The beginnings of Americas' history

Додано: 16 вересня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 29 разів
17 запитань
Запитання 1

The question of the discovery of America is not new one and it arrose again in 1957 when....

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Eric the Red died

Leif Ericson reached the land

an ancient map was found

Запитання 2

The Vinland map was found in

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Запитання 3

The Vinland map is a map of

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the world as it waas known 1000 years ago

ancient Africa


Запитання 4

The discovery of the West by people of Europe went on very slowly because of....

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the absence of navigation equipment

their fear of the open sea

religious prejudices

Запитання 5

At first Eric the Red and his son sailed from Greenland and discovered Vinland in.....

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Запитання 6

Christopher Columbus was born in.....

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London 1474

Genoa 1451

Spain 1506

Запитання 7

At first Columbus's expectations of finding an unknown land to the west.....

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were supported by the king of Portugal

were loughed at for a long of time

were considered very important

Запитання 8

The explorer was 46 and realized his dream with help of....

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the king of Portugal

the queen of Spain

the king of England

Запитання 9

Columbus died on the 21st of May, 1506.....

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friendless and penniless lile an unknown person

like a rich royal person

like a seamen of destinction

Запитання 10

But why Ammerica isn't called Columbia?

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another man- Amerigo Vespucci? gave the name to this continent

America was an ancient name of this continent

a mapmaker did not think of Columbus in time

Запитання 11

Every year thousand of people from different parts of the USA come to see the Rock running out into the Atlantic ocean near.....

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New York


Запитання 12

Many of English people left England and went to live in other country. It was

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in 1620 in the times of king James I

not so long ago

one hundred years ago

Запитання 13

The name of the ship with first settlerments was:

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the Santa Maria

the Pinta

the Mayflower

the Nina

Запитання 14

More and more people died during the first year because.....

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unknown illness

shortage of water

hungry and cold

Запитання 15

The first town was called....

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America an memmory of Americo Vespucci

Plymouth in memmory of native port

New York in memmory of English city

Запитання 16

When spring came , the people of the settlement.....

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began their travel through the country

came back home

sow maize

Запитання 17

In autumn the people of the new settlement decidedto have a holiday dinner because....

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the autumn harvest was very good

they finished to build the town

they wanted to taste wild turkey

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