Reading Test (1)

Додано: 30 листопада 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 164 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

I. North America is changing. The sea tears away some coasts and builds up others. Rivers cut away their banks, and hills and mountains are worn away. Some of the Western mountains seem to be slowly rising. The coast of New Jersey is sinking about two feet in a hundred years. The land in Canada toward the Hudson Bay is rising; some day, thousands or millions of years from now, the water in the Great Lakes might possibly find its way into the Mississippi River, as it did long ago, instead of into the St. Lawrence River.

A. This story is mainly about -

варіанти відповідей

changes in the earth of North America.

the wearing away of the land.

changes in Canada and New Jersey.

what might happen to water in the Great Lake

Запитання 2

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

I. North America is changing. The sea tears away some coasts and builds up others. Rivers cut away their banks, and hills and mountains are worn away. Some of the Western mountains seem to be slowly rising. The coast of New Jersey is sinking about two feet in a hundred years. The land in Canada toward the Hudson Bay is rising; some day, thousands or millions of years from now, the water in the Great Lakes might possibly find its way into the Mississippi River, as it did long ago, instead of into the St. Lawrence River.

B. Water in the Great Lakes might someday flow into the Mississippi River because -

варіанти відповідей

the land in Canada is rising.

the banks of the rivers are being worn away.

mountains are rising.

coast lines are changing.

Запитання 3

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

I. North America is changing. The sea tears away some coasts and builds up others. Rivers cut away their banks, and hills and mountains are worn away. Some of the Western mountains seem to be slowly rising. The coast of New Jersey is sinking about two feet in a hundred years. The land in Canada toward the Hudson Bay is rising; some day, thousands or millions of years from now, the water in the Great Lakes might possibly find its way into the Mississippi River, as it did long ago, instead of into the St. Lawrence River.

C. Which statement is most true?

варіанти відповідей

Water from the Great Lakes flows into the Mississippi River.

The St. Lawrence River flows into the Great Lakes.

Water in some Canadian rivers might some day end up in the Mississippi River instead of in the St. Lawrence River.

The Mississippi River flows into the Great Lakes.

Запитання 4

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

I. North America is changing. The sea tears away some coasts and builds up others. Rivers cut away their banks, and hills and mountains are worn away. Some of the Western mountains seem to be slowly rising. The coast of New Jersey is sinking about two feet in a hundred years. The land in Canada toward the Hudson Bay is rising; some day, thousands or millions of years from now, the water in the Great Lakes might possibly find its way into the Mississippi River, as it did long ago, instead of into the St. Lawrence River.

D. Water flowing downhill is the sign of -

варіанти відповідей

a bay.

a river.

a pond.

a lake.

Запитання 5

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

I. North America is changing. The sea tears away some coasts and builds up others. Rivers cut away their banks, and hills and mountains are worn away. Some of the Western mountains seem to be slowly rising. The coast of New Jersey is sinking about two feet in a hundred years. The land in Canada toward the Hudson Bay is rising; some day, thousands or millions of years from now, the water in the Great Lakes might possibly find its way into the Mississippi River, as it did long ago, instead of into the St. Lawrence River.

E. Long ago, water in the Great Lakes flowed -

варіанти відповідей

into the Hudson Bay.

toward the Western mountains.

into the Mississippi River.

in the opposite direction.

Запитання 6

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

II. Many mountains and hills in the West are dead volcanoes. In Arizona there are thousands of them, separated from one another on the otherwise flat land. There are also volcanoes in the West that are not dead but are sleeping. Who knows when one might blow apart or shoot rock and ashes into the air? Not long ago, the entire side of Mount Saint Helens was blown away - rock and soil were thrown into the air, and forests were blown flat.

A. This story is mostly about - 

варіанти відповідей

Mount Saint Helens.

volcanoes in the West.

dead volcanoes.


Запитання 7

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

II. Many mountains and hills in the West are dead volcanoes. In Arizona there are thousands of them, separated from one another on the otherwise flat land. There are also volcanoes in the West that are not dead but are sleeping. Who knows when one might blow apart or shoot rock and ashes into the air? Not long ago, the entire side of Mount Saint Helens was blown away - rock and soil were thrown into the air, and forests were blown flat.

B. A sleeping volcano -

варіанти відповідей

might wake up some day.

will surely awaken

will always sleep.

rumbles while it sleeps.

Запитання 8

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

II. Many mountains and hills in the West are dead volcanoes. In Arizona there are thousands of them, separated from one another on the otherwise flat land. There are also volcanoes in the West that are not dead but are sleeping. Who knows when one might blow apart or shoot rock and ashes into the air? Not long ago, the entire side of Mount Saint Helens was blown away - rock and soil were thrown into the air, and forests were blown flat.

C. "Dead" in this story means -

варіанти відповідей

is sleeping.

makes no sound or movement.

is cold.

will never blow up again.

Запитання 9

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

II. Many mountains and hills in the West are dead volcanoes. In Arizona there are thousands of them, separated from one another on the otherwise flat land. There are also volcanoes in the West that are not dead but are sleeping. Who knows when one might blow apart or shoot rock and ashes into the air? Not long ago, the entire side of Mount Saint Helens was blown away - rock and soil were thrown into the air, and forests were blown flat.

D. Before it was blown apart, Mount Saint Helens was -.

варіанти відповідей

a hill in Arizona.

a mountain in Arizona

a dead volcano.

a sleeping volcano.

Запитання 10

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

II. Many mountains and hills in the West are dead volcanoes. In Arizona there are thousands of them, separated from one another on the otherwise flat land. There are also volcanoes in the West that are not dead but are sleeping. Who knows when one might blow apart or shoot rock and ashes into the air? Not long ago, the entire side of Mount Saint Helens was blown away - rock and soil were thrown into the air, and forests were blown flat.

E. Which statement is most true?

варіанти відповідей

The explosion of a volcano can cause a wind.

Mount Saint Helens is not in the West.

Volcanoes are always found among mountains.

All volcanoes explode through a hole in the top.

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