
Додано: 4 вересня 2019
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 476 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Cinda Wood

I really love working with flowers and also have loved learning Photoshop CS2 and InDesign. My first book was created just for florists, with a CD for their web sites’ images. Most people do not realize that 95% of all images online for florists belong to wire services and so the book filled a niche. I now have been creating floral cookbooks for people who are not florists with simple instructions to help the beginner.

This person __________

варіанти відповідей

writes guidelines for newbies.

enjoys sports and animals.

is ready to discuss various topics.

invites other people to participate in his/her activity.

is interested in becoming a travel agent.

adores communicating with other people.

wants to travel with his/her pets.

wants to start his/her own business.

Запитання 2

Donna Hardyman

I am trying to learn as much as I can about the fauna. I love writing about my dogs, be it training, or the unconditional love they give. I am also exploring the dream of selling everything I own, packing up the dogs and seeing the US in a recreational vehicle. Any suggestions to sites, forums, etc that will help me fulfill my dream of travelling with my dogs will be appreciated!

This person __________

варіанти відповідей

writes guidelines for newbies.

enjoys sports and animals.

is ready to discuss various topics.

invites other people to participate in his/her activity.

is interested in becoming a travel agent.

adores communicating with other people.

wants to travel with his/her pets.

wants to start his/her own business

Запитання 3

Alex Mayer

I absolutely adore horseback riding. I own three horses here in the UK. A stallion named "Perseus" who is insane and I think that's why I prefer to ride him and a new stallion named "Disraeli". He's even a bit more crazy than the other. It's always a fight of wills and I love the fight. The other is a mare named "Seripho" who is an absolute sweetheart. Besides riding, I play tennis and just started taking boxing lessons; it's a killer workout.

This person __________

варіанти відповідей

writes guidelines for newbies.

enjoys sports and animals.

is ready to discuss various topics.

invites other people to participate in his/her activity.

is interested in becoming a travel agent.

adores communicating with other people.

wants to travel with his/her pets.

wants to start his/her own business

Запитання 4

Jerry E Spencer

I have travelled all over the world and have seen a lot of things in my life, and I have loved all of it. I am a people person, I like talking with people from all over the world.

My wife says that I talk more than ten women put together. I would like to help as many people as I can with my writing. I feel if I can help you out with something, then I have done some good out here in this world. And that is a good feeling.

This person __________

варіанти відповідей

writes guidelines for newbies.

enjoys sports and animals.

is ready to discuss various topics.

invites other people to participate in his/her activity.

is interested in becoming a travel agent.

adores communicating with other people.

wants to travel with his/her pets.

wants to start his/her own business.

Запитання 5

Tim Bennett

Although I am English I have been living in the Philippines for the last 10 years and contrary to what you may have heard about all the bad things in the Philippines it is a wonderful country with loads of opportunities. I believe very heavily in taking action rather than just talking about things and my programs are based around weaving the principles of wealth into our lives rather than living superficially. If you would like to be part of my team in any way or if you would like any help you can contact me anytime.

This person __________

варіанти відповідей

writes guidelines for newbies.

enjoys sports and animals.

is ready to discuss various topics.

invites other people to participate in his/her activity.

is interested in becoming a travel agent.

adores communicating with other people.

wants to travel with his/her pets.

wants to start his/her own business.

Запитання 6

Mike Bova

I am an Advertising Director and Business Columnist for a chain of newspapers in the Fingerlakes Region. I also own The Upstate New York Shopping And Business Directory. Please feel free to email me whether you are into business or not. Networking is a very good thing! Let's talk about whatever....

This person __________

варіанти відповідей

writes guidelines for newbies.

enjoys sports and animals.

is ready to discuss various topics.

invites other people to participate in his/her activity.

is interested in becoming a travel agent.

adores communicating with other people.

wants to travel with his/her pets.

wants to start his/her own business.

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