Симуляція НМТ з Англійської мови (Oxford exam trainer)

Додано: 31 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 644 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Which of the advertisements describes?

варіанти відповідей

A survival training

B luxury camping

C wild river rafting

D big cat safaris

E guided bird-watching

F climbing camps

G cycling tours

H canal boat trips

Запитання 2

Which of the advertisements describes?

варіанти відповідей

A survival training

B luxury camping

C wild river rafting

D big cat safaris

E guided bird-watching

F climbing camps

G cycling tours

H canal boat trips

Запитання 3

Which of the advertisements describes?

варіанти відповідей

A survival training

B luxury camping

C wild river rafting

D big cat safaris

E guided bird-watching

F climbing camps

G cycling tours

H canal boat trips

Запитання 4

Which of the advertisements describes?

варіанти відповідей

A survival training

B luxury camping

C wild river rafting

D big cat safaris

E guided bird-watching

F climbing camps

G cycling tours

H canal boat trips

Запитання 5

Which of the advertisements describes?

варіанти відповідей

A survival training

B luxury camping

C wild river rafting

D big cat safaris

E guided bird-watching

F climbing camps

G cycling tours

H canal boat trips

Запитання 6

How to get to know each other

Many tecnage boys and girls often find it difficult to know if they re giving the correct signals to

someone they like. However, there are some universal techniques which might help you face this


‘The most important thing is appearance. Yes, it’s a shallow thing to say, and it’s certainly true that one

shouldn’t judge another person by their looks. But just think: how else can you make a first impression

before you have a chance to impress someone with your personality? Both boys and girls should

pay attention to what they are wearing. First impressions count when you want to ask someone out

on a date. Both boys and girls should aim to look smart. Dirty fingernails and scrufly clothes won’t

do anyone any favours. Try to wear something that makes you feel comfortable. If you feel at easc,

you'll also be more confident. If your clothes are bothering you, you'll be distracted from your most

important objective.

Once you've made a good impression, you can try to attract the person’s attention by making eye

contact with them. Experts in body language sometimes refer to this as the ‘eyebrow flash’. Catch

their eye, look directly at them and raise your eyebrows. If they like you, they’ll smile back right away.

If they don’t, you can still pretend you didn't mean anything by looking, and just walk away — without

having to admit defeat. The other person can smile back and mirror your body language. We all like

people who look and act like ourselves because it makes us feel more secure. Some people find

a direct, proactive person appealing, while some people get scared by this.

And what's next? It's always good to pay a compliment to the person you like, and in return it nice

if they accept the compliment and pay one back. How do you do this? Just say something nice about

the other person — it doesn’t matter what it is so long as you think it's true. Once you've got through

all that, then you can begin to talk to each other! Try not to sound too nervous, don’t giggle and keep

smiling. Always look interested in what the other person is saying, even if you know nothing about the

subject. Having had your first chat, you can now decide how you really feel and whether you still want

10 go out with the person or not.

6.What do teenagers often have difficulties with?

варіанти відповідей

A finding someone they like

B making conversation

C talking about their hobbies

D showing how they feel about someone

Запитання 7

How to get to know each other

Many tecnage boys and girls often find it difficult to know if they re giving the correct signals to

someone they like. However, there are some universal techniques which might help you face this


‘The most important thing is appearance. Yes, it’s a shallow thing to say, and it’s certainly true that one

shouldn’t judge another person by their looks. But just think: how else can you make a first impression

before you have a chance to impress someone with your personality? Both boys and girls should

pay attention to what they are wearing. First impressions count when you want to ask someone out

on a date. Both boys and girls should aim to look smart. Dirty fingernails and scrufly clothes won’t

do anyone any favours. Try to wear something that makes you feel comfortable. If you feel at easc,

you'll also be more confident. If your clothes are bothering you, you'll be distracted from your most

important objective.

Once you've made a good impression, you can try to attract the person’s attention by making eye

contact with them. Experts in body language sometimes refer to this as the ‘eyebrow flash’. Catch

their eye, look directly at them and raise your eyebrows. If they like you, they’ll smile back right away.

If they don’t, you can still pretend you didn't mean anything by looking, and just walk away — without

having to admit defeat. The other person can smile back and mirror your body language. We all like

people who look and act like ourselves because it makes us feel more secure. Some people find

a direct, proactive person appealing, while some people get scared by this.

And what's next? It's always good to pay a compliment to the person you like, and in return it nice

if they accept the compliment and pay one back. How do you do this? Just say something nice about

the other person — it doesn’t matter what it is so long as you think it's true. Once you've got through

all that, then you can begin to talk to each other! Try not to sound too nervous, don’t giggle and keep

smiling. Always look interested in what the other person is saying, even if you know nothing about the

subject. Having had your first chat, you can now decide how you really feel and whether you still want

10 go out with the person or not.

7. Why is appearance important?

варіанти відповідей

A It has a bigger impact than personality.

B It's the only way to impress someone before you get to know them.

C Looking good helps you speak with confidence.

D Dressing well makes you feel special.

Запитання 8

How to get to know each other

Many tecnage boys and girls often find it difficult to know if they re giving the correct signals to

someone they like. However, there are some universal techniques which might help you face this


‘The most important thing is appearance. Yes, it’s a shallow thing to say, and it’s certainly true that one

shouldn’t judge another person by their looks. But just think: how else can you make a first impression

before you have a chance to impress someone with your personality? Both boys and girls should

pay attention to what they are wearing. First impressions count when you want to ask someone out

on a date. Both boys and girls should aim to look smart. Dirty fingernails and scrufly clothes won’t

do anyone any favours. Try to wear something that makes you feel comfortable. If you feel at easc,

you'll also be more confident. If your clothes are bothering you, you'll be distracted from your most

important objective.

Once you've made a good impression, you can try to attract the person’s attention by making eye

contact with them. Experts in body language sometimes refer to this as the ‘eyebrow flash’. Catch

their eye, look directly at them and raise your eyebrows. If they like you, they’ll smile back right away.

If they don’t, you can still pretend you didn't mean anything by looking, and just walk away — without

having to admit defeat. The other person can smile back and mirror your body language. We all like

people who look and act like ourselves because it makes us feel more secure. Some people find

a direct, proactive person appealing, while some people get scared by this.

And what's next? It's always good to pay a compliment to the person you like, and in return it nice

if they accept the compliment and pay one back. How do you do this? Just say something nice about

the other person — it doesn’t matter what it is so long as you think it's true. Once you've got through

all that, then you can begin to talk to each other! Try not to sound too nervous, don’t giggle and keep

smiling. Always look interested in what the other person is saying, even if you know nothing about the

subject. Having had your first chat, you can now decide how you really feel and whether you still want

10 go out with the person or not.

8.What does "admit defeat" in paragraph 3 mean?

варіанти відповідей

A accept you can't succeed

B predict you won't win

C suggest you may lose

D pretend you never fail

Запитання 9

How to get to know each other

Many tecnage boys and girls often find it difficult to know if they re giving the correct signals to

someone they like. However, there are some universal techniques which might help you face this


‘The most important thing is appearance. Yes, it’s a shallow thing to say, and it’s certainly true that one

shouldn’t judge another person by their looks. But just think: how else can you make a first impression

before you have a chance to impress someone with your personality? Both boys and girls should

pay attention to what they are wearing. First impressions count when you want to ask someone out

on a date. Both boys and girls should aim to look smart. Dirty fingernails and scrufly clothes won’t

do anyone any favours. Try to wear something that makes you feel comfortable. If you feel at easc,

you'll also be more confident. If your clothes are bothering you, you'll be distracted from your most

important objective.

Once you've made a good impression, you can try to attract the person’s attention by making eye

contact with them. Experts in body language sometimes refer to this as the ‘eyebrow flash’. Catch

their eye, look directly at them and raise your eyebrows. If they like you, they’ll smile back right away.

If they don’t, you can still pretend you didn't mean anything by looking, and just walk away — without

having to admit defeat. The other person can smile back and mirror your body language. We all like

people who look and act like ourselves because it makes us feel more secure. Some people find

a direct, proactive person appealing, while some people get scared by this.

And what's next? It's always good to pay a compliment to the person you like, and in return it nice

if they accept the compliment and pay one back. How do you do this? Just say something nice about

the other person — it doesn’t matter what it is so long as you think it's true. Once you've got through

all that, then you can begin to talk to each other! Try not to sound too nervous, don’t giggle and keep

smiling. Always look interested in what the other person is saying, even if you know nothing about the

subject. Having had your first chat, you can now decide how you really feel and whether you still want

10 go out with the person or not.

According to the text, what is TRUE about copying body language?

It makes people feel____

варіанти відповідей

A active

B attractive

C scared

D safe

Запитання 10

How to get to know each other

Many tecnage boys and girls often find it difficult to know if they re giving the correct signals to

someone they like. However, there are some universal techniques which might help you face this


‘The most important thing is appearance. Yes, it’s a shallow thing to say, and it’s certainly true that one

shouldn’t judge another person by their looks. But just think: how else can you make a first impression

before you have a chance to impress someone with your personality? Both boys and girls should

pay attention to what they are wearing. First impressions count when you want to ask someone out

on a date. Both boys and girls should aim to look smart. Dirty fingernails and scrufly clothes won’t

do anyone any favours. Try to wear something that makes you feel comfortable. If you feel at easc,

you'll also be more confident. If your clothes are bothering you, you'll be distracted from your most

important objective.

Once you've made a good impression, you can try to attract the person’s attention by making eye

contact with them. Experts in body language sometimes refer to this as the ‘eyebrow flash’. Catch

their eye, look directly at them and raise your eyebrows. If they like you, they’ll smile back right away.

If they don’t, you can still pretend you didn't mean anything by looking, and just walk away — without

having to admit defeat. The other person can smile back and mirror your body language. We all like

people who look and act like ourselves because it makes us feel more secure. Some people find

a direct, proactive person appealing, while some people get scared by this.

And what's next? It's always good to pay a compliment to the person you like, and in return it nice

if they accept the compliment and pay one back. How do you do this? Just say something nice about

the other person — it doesn’t matter what it is so long as you think it's true. Once you've got through

all that, then you can begin to talk to each other! Try not to sound too nervous, don’t giggle and keep

smiling. Always look interested in what the other person is saying, even if you know nothing about the

subject. Having had your first chat, you can now decide how you really feel and whether you still want

10 go out with the person or not.

 What is the writer’s advice for the next step?

варіанти відповідей

A to tell each other how you really feel

B to say something positive to each other

C to only tell the truth if it is nice

D to stop worrying about what you're going to say

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