Ukraine and international organizations

Додано: 23 березня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 444 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

European Youth Parliament (EYP) was founded in 1987 as a pan-European school project , which spreads and promotes the idea of _________Europe and European citizenship.

Over the past 20 years, the organisation has been undergoing the processes of expansion and enlargement; now it in 32 European countries. It successfully operates in the EU member states, and also in the neighbouring countries. EYP conducts 3 international sessions annually, which are by over 250 young people, aged 16—22, from all of Europe along with the teachers who come together not only to support the but also to discuss and to learn from each other’s experiences

and practices. EYP National Committees also conduct dozens of national and regional sessions and on an annual basis. European Youth Parliament aims to provide youth with unique learning experience.

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Запитання 2

European Youth Parliament (EYP) was founded in 1987 as a pan-European school project ,which spreads and promotes the idea of _______Europe and European citizenship.

Over the past 20 years, the organisation has been undergoing the processes of expansion and enlargement; now it in________ 32 European countries. It successfully operates in the EU member states, and also in the neighbouring countries. EYP conducts 3 international sessions annually, which are by over 250 young people, aged 16—22, from all of Europe along with the teachers who come together not only to support the but also to discuss and to learn from each other’s experiences and practices. EYP National Committees also conduct dozens of national and regional sessions and on an annual basis. European Youth Parliament aims to provide youth with unique learning experience.

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Запитання 3

European Youth Parliament (EYP) was founded in 1987 as a pan-European school project ,which spreads and promotes the idea of _______Europe and European citizenship.

Over the past 20 years, the organisation has been undergoing the processes of expansion and enlargement; now it in________ 32 European countries. It successfully operates in the EU member states, and also in the neighbouring countries. EYP conducts 3 international sessions annually, which are________ by over 250 young people, aged 16—22, from all of Europe along with the teachers who come together not only to support the but also to discuss and to learn from each other’s experiences and practices. EYP National Committees also conduct dozens of national and regional sessions and on an annual basis. European Youth Parliament aims to provide youth with unique learning experience.

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Запитання 4

European Youth Parliament (EYP) was founded in 1987 as a pan-European school project ,which spreads and promotes the idea of _______Europe and European citizenship.

Over the past 20 years, the organisation has been undergoing the processes of expansion and enlargement; now it in________ 32 European countries. It successfully operates in the EU member states, and also in the neighbouring countries. EYP conducts 3 international sessions annually, which are________ by over 250 young people, aged 16—22, from all of Europe along with the teachers who come together not only to support the___________ but also to discuss and to learn from each other’s experiences and practices. EYP National Committees also conduct dozens of national and regional sessions and on an annual basis. European Youth Parliament aims to provide youth with unique learning experience.

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Запитання 5

European Youth Parliament (EYP) was founded in 1987 as a pan-European school project ,which spreads and promotes the idea of_____ Europe and European citizenship.

Over the past 20 years, the organisation has been undergoing the processes of expansion andenlargement; now it ________in 32 European countries. It successfully operatesin the EU member states, and also in the neighbouring countries. EYP conducts 3 internationalsessions annually, which are ______by over 250 young people, aged16—22, from all of Europe along with the teachers who come together not only to support the ________but also to discuss and to learn from each other’s experiences

and practices. EYP National Committees also conduct dozens of national and regional sessions and ___________on an annual basis. European Youth Parliament aims to provide youth with unique learning experience.

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Запитання 6

Ukraine and the Council of Europe

The Council of Europe (CE) was 1) ___________ in 1949 with 10 founding

members; there are now almost 50 member states. The 2)_____________ has

its headquarters in Strasbourg, France. Its purpose is to achieve European unity

and facilitate economic and social progress. It is concerned with issues such as

human 3)__________ , education and cultural projects, public health, protection

of the environment, etc.

4)_______________ participation in the Council of Europe (CE) is evidence of

devotion to her European choice and to the commonly recognized principles of

pluralistic democracy, the rule of law, and commitment to basic human rights and

5)___________ . Ukraine actively participates in helping the Council of Europe

address social problems, in particular, in 6)____________ of the rights of national

minorities, combatting xenophobia and racial intolerance, environmental protection,

the maintenance of biological ethics, as well as controlling AIDS and drug abuse.

Ukraine is a 7)_____________ of a series of conventions by the Council of

Europe, in particular, the European Cultural Convention, European Framework

Convention on Cross-Border Cooperation among territorial communities or authorities, European Convention on Information about Foreign Legislation, six crime control conventions, and Framework Convention on Protecting National Minorities.

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Запитання 7

Ukraine and the Council of Europe

The 2)_____________ has its headquarters in Strasbourg, France. Its purpose is to achieve European unity and facilitate economic and social progress. It is concerned with issues such as human 3)__________ , education and cultural projects, public health, protection of the environment, etc.

4)_______________ participation in the Council of Europe (CE) is evidence of

devotion to her European choice and to the commonly recognized principles of

pluralistic democracy, the rule of law, and commitment to basic human rights and

5)___________ . Ukraine actively participates in helping the Council of Europe

address social problems, in particular, in 6)____________ of the rights of national

minorities, combatting xenophobia and racial intolerance, environmental protection,

the maintenance of biological ethics, as well as controlling AIDS and drug abuse.

Ukraine is a 7)_____________ of a series of conventions by the Council of

Europe, in particular, the European Cultural Convention, European Framework

Convention on Cross-Border Cooperation among territorial communities or authorities, European Convention on Information about Foreign Legislation, six crime control conventions, and Framework Convention on Protecting National Minorities.

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Запитання 8

Ukraine and the Council of Europe

Its purpose is to achieve European unity and facilitate economic and social progress. It is concerned with issues such as human 3)__________ , education and cultural projects, public health, protection of the environment, etc.

4)_______________ participation in the Council of Europe (CE) is evidence of

devotion to her European choice and to the commonly recognized principles of

pluralistic democracy, the rule of law, and commitment to basic human rights and

5)___________ . Ukraine actively participates in helping the Council of Europe

address social problems, in particular, in 6)____________ of the rights of national

minorities, combatting xenophobia and racial intolerance, environmental protection,

the maintenance of biological ethics, as well as controlling AIDS and drug abuse.

Ukraine is a 7)_____________ of a series of conventions by the Council of

Europe, in particular, the European Cultural Convention, European Framework

Convention on Cross-Border Cooperation among territorial communities or authorities, European Convention on Information about Foreign Legislation, six crime control conventions, and Framework Convention on Protecting National Minorities.

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Запитання 9

Ukraine and the Council of Europe

4)_______________ participation in the Council of Europe (CE) is evidence of

devotion to her European choice and to the commonly recognized principles of

pluralistic democracy, the rule of law, and commitment to basic human rights and

5)___________ . Ukraine actively participates in helping the Council of Europe

address social problems, in particular, in 6)____________ of the rights of national

minorities, combatting xenophobia and racial intolerance, environmental protection,

the maintenance of biological ethics, as well as controlling AIDS and drug abuse.

Ukraine is a 7)_____________ of a series of conventions by the Council of

Europe, in particular, the European Cultural Convention, European Framework

Convention on Cross-Border Cooperation among territorial communities or authorities, European Convention on Information about Foreign Legislation, six crime control conventions, and Framework Convention on Protecting National Minorities.

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Запитання 10

Ukraine and the Council of Europe

4)_______________ participation in the Council of Europe (CE) is evidence of

devotion to her European choice and to the commonly recognized principles of

pluralistic democracy, the rule of law, and commitment to basic human rights and

5)___________ . Ukraine actively participates in helping the Council of Europe

address social problems, in particular, in 6)____________ of the rights of national

minorities, combatting xenophobia and racial intolerance, environmental protection,

the maintenance of biological ethics, as well as controlling AIDS and drug abuse.

Ukraine is a 7)_____________ of a series of conventions by the Council of

Europe, in particular, the European Cultural Convention, European Framework

Convention on Cross-Border Cooperation among territorial communities or authorities, European Convention on Information about Foreign Legislation, six crime control conventions, and Framework Convention on Protecting National Minorities.

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Запитання 11

Ukraine and the Council of Europe

Ukraine actively participates in helping the Council of Europe address social problems, in particular, in 6)____________ of the rights of national

minorities, combatting xenophobia and racial intolerance, environmental protection,

the maintenance of biological ethics, as well as controlling AIDS and drug abuse.

Ukraine is a 7)_____________ of a series of conventions by the Council of

Europe, in particular, the European Cultural Convention, European Framework

Convention on Cross-Border Cooperation among territorial communities or authorities, European Convention on Information about Foreign Legislation, six crime control conventions, and Framework Convention on Protecting National Minorities.

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Запитання 12

Ukraine is a 7)_____________ of a series of conventions by the Council of

Europe, in particular, the European Cultural Convention, European Framework

Convention on Cross-Border Cooperation among territorial communities or authorities, European Convention on Information about Foreign Legislation, six crime control conventions, and Framework Convention on Protecting National Minorities.

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