Reading Comprehension 3rd grade II semester

Додано: 27 квітня
Предмет: Англійська мова
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read and choose.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for your email. My holiday at the beach was lots of fun. The beach was very long. The weather was nice, too. It was hot and sunny every day.

The sea wasn’t cold. It was perfect. We were at the beach every morning and we were in the town every afternoon. In the evenings, we were in a restaurant or at the hotel.

Our hotel was very big and it was next to the beach. The rooms were very nice. Mum and Dad were in one room and my sister and I were in a room next to Mum and Dad. The people at the hotel were very kind and the food was very nice, too.

I was very happy on my holiday and I was sad when it was time to go home. Holidays are lots of fun!

Write soon!



1. The weather _____ nice.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2

 Read and choose.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for your email. My holiday at the beach was lots of fun. The beach was very long. The weather was nice, too. It was hot and sunny every day.

The sea wasn’t cold. It was perfect. We were at the beach every morning and we were in the town every afternoon. In the evenings, we were in a restaurant or at the hotel.

Our hotel was very big and it was next to the beach. The rooms were very nice. Mum and Dad were in one room and my sister and I were in a room next to Mum and Dad. The people at the hotel were very kind and the food was very nice, too.

I was very happy on my holiday and I was sad when it was time to go home. Holidays are lots of fun!

Write soon!



2. They _____ at the beach every morning.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 3

 Read and choose.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for your email. My holiday at the beach was lots of fun. The beach was very long. The weather was nice, too. It was hot and sunny every day.

The sea wasn’t cold. It was perfect. We were at the beach every morning and we were in the town every afternoon. In the evenings, we were in a restaurant or at the hotel.

Our hotel was very big and it was next to the beach. The rooms were very nice. Mum and Dad were in one room and my sister and I were in a room next to Mum and Dad. The people at the hotel were very kind and the food was very nice, too.

I was very happy on my holiday and I was sad when it was time to go home. Holidays are lots of fun!

Write soon!



3. They were in the town every _______ .

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 4

 Read and choose.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for your email. My holiday at the beach was lots of fun. The beach was very long. The weather was nice, too. It was hot and sunny every day.

The sea wasn’t cold. It was perfect. We were at the beach every morning and we were in the town every afternoon. In the evenings, we were in a restaurant or at the hotel.

Our hotel was very big and it was next to the beach. The rooms were very nice. Mum and Dad were in one room and my sister and I were in a room next to Mum and Dad. The people at the hotel were very kind and the food was very nice, too.

I was very happy on my holiday and I was sad when it was time to go home. Holidays are lots of fun!

Write soon!



4. The hotel was very ______ .

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 5

 Read and choose.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for your email. My holiday at the beach was lots of fun. The beach was very long. The weather was nice, too. It was hot and sunny every day.

The sea wasn’t cold. It was perfect. We were at the beach every morning and we were in the town every afternoon. In the evenings, we were in a restaurant or at the hotel.

Our hotel was very big and it was next to the beach. The rooms were very nice. Mum and Dad were in one room and my sister and I were in a room next to Mum and Dad. The people at the hotel were very kind and the food was very nice, too.

I was very happy on my holiday and I was sad when it was time to go home. Holidays are lots of fun!

Write soon!



5. The food at the hotel was ______ nice.

варіанти відповідей



a little

a bit

Запитання 6

 Read and choose.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for your email. My holiday at the beach was lots of fun. The beach was very long. The weather was nice, too. It was hot and sunny every day.

The sea wasn’t cold. It was perfect. We were at the beach every morning and we were in the town every afternoon. In the evenings, we were in a restaurant or at the hotel.

Our hotel was very big and it was next to the beach. The rooms were very nice. Mum and Dad were in one room and my sister and I were in a room next to Mum and Dad. The people at the hotel were very kind and the food was very nice, too.

I was very happy on my holiday and I was sad when it was time to go home. Holidays are lots of fun!

Write soon!



6. Megan _____ sad when it was time to go home.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 7

 Read and choose.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for your email. My holiday at the beach was lots of fun. The beach was very long. The weather was nice, too. It was hot and sunny every day.

The sea wasn’t cold. It was perfect. We were at the beach every morning and we were in the town every afternoon. In the evenings, we were in a restaurant or at the hotel.

Our hotel was very big and it was next to the beach. The rooms were very nice. Mum and Dad were in one room and my sister and I were in a room next to Mum and Dad. The people at the hotel were very kind and the food was very nice, too.

I was very happy on my holiday and I was sad when it was time to go home. Holidays are lots of fun!

Write soon!



7. The beach was very ______ .

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

 Read and choose.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for your email. My holiday at the beach was lots of fun. The beach was very long. The weather was nice, too. It was hot and sunny every day.

The sea wasn’t cold. It was perfect. We were at the beach every morning and we were in the town every afternoon. In the evenings, we were in a restaurant or at the hotel.

Our hotel was very big and it was next to the beach. The rooms were very nice. Mum and Dad were in one room and my sister and I were in a room next to Mum and Dad. The people at the hotel were very kind and the food was very nice, too.

I was very happy on my holiday and I was sad when it was time to go home. Holidays are lots of fun!

Write soon!



8. The weather was _____ and sunny.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

 Read and choose.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for your email. My holiday at the beach was lots of fun. The beach was very long. The weather was nice, too. It was hot and sunny every day.

The sea wasn’t cold. It was perfect. We were at the beach every morning and we were in the town every afternoon. In the evenings, we were in a restaurant or at the hotel.

Our hotel was very big and it was next to the beach. The rooms were very nice. Mum and Dad were in one room and my sister and I were in a room next to Mum and Dad. The people at the hotel were very kind and the food was very nice, too.

I was very happy on my holiday and I was sad when it was time to go home. Holidays are lots of fun!

Write soon!



9. The sea wasn`t ____ .

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 10

 Read and choose.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for your email. My holiday at the beach was lots of fun. The beach was very long. The weather was nice, too. It was hot and sunny every day.

The sea wasn’t cold. It was perfect. We were at the beach every morning and we were in the town every afternoon. In the evenings, we were in a restaurant or at the hotel.

Our hotel was very big and it was next to the beach. The rooms were very nice. Mum and Dad were in one room and my sister and I were in a room next to Mum and Dad. The people at the hotel were very kind and the food was very nice, too.

I was very happy on my holiday and I was sad when it was time to go home. Holidays are lots of fun!

Write soon!



10. The hotel was very _____ .

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

 Read and choose.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for your email. My holiday at the beach was lots of fun. The beach was very long. The weather was nice, too. It was hot and sunny every day.

The sea wasn’t cold. It was perfect. We were at the beach every morning and we were in the town every afternoon. In the evenings, we were in a restaurant or at the hotel.

Our hotel was very big and it was next to the beach. The rooms were very nice. Mum and Dad were in one room and my sister and I were in a room next to Mum and Dad. The people at the hotel were very kind and the food was very nice, too.

I was very happy on my holiday and I was sad when it was time to go home. Holidays are lots of fun!

Write soon!



11. The people at the hotel were very _____ .

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 12

 Read and choose.

Dear Holly,

Thank you for your email. My holiday at the beach was lots of fun. The beach was very long. The weather was nice, too. It was hot and sunny every day.

The sea wasn’t cold. It was perfect. We were at the beach every morning and we were in the town every afternoon. In the evenings, we were in a restaurant or at the hotel.

Our hotel was very big and it was next to the beach. The rooms were very nice. Mum and Dad were in one room and my sister and I were in a room next to Mum and Dad. The people at the hotel were very kind and the food was very nice, too.

I was very happy on my holiday and I was sad when it was time to go home. Holidays are lots of fun!

Write soon!



12. Megan was very _____ .

варіанти відповідей



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