UNIT 8 Ukraine and the World

Додано: 17 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 772 рази
17 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the textand chooseA, B,C or D.

Khortytsya is the biggest island on the Dnipro River and is inside the city boundaries of Zaporizhia. The reserves status as one of the seven wonders of Ukraine is hardly in dispute, due to its natural beauty and many landmarks. Its wealth of plants and wildlife led to it becoming a protected nature reserve which also incorporates several smaller nearby islands. The island was first settled thousands of years ago so clearly it is also very special as an archaeological site and indeed, many finds from various periods of history have revealed a great deal about the different peoples who have lived here. Perhaps the most significant period in the islands history is the 16th century, when it became the centre of the world-famous Cossack Republic. Historians now believe that the first Cossack fortification was built on the small nearby island of Baida. Here, finds have included tools, weapons and coins. A clearer picture of Cossack civilisation can be had with a visit to the History Museum of the Zaporizhian Cossacks. Here, a huge collection of locally-found artefacts is on display, including everyday items like clothes, not only from the Cossack period but from the whole of the areas long history. In 2009, a new complex called Zaporizhian Sich opened. This is a reconstruction of a Cossack fortress which allowst he visitor to get a good impression of what life must have been like hundreds of years ago. The complex has a range of attractions and displays, and also stages regular events and festivals. Of particular appeal to fun-loving tourists are the demonstrations of horse-riding skills that are held here.

The Khortytsya National Reserve ...

варіанти відповідей

is made up of more than one island.

includes the city of Zaporizhia.

is expensive to visit.

has caused disagreement among visitors.

Запитання 2

Read the textand chooseA, B,C or D.

Khortytsya is the biggest island on the Dnipro River and is inside the city boundaries of Zaporizhia. The reserves status as one of the seven wonders of Ukraine is hardly in dispute, due to its natural beauty and many landmarks. Its wealth of plants and wildlife led to it becoming a protected nature reserve which also incorporates several smaller nearby islands. The island was first settled thousands of years ago so clearly it is also very special as an archaeological site and indeed, many finds from various periods of history have revealed a great deal about the different peoples who have lived here. Perhaps the most significant period in the islands history is the 16th century, when it became the centre of the world-famous Cossack Republic. Historians now believe that the first Cossack fortification was built on the small nearby island of Baida. Here, finds have included tools, weapons and coins. A clearer picture of Cossack civilisation can be had with a visit to the History Museum of the Zaporizhian Cossacks. Here, a huge collection of locally-found artefacts is on display, including everyday items like clothes, not only from the Cossack period but from the whole of the areas long history. In 2009, a new complex called Zaporizhian Sich opened. This is a reconstruction of a Cossack fortress which allowst he visitor to get a good impression of what life must have been like hundreds of years ago. The complex has a range of attractions and displays, and also stages regular events and festivals. Of particular appeal to fun-loving tourists are the demonstrations of horse-riding skills that are held here.

Archaeological finds at the reserve suggest that...

варіанти відповідей

people only lived there for a short time.

it has been inhabited by many different cultures.

the people who lived there were similar to us.

it was the site of a great battle.

Запитання 3

Read the textand chooseA, B,C or D.

Khortytsya is the biggest island on the Dnipro River and is inside the city boundaries of Zaporizhia. The reserves status as one of the seven wonders of Ukraine is hardly in dispute, due to its natural beauty and many landmarks. Its wealth of plants and wildlife led to it becoming a protected nature reserve which also incorporates several smaller nearby islands. The island was first settled thousands of years ago so clearly it is also very special as an archaeological site and indeed, many finds from various periods of history have revealed a great deal about the different peoples who have lived here. Perhaps the most significant period in the islands history is the 16th century, when it became the centre of the world-famous Cossack Republic. Historians now believe that the first Cossack fortification was built on the small nearby island of Baida. Here, finds have included tools, weapons and coins. A clearer picture of Cossack civilisation can be had with a visit to the History Museum of the Zaporizhian Cossacks. Here, a huge collection of locally-found artefacts is on display, including everyday items like clothes, not only from the Cossack period but from the whole of the areas long history. In 2009, a new complex called Zaporizhian Sich opened. This is a reconstruction of a Cossack fortress which allowst he visitor to get a good impression of what life must have been like hundreds of years ago. The complex has a range of attractions and displays, and also stages regular events and festivals. Of particular appeal to fun-loving tourists are the demonstrations of horse-riding skills that are held here.

What do we learn about the Cossack Republic?

варіанти відповідей

It began close to Khortytsya.

The people who were part of it were rich.

The Cossacks arrived in the area before the 16th century.

The people buried valuable things on Baida.

Запитання 4

Read the textand chooseA, B,C or D.

Khortytsya is the biggest island on the Dnipro River and is inside the city boundaries of Zaporizhia. The reserves status as one of the seven wonders of Ukraine is hardly in dispute, due to its natural beauty and many landmarks. Its wealth of plants and wildlife led to it becoming a protected nature reserve which also incorporates several smaller nearby islands. The island was first settled thousands of years ago so clearly it is also very special as an archaeological site and indeed, many finds from various periods of history have revealed a great deal about the different peoples who have lived here. Perhaps the most significant period in the islands history is the 16th century, when it became the centre of the world-famous Cossack Republic. Historians now believe that the first Cossack fortification was built on the small nearby island of Baida. Here, finds have included tools, weapons and coins. A clearer picture of Cossack civilisation can be had with a visit to the History Museum of the Zaporizhian Cossacks. Here, a huge collection of locally-found artefacts is on display, including everyday items like clothes, not only from the Cossack period but from the whole of the areas long history. In 2009, a new complex called Zaporizhian Sich opened. This is a reconstruction of a Cossack fortress which allowst he visitor to get a good impression of what life must have been like hundreds of years ago. The complex has a range of attractions and displays, and also stages regular events and festivals. Of particular appeal to fun-loving tourists are the demonstrations of horse-riding skills that are held here.

According to the writer, we can understand the Cossacks better by...

варіанти відповідей

studying the tools and weapons they used.

finding out about their money.

visiting a museum featuring their culture.

looking at pictures we have found.

Запитання 5

Read the textand chooseA, B,C or D.

Khortytsya is the biggest island on the Dnipro River and is inside the city boundaries of Zaporizhia. The reserves status as one of the seven wonders of Ukraine is hardly in dispute, due to its natural beauty and many landmarks. Its wealth of plants and wildlife led to it becoming a protected nature reserve which also incorporates several smaller nearby islands. The island was first settled thousands of years ago so clearly it is also very special as an archaeological site and indeed, many finds from various periods of history have revealed a great deal about the different peoples who have lived here. Perhaps the most significant period in the islands history is the 16th century, when it became the centre of the world-famous Cossack Republic. Historians now believe that the first Cossack fortification was built on the small nearby island of Baida. Here, finds have included tools, weapons and coins. A clearer picture of Cossack civilisation can be had with a visit to the History Museum of the Zaporizhian Cossacks. Here, a huge collection of locally-found artefacts is on display, including everyday items like clothes, not only from the Cossack period but from the whole of the areas long history. In 2009, a new complex called Zaporizhian Sich opened. This is a reconstruction of a Cossack fortress which allowst he visitor to get a good impression of what life must have been like hundreds of years ago. The complex has a range of attractions and displays, and also stages regular events and festivals. Of particular appeal to fun-loving tourists are the demonstrations of horse-riding skills that are held here.

According to the text, Zaporizhian Sich ...

варіанти відповідей

is an original fortress.

sometimes has too many tourists.

is hundreds of years old.

has been built to look like a Cossack fortress.

Запитання 6

Choose the correct word

Oksana loves oranges when they're nice and ... .

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Запитання 7

Choose the correct word

We try not to eat too much bread with meals as it's very ... .

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 8

Choose the correct word

I don't want dessert, thanks. I never eat ... food.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 9

Choose the correct word

This meat's very ... . I don't think it was cooked for long enough.

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Запитання 10

Complete the gaps a logical and grammatically correct text.

In a hurry but need to eat? A three-course meal is not for everyone and sometimes you just need to .... something down quickly so you can carry on with your busy day.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 11

Complete the gaps a logical and grammatically correct text.

In Ukraine, there's no shortage o fcheap, quick and delicious .... snacks.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 12

Complete the gaps a logical and grammatically correct text.

If you want a healthy option, why not try a falafel wrap? It's made from bread which has been ... flat.

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Запитання 13

Complete the gaps a logical and grammatically correct text.

Into this they put all kinds of fresh and tasty ...,such as carrot, cabbage, onion and tomato. There are meatversions too but I bet they're not so healthy!

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Запитання 14

Complete the gaps a logical and grammatically correct text.

Other meaty snacks include perepichka, which is a little like a .... with a sausage in it. Or chebureki -small meat and onion pies fried in oil. How about a bowl of borsch with a toasted sandwich?

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Запитання 15

Complete the gaps a logical and grammatically correct text.

Now, this is not strictly Ukrainian but you can find it here. There's a Georgian dish called khachapuri. They're a kind of wrap with meat and cheese in them but the difference is that they are ..... in the bread.

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Запитання 16

Complete the gaps a logical and grammatically correct text.

They're absolutely delicious with ... plum sauce.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 17

Complete the gaps a logical and grammatically correct text.

Burgers, of course, are eaten all over the world, and Ukraine is no different. For a change, try a burger with .....,like a crab burger. Even a simple cheeseburger will taste different with one of the many unique sauces. One thing's for sure - with such a wide choice, you won't be hungry for long.

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