Reported speech. 11 year

Додано: 19 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 1667 разів
24 запитання
Запитання 1

"Why are you looking at me?" asked Paul.

варіанти відповідей

Paul asked why you were looking at me.

Paul asked why I was looking at him

Paul asked why was she looking at him

Paul asked why was I looking at him

Запитання 2

. "I know someone who may help us," said John.

варіанти відповідей

John told he knew someone who might help us

John said he knew someone who might help us

John said he has known someone who might help them

John said he knew someone who might help them

Запитання 3

 "I will have done it by Friday," said John.

варіанти відповідей

John said that he would have done it by Friday.

John told that he would has done it by Friday.

John said that he would has done it by Friday.

John told that he would have done it by Friday.

Запитання 4

"I lost my mobile yesterday," complained an old man.

варіанти відповідей

An old man complained he had lost his mobile

An old man complained that he lost his mobile

An old man complained he has lost his mobile

An old man complained that he losted his mobile

Запитання 5

"Draw the curtains, please." asked Betty.

варіанти відповідей

Betty asked me to draw the curtains.

Betty told to me to draw the curtains.

Betty asked me draw the curtains.

Betty told to me draw the curtains.

Запитання 6

"Who lives in this strange house?" asked the girl.

варіанти відповідей

The girl asked who lived in this strange house.

The girl asked who did live in that strange house.

The girl asked who lived in that strange house.

The girl asked who did live in this strange house.

Запитання 7

"You should not borrow money from Jane as her income is very low," Peter said 

варіанти відповідей

Peter told that I should not borrow money from Jane as her income was very low.

Peter said that I should not borrow money from Jane as her income is very low.

Peter told that I should not borrow money from Jane as her income is very low.

Peter said that I should not borrow money from Jane as her income was very low.

Запитання 8

"Who took my mobile from the desk?" asked Jane.

варіанти відповідей

Jane asked who had taken my mobile from the desk.

Jane asked who took her mobile from the desk.

Jane asked who had taken her mobile from the desk.

Jane asked who took my mobile from the desk.

Запитання 9

"Wait for us at Betty's," said Alex to us.

варіанти відповідей

Alex said to us to wait for us at Betty's.

Alex said to us to wait for them at Betty's.

Alex told them to wait for us at Betty's.

Alex told us to wait for them at Betty's.

Запитання 10

"I lost my glasses and I cannot find them anywhere," complained my grandfather.

варіанти відповідей

My grandfather complained he had lost his glasses and could not find them nowhere.

My grandfather complained he had lost his glasses and could not find them anywhere.

My grandfather complained he lost his glasses and could not find them anywhere.

My grandfather complained he lost his glasses and could not find them nowhere.

Запитання 11

"Can I meet you at six o'clock tonight, Doug?" asked Julian.

варіанти відповідей

Julian wanted to know if he could meet Doug at six o'clock that night.

Doug wanted to know if he could meet him at six o'clock that night.

Julian asked if he could meet Doug at six o'clock at night.

Julian asked if he could meet him at six o'clock at night.

Запитання 12

"Will Simon be coming to the party tomorow night?" asked Adrian.

варіанти відповідей

Adrian wondered whether Simon would be coming to the party that night.

Adrian wondered whether Simon would be coming to the party the next night.

Adrian wondered if Simon would be coming to the party that night.

Adrian wondered if Simon would be coming to the party next night.

Запитання 13

"Can you guess what I've given Lindsay for her birthday?" Dasy asked Gloria.

варіанти відповідей

Dasy asked Gloria if could she guess what she'd given Lindsay for her birthday.

Dasy asked Gloria if she could guess what she gave Lindsay for her birthday.

Dasy asked Gloria if she could guess what she'd given Lindsay for her birthday.

Dasy asked Gloria if could she guess what she gave Lindsay for her birthday.

Запитання 14

"Does Graham have to wear a suit to work?" I asked Mrs Daley.

варіанти відповідей

I asked Mrs Daley whether did Graham have to wear a suit to work.

I asked Mrs Daley if did Graham have to wear a suit to work.

I asked Mrs Daley whether Graham had to wear a suit to work.

I asked Mrs Daley Graham had had to wear a suit to work.

Запитання 15

Marther said, "Don't run so fast!"

варіанти відповідей

Marther told to the child not to run.

Marther told the child to not run.

Marther told the child do not to run.

Marther told the child not to run.

Запитання 16

"Everything was different yesterday," said Ben.

варіанти відповідей

Ben said that everything was different the day before.

Ben said that everything had been different that day.

Ben said that everything had been different the day before.

Ben said that everything was different that day.

Запитання 17

"We'll be travelling round Europe next month," said Jerry.

варіанти відповідей

Jerry said that he'd be travelling round Europe next month.

Jerry said that he'd be travelling round Europe the following month.

Jerry said that they'd be travelling round Europe next month.

Jerry said that they'd be travelling round Europe the following month.

Запитання 18

"I had Evan and Chris over for dinner last night," sai Liz.

варіанти відповідей

Liz said that she had had Evan and Chris over for dinner the night before.

Liz said that she had Evan and Chris over for dinner the night before.

Liz said that she had had Evan and Chris over for dinner the last night.

Liz said that she had Evan and Chris over for dinner the last night.

Запитання 19

"Daz came here two days ago and then suddenly left," said Barry.

варіанти відповідей

Barry said that Daz had come there two days before and then suddenly left

Barry said Daz had gone there two days before and then suddenly left

Barry said Daz had gone there two days ago and then suddenly left

Barry told Daz had gone there two days before and then suddenly left

Запитання 20

"I can pick you two boys up from school this afternoon," said their father to George and Kevin.

варіанти відповідей

George and Kevin's father told the boys that he could pick his sons up from school that afternoon.

George and Kevin's father told his sons that he could pick them up from school that afternoon.

George and Kevin's father told his sons that he could pick them up from school in the afternoon.

George and Kevin's father told them that he could pick his sons up from school in the afternoon.

Запитання 21

"You must study harder, Daave," said Dave's mum.

варіанти відповідей

Dave's mum told him that he had had to study harder.

Dave's mum told to him that he had to study harder.

Dave's mum said him that he had to study harder.

Dave's mum told him that he had to study harder.

Запитання 22

"Do you want to go out tonight?' Jackob asked Ann

варіанти відповідей

Jackob asked Ann if she wanted to go out that night.

Jackob asked Ann if she wanted to go out at night.

Jackob asked Ann if did she want to go out that night.

Jackob asked Ann if did she want to go out at night.

Запитання 23

"Where did you spend your holiday last year?" Clive asked Pam.

варіанти відповідей

Clive asked Pam where did she spend her holiday the previoius year.

Clive asked Pam where she had spent her holiday the last year.

Clive asked Pam where she had spent her holiday the previoius year.

Clive asked Pam where she spent her holiday the previoius year.

Запитання 24

"Why were you crying yesterday?" Sue asked her sister.

варіанти відповідей

Sue asked her sister why was she crying the day before.

Sue asked her sister why she was crying the day before.

Sue asked her sister why she was crying on that day.

Sue asked her sister why was she crying on that day.

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