My aunt is rather _______ . She wear very weird clothes.
Thanks for waiting. It was really ______ of you.
Mar's quite a _____ businessman. He tends to make good decisions.
Patricia is so _____ ! She's alway looking at herself n the mirror.
My friends weren't very ______ when my budgy died. They just laughed!
You're so ______ . I wish you were more flexible.
My parents don't trust me. They think I am ________.
My younger sister admits that she is ______ when it comes to her studies - nothing distracts her from her goals.
The paparazzi are always invading people's ______.
The singer sued the newspaper for _____ after the horrible article it published about her.
Investigative _______ has led to a number of political scandalsbeing reveiled recently.
Celebrities are always in the public ____.
Privacy ____ prevented the identity of the victim from being released.
Press _____ are in charge of what can and cannot be reported in the news.
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