Summarizing test on "Family Relationship", Karpiuk, Variant II

Додано: 18 листопада 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 333 рази
28 запитань
Запитання 1

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box: 

She was always looking for ways to …. her students. 

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Запитання 2

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:

He drives like a …. .

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Запитання 3

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:

 I didn’t … my classmate in that uniform.

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Запитання 4

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:

We meet once a month to discuss …. problems.

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Запитання 5

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:

Can you prove your …. ?

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Запитання 6

Fill in the correct form of the words from the box.

John wants to finish the project by himself, without ... from any body.

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Запитання 7

Fill in the correct form of the words from the box.

Dave always makes a ... contribution to class discussions.

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Запитання 8

Fill in the correct form of the words from the box.

... no one was hurt in the accident. 

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Запитання 9

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets.

Ann argued ... with her friend yesterday.

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Запитання 10

 Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets.

In Britain it's an ... to sell tobacco to under-sixteens.

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Запитання 11

Choose the correct word from the list to complete the text.

Generation Gap

           The generation (1) is the constant struggle of parents to prevent their kids from doing things that their own (2) and wisdom tell them are going to harm their kids. The kids on the other hand try constantly to prove to their parents that they are equipped to take control of their lives. Neither is wrong – they are both right in their own idea. The parents blinded by their love for the kids would rather have their own experiences replace the experiences of their kids. (3), the kids are convinced that their decisions are right and are based on current situations that the parents may not necessarily be (4) of. Their most common statement is “My things are different now.” (5) gaps can be reduced to some extent by making efforts. And maybe most efforts must come from the parents – they have the wisdom.

What is right for number 1?

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Запитання 12

Choose the correct word from the list to complete the text.

Generation Gap

           The generation (1) is the constant struggle of parents to prevent their kids from doing things that their own (2) and wisdom tell them are going to harm their kids. The kids on the other hand try constantly to prove to their parents that they are equipped to take control of their lives. Neither is wrong – they are both right in their own idea. The parents blinded by their love for the kids would rather have their own experiences replace the experiences of their kids. (3), the kids are convinced that their decisions are right and are based on current situations that the parents may not necessarily be (4) of. Their most common statement is “My things are different now.” (5) gaps can be reduced to some extent by making efforts. And maybe most efforts must come from the parents – they have the wisdom.

What is right for number 2?

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Запитання 13

Choose the correct word from the list to complete the text.

Generation Gap

           The generation (1) is the constant struggle of parents to prevent their kids from doing things that their own (2) and wisdom tell them are going to harm their kids. The kids on the other hand try constantly to prove to their parents that they are equipped to take control of their lives. Neither is wrong – they are both right in their own idea. The parents blinded by their love for the kids would rather have their own experiences replace the experiences of their kids. (3), the kids are convinced that their decisions are right and are based on current situations that the parents may not necessarily be (4) of. Their most common statement is “My things are different now.” (5) gaps can be reduced to some extent by making efforts. And maybe most efforts must come from the parents – they have the wisdom.

What is right for number 3?

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Запитання 14

Choose the correct word from the list to complete the text.

Generation Gap

           The generation (1) is the constant struggle of parents to prevent their kids from doing things that their own (2) and wisdom tell them are going to harm their kids. The kids on the other hand try constantly to prove to their parents that they are equipped to take control of their lives. Neither is wrong – they are both right in their own idea. The parents blinded by their love for the kids would rather have their own experiences replace the experiences of their kids. (3), the kids are convinced that their decisions are right and are based on current situations that the parents may not necessarily be (4) of. Their most common statement is “My things are different now.” (5) gaps can be reduced to some extent by making efforts. And maybe most efforts must come from the parents – they have the wisdom.

What is right for number 4?

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Запитання 15

Choose the correct word from the list to complete the text.

Generation Gap

           The generation (1) is the constant struggle of parents to prevent their kids from doing things that their own (2) and wisdom tell them are going to harm their kids. The kids on the other hand try constantly to prove to their parents that they are equipped to take control of their lives. Neither is wrong – they are both right in their own idea. The parents blinded by their love for the kids would rather have their own experiences replace the experiences of their kids. (3), the kids are convinced that their decisions are right and are based on current situations that the parents may not necessarily be (4) of. Their most common statement is “My things are different now.” (5) gaps can be reduced to some extent by making efforts. And maybe most efforts must come from the parents – they have the wisdom.

What is right for number 5?

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Запитання 16

Put the verbs in correct conditionals

 If he ... hard, he’d have earned much money.

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has worked


had worked

Запитання 17

Put the right conjunction in the sentence.

... they are not at home, they are at work.

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Even if


Запитання 18

Put the verbs in correct conditionals

If the weather had been fine yesterday, we ... for a picnic.

варіанти відповідей

would go

will go

would have gone


Запитання 19

Put the verbs in correct conditionals

If you went to Egypt on holiday, you ... it there.

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will like

would have liked

would like


Запитання 20

Put the verbs in correct conditionals

I'd have told Cindy about that if I ... her.

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have seen


had seen

would see

Запитання 21

Put the verbs in correct conditionals

If he had left London the previous day, he ... in Paris yesterday.

варіанти відповідей

would been

would have been

would be


Запитання 22

Put the verbs in correct conditionals

Her mother would have been sad if she ... her exams.

варіанти відповідей

hadn’t passed

hadn’t pass

had passed no

hasn’t passed

Запитання 23

Put the verbs in correct conditionals

If I ... you, I ... to your parents.

варіанти відповідей

am, would have talked

were, would talk

was, would talk

had been, would have talked

Запитання 24

Put the verbs in correct conditionals

... at home if it rained?

варіанти відповідей

Would stay you

Will you stay

Would you stay

Would you stayed

Would you have stayed

Запитання 25

Put the right conjunction and the verb in correct conditionals

... it ... , there ... puddles on the ground.

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As soon as, rain, will be

If, is raining, would be

When, rains, are

Until, will rain, weren't

Запитання 26

Put the verbs in correct conditionals

If they're more careful, that Monday’s accident ... .

варіанти відповідей

wouldn’t have happened

wouldn’t happen

won't happen

would have happened

Запитання 27

Put the verbs in correct conditionals

They cancelled all Boston today because of the blizzard. If it ... so hard, I would not have been stuck in the airport.

варіанти відповідей

didn't snow

hadn't snown

hadn't been snowing

wouldn't snow

Запитання 28

Put the verbs in correct conditionals

The snow ... if he had had a shovel.

варіанти відповідей

would have been cleaned

would have cleaned

would clean

were cleaned

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