ZNO Use of English 2

Додано: 20 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 929 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Brain Teaser

Laughter is one of the least 1)________________ aspects of human behaviour. Scientists have found that during a good laugh, three parts of the brain 2)_________________up: a thinking part that helps you get the joke, a movement area that tells your muscles to move, and an emotional region that elicits the "giddy" feeling. However, it remains unknown 3)_______________ one person laughs at your brother's foolish jokes while 4)_________________ chuckles while watching a horror movie. Anyway, one thing is clear: laughter makes us

5) ___________ better.

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to understand

Запитання 2

Laughter is one of the least 1)________________ aspects of human behaviour. Scientists have found that during a good laugh, three parts of the brain 2)_________________ up: a thinking part that helps you get the joke, a movement area that tells your muscles to move, and an emotional region that elicits the "giddy" feeling. However, it remains unknown 3)_______________ one person laughs at your brother's foolish jokes while 4)_________________ chuckles while watching a horror movie. Anyway, one thing is clear: laughter makes us

5) ___________ better.

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is lighting

has lighted

Запитання 3

Laughter is one of the least 1)________________ aspects of human behaviour. Scientists have found that during a good laugh, three parts of the brain 2)_________________ up: a thinking part that helps you get the joke, a movement area that tells your muscles to move, and an emotional region that elicits the "giddy" feeling. However, it remains unknown 3)_______________ one person laughs at your brother's foolish jokes while 4)_________________ chuckles while watching a horror movie. Anyway, one thing is clear: laughter makes us

5) ___________ better.

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Запитання 4

Laughter is one of the least 1)________________ aspects of human behaviour. Scientists have found that during a good laugh, three parts of the brain 2)_________________ up: a thinking part that helps you get the joke, a movement area that tells your muscles to move, and an emotional region that elicits the "giddy" feeling. However, it remains unknown 3)_______________ one person laughs at your brother's foolish jokes while 4)_________________ chuckles while watching a horror movie. Anyway, one thing is clear: laughter makes us

5) ___________ better.

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the other



Запитання 5

Laughter is one of the least 1)________________ aspects of human behaviour. Scientists have found that during a good laugh, three parts of the brain 2)_________________ up: a thinking part that helps you get the joke, a movement area that tells your muscles to move, and an emotional region that elicits the "giddy" feeling. However, it remains unknown 3)_______________ one person laughs at your brother's foolish jokes while 4)_________________ chuckles while watching a horror movie. Anyway, one thing is clear: laughter makes us

5) ___________ better.

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to feel

Запитання 6

Who invented the Sandwich

Food historians generally attribute the creation of the sandwich to John Montague, 4th Earl of Sandwich. The Englishman 6)_________________ to have been fond of gambling. As the story goes, in 1762, during a 7)_____________ gambling streak he instructed a cook to prepare his food in such a way that it 8)______________ with his game. The cook presented him with 9) ______________ meat between two pieces of toast. Perfect! This meal required no utensils and could be eaten with one hand, leaving 10)_________________ free to continue the game.

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was said

was saying

Запитання 7

Food historians generally attribute the creation of the sandwich to John Montague, 4th Earl of Sandwich. The Englishman 6)_________________ to have been fond of gambling. As the story goes, in 1762, during a 7)_____________ gambling streak he instructed a cook to prepare his food in such a way that it 8)______________ with his game. The cook presented him with 9) ______________ meat between two pieces of toast. Perfect! This meal required no utensils and could be eaten with one hand, leaving 10)_________________ free to continue the game.

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24 hours

24 hour's

24 hours'

Запитання 8

Food historians generally attribute the creation of the sandwich to John Montague, 4th Earl of Sandwich. The Englishman 6)_________________ to have been fond of gambling. As the story goes, in 1762, during a 7)_____________ gambling streak he instructed a cook to prepare his food in such a way that it 8)______________ with his game. The cook presented him with 9) ______________ meat between two pieces of toast. Perfect! This meal required no utensils and could be eaten with one hand, leaving 10)_________________ free to continue the game.

варіанти відповідей

doesn't interfere

won't interfere

wouldn't interfere

hadn't interfered

Запитання 9

Food historians generally attribute the creation of the sandwich to John Montague, 4th Earl of Sandwich. The Englishman 6)_________________ to have been fond of gambling. As the story goes, in 1762, during a 7)_____________ gambling streak he instructed a cook to prepare his food in such a way that it 8)______________ with his game. The cook presented him with 9) ______________ meat between two pieces of toast. Perfect! This meal required no utensils and could be eaten with one hand, leaving 10)_________________ free to continue the game.

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Запитання 10

Food historians generally attribute the creation of the sandwich to John Montague, 4th Earl of Sandwich. The Englishman 6)_________________ to have been fond of gambling. As the story goes, in 1762, during a 7)_____________ gambling streak he instructed a cook to prepare his food in such a way that it 8)______________ with his game. The cook presented him with 9) ______________ meat between two pieces of toast. Perfect! This meal required no utensils and could be eaten with one hand, leaving 10)_________________ free to continue the game.

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the other

the others

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