Research and publication cycle

Додано: 2 червня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 121 раз
20 запитань
Запитання 1

A data management plan is a document that describes how data will be acquired and used within a research project. This includes how data will be collected, managed, stored and made available during the study, and how it will be shared after the project is completed. Several templates are available that can be used as the basis for a data management plan.

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What is a data management plan?

When do you need a data management plan?

Why is research data management important?

Запитання 2

The FAIR principles describe four key concepts in research data management. Data should be: 

(choose four)

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Findable – Easy to find by both humans and computer systems and based on mandatory description of the metadata that allows the discovery of interesting datasets;

Accessible – Long term storage so data can be easily accessed and/or downloaded with well-defined license and access conditions, whether at the level of metadata, or at the level of the actual data content;

 Interoperable – Ready to be combined with other datasets by humans, as well as computer systems;

 Reusable – Ready to be used for future research and to be processed further using computational methods.

 Good data management - will allow both you and other researchers to get the most out of your research data. If the data is well-structured and all the relevant information about the data is present, it is easy to go back to the data at a later point in time for additional analyses. 

Запитання 3

Do not use tiny fonts - 11 point is probably as low as you can go. Leave ample margins (3/4 in is pushing it). Avoid passive voice and tell a story.

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Time keeping

Check your style

Recycle but be warned

Size matters

Запитання 4

Choose 6 critical stages of grant applications

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Generate an idea

Find a matching funding opportunity

Background research

Write technical portion

Check administrative parts

Submit and forget

Always assume any problems were your fault

Work on your budgets and other documents in advance 

Запитання 5

After investigation of all candidate journals you should find out about the:

(choose 4)

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Aims and scope

Accepted types of articles


Current hot topics by going through the abstracts of recent publications

Are your conclusions justified by your results?

Запитання 6

The best way to prepare your paper for submission to a journal is to do your research into what the journal wants: visit the journal website and carefully read the journal guidelines for authors; look at a sample of papers from that journal to see how the writers organise their papers, which sources they cite, ...

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 have educational and academic backgrounds.

what language they use, and so on. 

 move away from the common ground and show what is different in their approach.  

Запитання 7

The use of passive forms is related to the use of ..., as the passive allows the writer to leave out.... For example: ‘a survey of town centre visitors was undertaken on two occasions’ [passive] is more impersonal than ‘we surveyed town centre visitors on two occasions’ [active]. 

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Запитання 8

Who does ‘I’, ‘we’ or ‘our’ mainly refer to in the following excerpts from interdisciplinary journals? Match the excerpts 1-4 with the options A-D. Note that some of these functions overlap.

A. writers who have personally carried out the research

B. writers who are perhaps being critical of others (who have different methods)

C. writers who are being explicit to help the reader understand the meaning of the research

D. writers who are discussing the organisation of their text

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After balancing limited research resources with the perceived need to collect information from a variety of groups, we decided to conduct a total of 10 interviews. 

Overall, our findings challenge the common belief that OUICs are valuable by enabling firms to collect large amount of user-generated ideas. We found that simply collecting ideas from OUICs is not valuable whereas another often overlooked aspect related to how firms deal with the ideas from OUICs matters for value creation. 

In sum, I have used this section to canvass a range of wider themes that have emerged in recent social thought.

This is presented in a diagram form as I argue the need to consider the political and discursive contexts in which a ‘community’ occurs and then focus on a number of constituent elements. People (through their multiple identities and groupings) are seen as ‘central’ to the constructions of a ‘community’.

Запитання 9

Who does ‘I’, ‘we’ or ‘our’ mainly refer to in the following excerpts from interdisciplinary journals? Match the excerpts 1-4 with the options A-D. Note that some of these functions overlap.

A. writers who have personally carried out the research

B. writers who are perhaps being critical of others (who have different methods)

C. writers who are being explicit to help the reader understand the meaning of the research

D. writers who are discussing the organisation of their text

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After balancing limited research resources with the perceived need to collect information from a variety of groups, we decided to conduct a total of 10 interviews. 

Overall, our findings challenge the common belief that OUICs are valuable by enabling firms to collect large amount of user-generated ideas. We found that simply collecting ideas from OUICs is not valuable whereas another often overlooked aspect related to how firms deal with the ideas from OUICs matters for value creation. 

In sum, I have used this section to canvass a range of wider themes that have emerged in recent social thought.

This is presented in a diagram form as I argue the need to consider the political and discursive contexts in which a ‘community’ occurs and then focus on a number of constituent elements. People (through their multiple identities and groupings) are seen as ‘central’ to the constructions of a ‘community’.

Запитання 10

Who does ‘I’, ‘we’ or ‘our’ mainly refer to in the following excerpts from interdisciplinary journals? Match the excerpts 1-4 with the options A-D. Note that some of these functions overlap.

A. writers who have personally carried out the research

B. writers who are perhaps being critical of others (who have different methods)

C. writers who are being explicit to help the reader understand the meaning of the research

D. writers who are discussing the organisation of their text

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After balancing limited research resources with the perceived need to collect information from a variety of groups, we decided to conduct a total of 10 interviews. 

Overall, our findings challenge the common belief that OUICs are valuable by enabling firms to collect large amount of user-generated ideas. We found that simply collecting ideas from OUICs is not valuable whereas another often overlooked aspect related to how firms deal with the ideas from OUICs matters for value creation. 

In sum, I have used this section to canvass a range of wider themes that have emerged in recent social thought.

This is presented in a diagram form as I argue the need to consider the political and discursive contexts in which a ‘community’ occurs and then focus on a number of constituent elements. People (through their multiple identities and groupings) are seen as ‘central’ to the constructions of a ‘community’.

Запитання 11

Who does ‘I’, ‘we’ or ‘our’ mainly refer to in the following excerpts from interdisciplinary journals? Match the excerpts 1-4 with the options A-D. Note that some of these functions overlap.

A. writers who have personally carried out the research

B. writers who are perhaps being critical of others (who have different methods)

C. writers who are being explicit to help the reader understand the meaning of the research

D. writers who are discussing the organisation of their text

варіанти відповідей

After balancing limited research resources with the perceived need to collect information from a variety of groups, we decided to conduct a total of 10 interviews. 

Overall, our findings challenge the common belief that OUICs are valuable by enabling firms to collect large amount of user-generated ideas. We found that simply collecting ideas from OUICs is not valuable whereas another often overlooked aspect related to how firms deal with the ideas from OUICs matters for value creation. 

In sum, I have used this section to canvass a range of wider themes that have emerged in recent social thought.

This is presented in a diagram form as I argue the need to consider the political and discursive contexts in which a ‘community’ occurs and then focus on a number of constituent elements. People (through their multiple identities and groupings) are seen as ‘central’ to the constructions of a ‘community’.

Запитання 12

Cutting edge research funded through FP5 could turn things around. The Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) coordinated the Hydrosol project with the goal of making hydrogen from two renewable resources:

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water and sunlight

water and coal

oil and sunlight

uranium and sunlight

Запитання 13

What is the primary energy source for heterotrophs?

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sun light


Запитання 14

Ecology is a complex science and uses scientific methods, which are attributive to other fundamental sciences. According to Yu. Zlobin (1996) methods of ecology are divided into three groups – methods of collecting information, methods of processing information and… What is the third scientific method of ecology? 

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The most powerful research projects are ones that bring together field observations, experiments and modeling. There are programs in place today that are designed to create opportunities for synthesis of these different research methods.

Modeling is an important tool that ecologists employ to study ecosystems once they think they understand how the ecosystem of an environment works. A model can take many forms, but it represents a specific hypothesis about the mechanics of an ecosystem. 

Field data is a great first step to understanding an ecosystem, but there are always questions that can’t be answered with the field surveys. In these cases, ecologists will employ manipulative experiments with a control treatment to test hypotheses about the way an ecosystem works.

The study of environments generally begins with field observations. Field work often starts with nonquantitative observations. A researcher may take a stroll through the forest or snorkel a reef to look around. Once ecologists have an idea of the system, they can determine what data they’re interested in collecting.

Запитання 15

Earth’s atmosphere comprises 78% molecular nitrogen (N2), 21% molecular oxygen (O2), 0.93% argon, 0.03 % carbon dioxide (CO2), and 0.04% of a variety of rare gases. These gases are uniformly mixed in the troposphere and stratosphere, except at very great heights. Above 80km, in the thermosphere, 

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separation by gaseous diffusion, photodissociaton, and ionization does not occur.

separation by gaseous diffusion, photodissociaton, and ionization occurs.

the sun does not radiate light and heat energy

The sun radiates light and heat energy

Запитання 16

After 1875 thermodynamics was made more usable for engineers; in 1873 Josiah Gibbs (1839-1903) has introduced the value of enthalpy in theoretical thermodynamics and R. Mollier introduced it into ... and used it as one co-ordinate of his thermodynamic diagrams. Recently the most important contribution in ... has been the generalized application of the exergy function (first introduced by Gouy in 1889) with the immense utility in evaluating losses and real efficiency of processes particularly in low temperature inverse cycles. 

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apply thermodynamics

theoretical thermodynamics

applied thermodynamics

theory thermodynamics

Запитання 17

The energy lost in random motions is the product of the absolute temperature and the entropy of the system. The lower the absolute temperature the larger the entropy and the greater the fraction of the total energy that is unavailable to do work. Where do all systems tend toward?

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Second Law – all systems tend toward order

Second Law – all systems don't tend toward disorder

Second Law – all systems tend toward disorder

Second Law – all systems don't tend toward order

Запитання 18

Thermodynamics can be defined as the study of energy, energy transformations and its relation to matter. The analysis of thermal systems is achieved through the application of the governing conservation equations, namely Conservation of Mass, Conservation of Energy (1st law of thermodynamics), the 2nd law of thermodynamics and the property relations. Energy can be viewed as the ability to cause changes.  First law of thermodynamics: 

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one of the most fundamental laws of nature is the conservation of energy principle. It simply states that during an interaction, energy can change from one form to another but the total amount of energy remains constant

energy has quality as well as quantity, and actual processes occur in the direction of decreasing quality of energy.

Any physical quantity can be characterized by dimensions. The arbitrary magnitudes assigned to the dimensions are called units. There are two types of dimensions, primary or fundamental and secondary or derived dimensions.

There are two unit systems currently available SI (International System) and USCS (United States Customary System) or English system. We, however, will use SI units exclusively in this course. The SI units are based on decimal relationship between units

Запитання 19

Manuscript language should be: 

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Запитання 20

Manuscript language: grammar

(Choose four)

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Use the active voice to shorten sentences

Avoid abbreviations and acronyms

Eliminate redundant words or phrases

Double-check unfamiliar words or phrase

Pay attention to the order in which you write a sentence.

Include only one piece of information per sentence.

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