, I took off my shoes and enjoyed the pleasure of walking on the cool wooden deck. After I was introduced to some of the other passengers, I was shown around the vessel by two crew members. (2)

On the first night we had a delicious evening meal which consisted of fresh fish and roasted vegetables followed by a rich chocolate cake served with vanilla ice cream. (3) The following morning we set off on our journey; it was a wonderful feeling just sitting and watching the turquoise water slide by. Later on in the day, I went snorkelling and saw some colourful marine life. (4) After a refreshing swim we all went back to the yacht where we had lunch. The remainder of the day was spent lazing on the deck.

During the rest of the week I learnt how to sail, which was loads of fun but mostly I spent my time swimming in the sea or on the deck relaxing and chatting to the other passengers. (5) I would definitely recommend this type of holiday to anyone who wants to get away from it all.

варіанти відповідей

At the end of the week, I felt completely refreshed.

My cabin was very comfortable and above the deck there was a spacious dining area and a lounge with

    a TV.

After that feast, I sat with some of the other guests watching the sun go down. 

 Even though it was very hot during the day, in the mornings there was a chill in the air.

When I caught sight of Elizabeth in the port, I experienced a thrill of excitement.

 Apart from lots of fish, I saw several large purple jellyfish, which I have to admit made me a bit nervous.


Запитання 16


This year for my summer holiday I wanted to enjoy the good life and travel in style so I sailed around the Red Sea in a luxury yacht. I left behind sub-zero winter temperatures in the UK and arrived to clear blue skies and cheerful sunshine.

The yacht that was to be my home for the week was named Elizabeth. (1) As soon as I got aboard, I took off my shoes and enjoyed the pleasure of walking on the cool wooden deck. After I was introduced to some of the other passengers, I was shown around the vessel by two crew members. (2)

On the first night we had a delicious evening meal which consisted of fresh fish and roasted vegetables followed by a rich chocolate cake served with vanilla ice cream. (3) The following morning we set off on our journey; it was a wonderful feeling just sitting and watching the turquoise water slide by. Later on in the day, I went snorkelling and saw some colourful marine life. (4) After a refreshing swim we all went back to the yacht where we had lunch. The remainder of the day was spent lazing on the deck.

During the rest of the week I learnt how to sail, which was loads of fun but mostly I spent my time swimming in the sea or on the deck relaxing and chatting to the other passengers. (5) I would definitely recommend this type of holiday to anyone who wants to get away from it all.

варіанти відповідей

At the end of the week, I felt completely refreshed.

My cabin was very comfortable and above the deck there was a spacious dining area and a lounge with a TV.

 After that feast, I sat with some of the other guests watching the sun go down. 

Even though it was very hot during the day, in the mornings there was a chill in the air.

When I caught sight of Elizabeth in the port, I experienced a thrill of excitement.

Apart from lots of fish, I saw several large purple jellyfish, which I have to admit made me a bit nervous.

Запитання 17


This year for my summer holiday I wanted to enjoy the good life and travel in style so I sailed around the Red Sea in a luxury yacht. I left behind sub-zero winter temperatures in the UK and arrived to clear blue skies and cheerful sunshine.

The yacht that was to be my home for the week was named Elizabeth. (1) As soon as I got aboard, I took off my shoes and enjoyed the pleasure of walking on the cool wooden deck. After I was introduced to some of the other passengers, I was shown around the vessel by two crew members. (2)

On the first night we had a delicious evening meal which consisted of fresh fish and roasted vegetables followed by a rich chocolate cake served with vanilla ice cream. (3) The following morning we set off on our journey; it was a wonderful feeling just sitting and watching the turquoise water slide by. Later on in the day, I went snorkelling and saw some colourful marine life. (4) After a refreshing swim we all went back to the yacht where we had lunch. The remainder of the day was spent lazing on the deck.

During the rest of the week I learnt how to sail, which was loads of fun but mostly I spent my time swimming in the sea or on the deck relaxing and chatting to the other passengers. (5) I would definitely recommend this type of holiday to anyone who wants to get away from it all.

варіанти відповідей

At the end of the week, I felt completely refreshed.

My cabin was very comfortable and above the deck there was a spacious dining area and a lounge with  a TV.

After that feast, I sat with some of the other guests watching the sun go down. 

Even though it was very hot during the day, in the mornings there was a chill in the air.

When I caught sight of Elizabeth in the port, I experienced a thrill of excitement.

 Apart from lots of fish, I saw several large purple jellyfish, which I have to admit made me a bit nervous.

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