The Verger

Додано: 18 квітня 2021
Тест виконано: 27 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Why did Albert wear his second best robe for the Christening?

варіанти відповідей

  He thought other ceremonies were more important than Christenings.

 His best robe was carefully put away in the bottom drawers of his wardrobe.

 Because sometimes babies were sick and it went all over his robes.

Запитання 2

Why did Albert miss the old Vicar?

варіанти відповідей

 The old vicar liked to spend time eating and drinking with his rich parishioners

 The old vicar never kept Albert late, so he was always home on time for his tea.

 As long as they were done properly, the old vicar left everyone alone to do their jobs.

Запитання 3

Why did the two churchwardens look unhappy as Albert stood facing them at the meeting in the vestry?

варіанти відповідей

  They remembered the time that the organist had got into trouble.

 They did not like the way Albert had been doing his job.

They did not like what the Vicar had asked them to agree to.

Запитання 4

When Albert went into the meeting in the vestry, he sensed that something was wrong. Why was his face so calm when standing in front of the three men?

варіанти відповідей

 Because he had had a lot of practice hiding his thoughts and feelings.

Because in a past job he was an actor who specialised in playing royal roles.

 Because he thought they were going to talk about the trouble with the organist.

Запитання 5

The story is set in a fashionable part of London in the 1920s. Bearing this in mind, what is the most likely reason that the Vicar asked Albert to leave?

варіанти відповідей

 Because if parishioners talked to Albert about the news he wouldn't know what is happening in the world.

 He was worried about safety as there could be an accident because Albert couldn't the exit signs.

 He thought parishioners might think badly about the church for having a verger who cannot read or write.

Запитання 6

Why didn't Albert go straight home after the meeting in the vestry?

варіанти відповідей

 He decided that he needed a cigarette and a beer before going home to face his wife.

 He wasn't thinking of where he was going and accidentally went down the wrong street.

 He was thinking of the good things the vicar would say about him the first Sunday after his death.

Запитання 7

What did Albert's wife think when he told her he was going to become a tobacconist?

варіанти відповідей

 She was happy because sometimes Albert enjoyed a cigarette when he was tired.

 People would not think as highly of them as when he was verger at St. Peter's.

It was a good idea as long as the shop was modern but kept its old name of Caesar's.

Запитання 8

Why did the bank manager think that Albert should invest in some stocks and bonds?

варіанти відповідей

 Because the bank did not like someone having so much money in a savings account.

 Because Albert could make more money by doing this.

Because it wasn't a good idea for Albert to have all his money in the one place.

Запитання 9

Which of these is NOT a possible message from the story?

варіанти відповідей

 It is possible to be successful in life without a formal education.

 If you don't have a good education, you should become a shop keeper.

Sometimes people who are very successful in life would rather be doing something else.

Запитання 10

Along with the vicar, who fires Mr. Foreman?

варіанти відповідей

His wife.

The two churchwardens.

His parishioners.

Запитання 11

What was Mr. Foreman's job before he was a verger?

варіанти відповідей

A butler

An actor

A duke

Запитання 12

How much money does Mr. Foreman deposit in the bank at the end of the short story?

варіанти відповідей

£20 000

£30 000

£50 000

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