Test 1

Додано: 18 грудня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 18 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Schools ___ pay ___ attention to examination ___, and more attention ___ child.

варіанти відповідей

may, a few, success, to a

can, little, successes, for the

must, few, successes, on a

should, less, success, to the

Запитання 2

Can you play ___ violin?- Yes, and I think ___ violin is more difficult than ___ piano.

варіанти відповідей

the, the, the

a, a, a

a, ___, ___

the, the, a

Запитання 3

The Prime Minister left this morning for a tour of ___ Far East, He will visit ___ Singapore and ___ Malaysia and then go on to ___ Philippines where he will make ___ speech about the environment.

варіанти відповідей

___, ___, ___, the, a

the, the, the, ___, the

the, ___, ___, the, a

___, ___, ___, ___, ___

Запитання 4

The King Juan Carlos of the Spain arrived in London today for ___ visit to ___ United Kingdom. He ___ by ___ Queen and drove with her to ___ Buckingham Palace.

варіанти відповідей

three days, the, met, the, ___

three day, ___, was being met, ___, the

a three day, the, was met, the, ___

a three day's, the, was meeting, ___, ___

Запитання 5

When my rich uncle died, he left ___ half of his fortune to his cat and ___ other half to a distant relative!

варіанти відповідей

a, ___

___, an

___, the

the, the

Запитання 6

There are ___ new houses, but they have no ___ local character; you can see the same style ___ in the country.

варіанти відповідей

a few, a, everywhere

less, ___, somewhere

some, the, nowhere

a few, ___, anywhere

Запитання 7

Do you happen ___ which is the ___ planet in our solar system? - Pluto, ___ it? I know it is the ___ away from the sun.

варіанти відповідей

to know, smallest, doesn't, farthest

to know, smallest, isn't, furthest

knowing, smaller, doesn't, farther

to have known, small, isn't, far

Запитання 8

In spite of the fact that Jear always ___ she's short ___ money, she ___ to have a very ___ paid job.

варіанти відповідей

says, of, is said, well

tells, for, says, good

says, on, talks, good

tells, in, is told, well

Запитання 9

We used to ___ to bed at ___ midnight or later Now we are asleep by ten because with our baby we've bad to get used to ___ up at five o'clock.

варіанти відповідей

go, the, wake

go, ___, waking

going, ___, waking

going, the, wake

Запитання 10

We ___ to finish the project by the end of the month but we keep ___ by changes in the plans.

варіанти відповідей

hope, to dalay

have hoped, to be dalayed

hoped, dalaying

hope, being delayed

Запитання 11

I did not much speak English___because I couldn't think of the words___enough, but lately I___much___.

варіанти відповідей

first, quick, became, fluent

at first, quickly, have become, more fluent

firstly, quicker, had become, fluenter

the first, more quickly, became, more fluenter

Запитання 12

I think it 's a pity Rebecca had her hair___short because she looked much___before.

варіанти відповідей

to cut, nicer

cutting, more nice

cut, nicer

to have cut, more nicely

Запитання 13

I don 't mind___at by him. He threatened___me last week, but he apologized___me very politely then.

варіанти відповідей

shouting, to sack, at

being shouting, sacking, in front of

be shouted, to have sacked, to

being shouted, to sack, to

Запитання 14

I 've tried___the problem with her, but she always___ she is too busy. I 've even tried___her___lunch with me but she refused___.

варіанти відповідей

to discuss, says, asking, to, to go

to discuss, tells, to ask, for, going

discussing, says, to ask, to the, to go

discussing, tells, asking, for the, going

Запитання 15

I___ rather she___a chat with him. How long___like this?

варіанти відповідей

would, has, was he

had, would have, is he

would, had, has he been

had, had, had he been

Запитання 16

His wife who___their baby daughter into the bed___in the parlour___ socks.

варіанти відповідей

have just put, was sitting, darning

had just put, was sitting, darning

just put, sat, darned

just put, had been sitting, to darn

Запитання 17

___I knew of the inmates of Moor House, ___I liked them because they were the best people I___.

варіанти відповідей

more, better, ever met

the most, the best, had ever met

more, the best, have ever met

the more, the better, had ever met

Запитання 18

The miles appeared___so long that they sometimes thought they___the road.

варіанти відповідей

being, had to miss

to have been, must miss

to be, must have missed

having been, were to miss

Запитання 19

Harry was the first___that his brother___forward___the candidate for this district.

варіанти відповідей

to suggest, be put, as

suggesting, should put, as

suggest, should be put, like

to have suggested, were put, like

Запитання 20

I always used to arrive___at the office, but since Laurie was born my secretary___used to___me hard at work by the time she gets in.

варіанти відповідей

late, has got, finding

late, had got, finding

lately, got, find

later, was got, find

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