Present Tenses

Додано: 22 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 30 разів
30 запитань
Запитання 1

There are ... present tenses in English.

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Запитання 2

.... expresses habits and general truths.

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Present Simple

Present Perfect Simple

Запитання 3

...... for repeated actions, actions where the time is not important, and actions that began in the past but are not finished yet.

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Present Simple

Present Perfect Simple

Запитання 4

........  to talk about ongoing actions where both the process and the result are important.

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Present simple

Present continuous

Present perfect simple

Present perfect continuous

Запитання 5

The simple present tense is one of several forms of present tense in English. It is used to describe ..........

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unchanging situations

general truths and fixed arrangements

actions where the time is not important

Запитання 6

Tick habits

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He drinks tea at breakfast.

She only eats fish.

They drive to Monaco every summer.

She doesn't eat meat at supper.

Запитання 7

Tick general truths

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Water freezes at zero degrees.

Her mother is Ukrainian .

The Earth revolves around the Sun.

She only eats fish.

Запитання 8

Tick the right sentence.

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More and more people are becoming vegetarian.

More and more people become vegetarian.

Запитання 9

Choose the correct sentence.

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Harry and Sally are always arguing! 

Harry and Sally always argue! 

Запитання 10

Tick the incorrect sentence.

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I'm seeing Anthony later.

She's seeing her doctor on Tuesday.

Are you seeing me?

Запитання 11

Actions completed in the very recent past

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Have you just finished work?

We have just seen her.

I have already eaten.

Have you finished work yet?

Запитання 12

The present perfect continuous is used to refer to ....

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an unspecified time between 'before now' and 'now'. 

a specified time between 'before now' and 'now'. 

Запитання 13

Tick the incorrect sentence.

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She has been cooking since last night.

It's been raining.

They have been feeling well since Tuesday.

Запитання 14

In fact, I .......... of starting an action group.

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am thinking


Запитання 15

It’s time for us to start doing something before it .............. too late. 

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is getting

's geting



Запитання 16

I .......... my car for three years.

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'm having

've been having


have had

Запитання 17

We ................. very cold weather this year

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have had

have been having


're having

Запитання 18

How many times ................. the cat today?

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has Kim fed

has Kim feed

does Kim feed

Запитання 19

We ................. with our new car recently

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have been having

have had problems


are having

Запитання 20

All of us............. a uniform in school. 

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has to wear

must to wear

have to wear

Запитання 21

Who .......... in the outback of Australia for thousands of years ?

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has been living

have living

have been living

are living

Запитання 22

How often ......... to the Italian restaurant?

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do we go

we go

we're going

have we gone

Запитання 23

What time ........... ..............?

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his bus arrives

is his bus arriving

his bus is arriving

does his bus arrive

Запитання 24

He waters his plants .......... .

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once a week.

at the moment

for a week

from time to time

Запитання 25

I .......... German.

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am not from

am not

don't be

Запитання 26

I haven’t seen Jack ...............

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for ages.

since yesterday.

Запитання 27

The cats ............. to me.

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are belonging

Запитання 28

Patients ........ .......... here.

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are often mistreated

often mistreated

aren't often mistreated

don't often mistreat

Запитання 29

Nobody............ out the news yet.

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hasn't given

has given

haven't given

Запитання 30

The students ........... a lot of questions.

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are asked

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