Підготовка до ЗНО Reading (4)

Додано: 14 липня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 400 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Заповніть пропуск №1

Recently, I have attended a workshop (1) ___________. It got me thinking about what it meant for me to be part of Britain.

To me, being British isn’t about (2) ___________. Being British is about being accepting and open to new ideas, new prospects and new experiences. It’s about exploring new cultures and traditions and (3) ___________ into our personal lives.

As a very multinational society, we have been influenced (4) ___________ which have inspired us to take strands of different traditions and weave them into our own culture. We have (5) ___________, which undoubtedly gives us an advantage. We have learnt to be tolerant as we have welcomed millions of people of different races and religions into our country. And as a result, we get the best of both worlds. We get the fish and chips but also the chicken tikka masala. What would we do (6) ___________?

Our multinational community has moulded and shaped Britain into what it is today.

варіанти відповідей

adapting and integrating them

discussed and analysed at the workshop

based on nationality and identity

to learn from other societies

Запитання 2

Заповніть пропуск №2

Recently, I have attended a workshop (1) ___________. It got me thinking about what it meant for me to be part of Britain.

To me, being British isn’t about (2) ___________. Being British is about being accepting and open to new ideas, new prospects and new experiences. It’s about exploring new cultures and traditions and (3) ___________ into our personal lives.

As a very multinational society, we have been influenced (4) ___________ which have inspired us to take strands of different traditions and weave them into our own culture. We have (5) ___________, which undoubtedly gives us an advantage. We have learnt to be tolerant as we have welcomed millions of people of different races and religions into our country. And as a result, we get the best of both worlds. We get the fish and chips but also the chicken tikka masala. What would we do (6) ___________?

Our multinational community has moulded and shaped Britain into what it is today.

варіанти відповідей

to make mistakes in foreign policy

without Italian pizza or Chinese noodles

having labels or categorising people

by many cultures around us

Запитання 3

Заповніть пропуск №3

Recently, I have attended a workshop (1) ___________. It got me thinking about what it meant for me to be part of Britain.

To me, being British isn’t about (2) ___________. Being British is about being accepting and open to new ideas, new prospects and new experiences. It’s about exploring new cultures and traditions and (3) ___________ into our personal lives.

As a very multinational society, we have been influenced (4) ___________ which have inspired us to take strands of different traditions and weave them into our own culture. We have (5) ___________, which undoubtedly gives us an advantage. We have learnt to be tolerant as we have welcomed millions of people of different races and religions into our country. And as a result, we get the best of both worlds. We get the fish and chips but also the chicken tikka masala. What would we do (6) ___________?

Our multinational community has moulded and shaped Britain into what it is today.

варіанти відповідей

adapting and integrating them

discussed and analysed at the workshop

based on nationality and identity

to learn from other societies

Запитання 4

Заповніть пропуск №4

Recently, I have attended a workshop (1) ___________. It got me thinking about what it meant for me to be part of Britain.

To me, being British isn’t about (2) ___________. Being British is about being accepting and open to new ideas, new prospects and new experiences. It’s about exploring new cultures and traditions and (3) ___________ into our personal lives.

As a very multinational society, we have been influenced (4) ___________ which have inspired us to take strands of different traditions and weave them into our own culture. We have (5) ___________, which undoubtedly gives us an advantage. We have learnt to be tolerant as we have welcomed millions of people of different races and religions into our country. And as a result, we get the best of both worlds. We get the fish and chips but also the chicken tikka masala. What would we do (6) ___________?

Our multinational community has moulded and shaped Britain into what it is today.

варіанти відповідей

to make mistakes in foreign policy

without Italian pizza or Chinese noodles

having labels or categorising people

by many cultures around us

Запитання 5

Заповніть пропуск №5

Recently, I have attended a workshop (1) ___________. It got me thinking about what it meant for me to be part of Britain.

To me, being British isn’t about (2) ___________. Being British is about being accepting and open to new ideas, new prospects and new experiences. It’s about exploring new cultures and traditions and (3) ___________ into our personal lives.

As a very multinational society, we have been influenced (4) ___________ which have inspired us to take strands of different traditions and weave them into our own culture. We have (5) ___________, which undoubtedly gives us an advantage. We have learnt to be tolerant as we have welcomed millions of people of different races and religions into our country. And as a result, we get the best of both worlds. We get the fish and chips but also the chicken tikka masala. What would we do (6) ___________?

Our multinational community has moulded and shaped Britain into what it is today.

варіанти відповідей

adapting and integrating them

discussed and analysed at the workshop

based on nationality and identity

to learn from other societies

Запитання 6

Заповніть пропуск №6

Recently, I have attended a workshop (1) ___________. It got me thinking about what it meant for me to be part of Britain.

To me, being British isn’t about (2) ___________. Being British is about being accepting and open to new ideas, new prospects and new experiences. It’s about exploring new cultures and traditions and (3) ___________ into our personal lives.

As a very multinational society, we have been influenced (4) ___________ which have inspired us to take strands of different traditions and weave them into our own culture. We have (5) ___________, which undoubtedly gives us an advantage. We have learnt to be tolerant as we have welcomed millions of people of different races and religions into our country. And as a result, we get the best of both worlds. We get the fish and chips but also the chicken tikka masala. What would we do (6) ___________?

Our multinational community has moulded and shaped Britain into what it is today.

варіанти відповідей

to make mistakes in foreign policy

without Italian pizza or Chinese noodles

having labels or categorising people

by many cultures around us

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