Reading Comprehension

Додано: 16 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 145 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Angela, 18

About me: I study international relations. I like reading.

Fears: When I was at school, a boy laughed when I was talking to a friend about climate change. He said, "Even if you care, the Earth is going to end, anyway". I was so annoyed. It's because of this attitude that more people don't help.

What gives me hope: I know I'm not the only one working to protect our planet. I campaign against pollution.

варіанти відповідей

Angela likes to read in her free time.

Angela likes history.

Angela likes to go hiking in her free time.

Запитання 2

Angela, 18

About me: I study international relations. I like reading.

Fears: When I was at school, a boy laughed when I was talking to a friend about climate change. He said, "Even if you care, the Earth is going to end, anyway". I was so annoyed. It's because of this attitude that more people don't help.

What gives me hope: I know I'm not the only one working to protect our planet. I campaign against pollution.

варіанти відповідей

She gets angry with people who don't help.

She doesn't get angry with people who don't help.

She is happy to make people laugh.

Запитання 3

Angela, 18

About me: I study international relations. I like reading.

Fears: When I was at school, a boy laughed when I was talking to a friend about climate change. He said, "Even if you care, the Earth is going to end, anyway". I was so annoyed. It's because of this attitude that more people don't help.

What gives me hope: I know I'm not the only one working to protect our planet. I campaign against pollution.

варіанти відповідей

She campaigns against food waste.

She campaigns against pollution.

She campaigns against bullying.

Запитання 4

Karin, 21

About me: I'm an engineering student. I enjoy hiking.

Fears: I know many people who have never been camping and don't like the idea of spending a day outside the city. How can the youth be expected to protect the environment if they don't get a chance to spend time enjoying nature?

What gives me hope: The organizations working to persuade politicians to make decisions to end climate change.

варіанти відповідей

Karin is studying to be an engineer.

Karin is an engineer.

Karin teaches students who want to become engineers.

Запитання 5

Karin, 21

About me: I'm an engineering student. I enjoy hiking.

Fears: I know many people who have never been camping and don't like the idea of spending a day outside the city. How can the youth be expected to protect the environment if they don't get a chance to spend time enjoying nature?

What gives me hope: The organizations working to persuade politicians to make decisions to end climate change.

варіанти відповідей

She likes to spend a lot of time in the city.

She likes to spend a lot of time outside the city.

She has little free time.

Запитання 6

Karin, 21

About me: I'm an engineering student. I enjoy hiking.

Fears: I know many people who have never been camping and don't like the idea of spending a day outside the city. How can the youth be expected to protect the environment if they don't get a chance to spend time enjoying nature?

What gives me hope: The organizations working to persuade politicians to make decisions to end climate change.

варіанти відповідей

She likes the organizations that try to persuade the government to stop climate change.

She likes the organizations that try to persuade the government to stop emigration.

She likes the organizations that try to persuade the government to stop unemployment.

Запитання 7

Simon, 23

About me: I'm a Master's student in environmental science.

Fears: There is a big knowledge gap in my country. The topic of climate change is only taught in secondary school as an optional geography course.

What gives me hope: The environmental campaigns worldwide helping to educate people give me hope.

варіанти відповідей

Simon is a teacher.

Simon is studying environmental science.

Simon is a scientist.

Запитання 8

Simon, 23

About me: I'm a Master's student in environmental science.

Fears: There is a big knowledge gap in my country. The topic of climate change is only taught in secondary school as an optional geography course.

What gives me hope: The environmental campaigns worldwide helping to educate people give me hope.

варіанти відповідей

He says that climate change is only taught in primary schools.

He says that climate change is only taught in secondary schools.

He says that climate change is taught nowhere.

Запитання 9

Simon, 23

About me: I'm a Master's student in environmental science.

Fears: There is a big knowledge gap in my country. The topic of climate change is only taught in secondary school as an optional geography course.

What gives me hope: The environmental campaigns worldwide helping to educate people give me hope.

варіанти відповідей

He is hopeful about the worldwide environmental campaigns.

He isn't hopeful about the worldwide environmental campaigns.

He complains that only educated people support environmental campaigns.

Запитання 10

Angela, 18

About me: I study international relations. I like reading.

Fears: When I was at school, a boy laughed when I was talking to a friend about climate change. He said, "Even if you care, the Earth is going to end, anyway". I was so annoyed. It's because of this attitude that more people don't help.

What gives me hope: I know I'm not the only one working to protect our planet. I campaign against pollution.

Karin, 21

About me: I'm an engineering

student. I enjoy hiking.

 Fears: I know many people who

have never been camping and don't like the idea of spending a day outside the

city. How can the youth be expected to protect the environment if they don't

get a chance to spend time enjoying nature?

 What gives me hope: The organizations working

to persuade politicians to make decisions to end climate change.

Simon, 23

About me: I'm a Master's student in environmental science.

Fears: There is a big knowledge gap in my country. The topic of climate change is only taught in secondary school as an optional geography course.

What gives me hope: The environmental campaigns worldwide helping to educate people give me hope.

варіанти відповідей

Angela is the youngest person of the three.

Karin is the youngest person of the three.

Simon is the youngest person of the three.

Запитання 11

Angela, 18

About me: I study international relations. I like reading.

Fears: When I was at school, a boy laughed when I was talking to a friend about climate change. He said, "Even if you care, the Earth is going to end, anyway". I was so annoyed. It's because of this attitude that more people don't help.

What gives me hope: I know I'm not the only one working to protect our planet. I campaign against pollution.

Karin, 21

About me: I'm an engineering student. I enjoy hiking.

 Fears: I know many people who have never been camping and don't like the idea of spending a day outside the city. How can the youth be expected to protect the environment if they don't get a chance to spend time enjoying nature?

 What gives me hope: The organizations working

to persuade politicians to make decisions to end climate change.

Simon, 23

About me: I'm a Master's student in environmental science.

Fears: There is a big knowledge gap in my country. The topic of climate change is only taught in secondary school as an optional geography course.

What gives me hope: The environmental campaigns worldwide helping to educate people give me hope.

варіанти відповідей

All the three people interviewed are students.

Only two people of the three are students.

Only one person of the three is a student.

Запитання 12

Angela, 18

About me: I study international relations. I like reading.

Fears: When I was at school, a boy laughed when I was talking to a friend about climate change. He said, "Even if you care, the Earth is going to end, anyway". I was so annoyed. It's because of this attitude that more people don't help.

What gives me hope: I know I'm not the only one working to protect our planet. I campaign against pollution.

Karin, 21

About me: I'm an engineering student. I enjoy hiking.

 Fears: I know many people who have never been camping and don't like the idea of spending a day outside the city. How can the youth be expected to protect the environment if they don't get a chance to spend time enjoying nature?

 What gives me hope: The organizations working to persuade politicians to make decisions to end climate change.

Simon, 23

About me: I'm a Master's student in environmental science.

Fears: There is a big knowledge gap in my country. The topic of climate change is only taught in secondary school as an optional geography course.

What gives me hope: The environmental campaigns worldwide helping to educate people give me hope.

варіанти відповідей

Angela, Karin and Simon all believe in group campaigns.

Angela, Karin and Simon don't believe in group campaigns.

Angela, Karin and Simon boycott group campaigns.

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