use of english

Додано: 28 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 50 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Заповніть пропуск №1

It was a hot summer day when Linda feeling very thirsty decided to go into a cafe. There was an old woman in the cafe. She (1).....near the door at a table. At her feet, under the table, there was a small dog. Linda (2).....a glass of apple juice and some cookies. She sat down at the table (3) the old woman. The old woman was sitting quietly. She looked (4)...... Linda decided to be kind and talk to the old woman. "It is very hot today", she said. "Yes, but it is nice (5).......the cafe", replied the old woman. Linda looked at the dog and asked, "Does your dog like people?" The woman answered, "Oh! Yes! It loves people." Linda wanted to give the dog a cookie. So she asked, "Does your dog like cookies?" "(6)........are her favourite food", said the old lady. Linda was terribly afraid of dogs, (7)....... she asked, "Does your dog bite?" The old woman smiled and said, "No! My dog is very tame. It is even afraid of cats!" Linda took a cookie in her hand and reached under the table. She put it near the dog's mouth. (8)......., the dog didn't bike the cookie, it (9)......her hand! Linda jumped up, spilling her lemonade. She screamed, "I thought you said your dog (10)........bite". The old woman looked at Linda and then at the dog. Then she said, "That's not my dog!"

варіанти відповідей


is sitting

was sitting

has been sitting

Запитання 2

Заповніть пропуск №2

It was a hot summer day when Linda feeling very thirsty decided to go into a cafe. There was an old woman in the cafe. She (1).....near the door at a table. At her feet, under the table, there was a small dog. Linda (2).....a glass of apple juice and some cookies. She sat down at the table (3) the old woman. The old woman was sitting quietly. She looked (4)...... Linda decided to be kind and talk to the old woman. "It is very hot today", she said. "Yes, but it is nice (5).......the cafe", replied the old woman. Linda looked at the dog and asked, "Does your dog like people?" The woman answered, "Oh! Yes! It loves people." Linda wanted to give the dog a cookie. So she asked, "Does your dog like cookies?" "(6)........are her favourite food", said the old lady. Linda was terribly afraid of dogs, (7)....... she asked, "Does your dog bite?" The old woman smiled and said, "No! My dog is very tame. It is even afraid of cats!" Linda took a cookie in her hand and reached under the table. She put it near the dog's mouth. (8)......., the dog didn't bike the cookie, it (9)......her hand! Linda jumped up, spilling her lemonade. She screamed, "I thought you said your dog (10)........bite". The old woman looked at Linda and then at the dog. Then she said, "That's not my dog!"

варіанти відповідей



to buy

had been buying

Запитання 3

Заповніть пропуск №3

It was a hot summer day when Linda feeling very thirsty decided to go into a cafe. There was an old woman in the cafe. She (1).....near the door at a table. At her feet, under the table, there was a small dog. Linda (2).....a glass of apple juice and some cookies. She sat down at the table (3) the old woman. The old woman was sitting quietly. She looked (4)...... Linda decided to be kind and talk to the old woman. "It is very hot today", she said. "Yes, but it is nice (5).......the cafe", replied the old woman. Linda looked at the dog and asked, "Does your dog like people?" The woman answered, "Oh! Yes! It loves people." Linda wanted to give the dog a cookie. So she asked, "Does your dog like cookies?" "(6)........are her favourite food", said the old lady. Linda was terribly afraid of dogs, (7)....... she asked, "Does your dog bite?" The old woman smiled and said, "No! My dog is very tame. It is even afraid of cats!" Linda took a cookie in her hand and reached under the table. She put it near the dog's mouth. (8)......., the dog didn't bike the cookie, it (9)......her hand! Linda jumped up, spilling her lemonade. She screamed, "I thought you said your dog (10)........bite". The old woman looked at Linda and then at the dog. Then she said, "That's not my dog!"

варіанти відповідей



close to


Запитання 4

Заповніть пропуск №4

It was a hot summer day when Linda feeling very thirsty decided to go into a cafe. There was an old woman in the cafe. She (1).....near the door at a table. At her feet, under the table, there was a small dog. Linda (2).....a glass of apple juice and some cookies. She sat down at the table (3) the old woman. The old woman was sitting quietly. She looked (4)...... and Linda decided to be kind and talk to the old woman. "It is very hot today", she said. "Yes, but it is nice (5).......the cafe", replied the old woman. Linda looked at the dog and asked, "Does your dog like people?" The woman answered, "Oh! Yes! It loves people." Linda wanted to give the dog a cookie. So she asked, "Does your dog like cookies?" "(6)........are her favourite food", said the old lady. Linda was terribly afraid of dogs, (7)....... she asked, "Does your dog bite?" The old woman smiled and said, "No! My dog is very tame. It is even afraid of cats!" Linda took a cookie in her hand and reached under the table. She put it near the dog's mouth. (8)......., the dog didn't bike the cookie, it (9)......her hand! Linda jumped up, spilling her lemonade. She screamed, "I thought you said your dog (10)........bite". The old woman looked at Linda and then at the dog. Then she said, "That's not my dog!"

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 5

Заповніть пропуск №5

It was a hot summer day when Linda feeling very thirsty decided to go into a cafe. There was an old woman in the cafe. She (1).....near the door at a table. At her feet, under the table, there was a small dog. Linda (2).....a glass of apple juice and some cookies. She sat down at the table (3) the old woman. The old woman was sitting quietly. She looked (4)...... Linda decided to be kind and talk to the old woman. "It is very hot today", she said. "Yes, but it is nice (5).......the cafe", replied the old woman. Linda looked at the dog and asked, "Does your dog like people?" The woman answered, "Oh! Yes! It loves people." Linda wanted to give the dog a cookie. So she asked, "Does your dog like cookies?" "(6)........are her favourite food", said the old lady. Linda was terribly afraid of dogs, (7)....... she asked, "Does your dog bite?" The old woman smiled and said, "No! My dog is very tame. It is even afraid of cats!" Linda took a cookie in her hand and reached under the table. She put it near the dog's mouth. (8)......., the dog didn't bike the cookie, it (9)......her hand! Linda jumped up, spilling her lemonade. She screamed, "I thought you said your dog (10)........bite". The old woman looked at Linda and then at the dog. Then she said, "That's not my dog!"

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Запитання 6

Заповніть пропуск №6

It was a hot summer day when Linda feeling very thirsty decided to go into a cafe. There was an old woman in the cafe. She (1).....near the door at a table. At her feet, under the table, there was a small dog. Linda (2).....a glass of apple juice and some cookies. She sat down at the table (3) the old woman. The old woman was sitting quietly. She looked (4)...... Linda decided to be kind and talk to the old woman. "It is very hot today", she said. "Yes, but it is nice (5).......the cafe", replied the old woman. Linda looked at the dog and asked, "Does your dog like people?" The woman answered, "Oh! Yes! It loves people." Linda wanted to give the dog a cookie. So she asked, "Does your dog like cookies?" "(6)........are her favourite food", said the old lady. Linda was terribly afraid of dogs, (7)....... she asked, "Does your dog bite?" The old woman smiled and said, "No! My dog is very tame. It is even afraid of cats!" Linda took a cookie in her hand and reached under the table. She put it near the dog's mouth. (8)......., the dog didn't bike the cookie, it (9)......her hand! Linda jumped up, spilling her lemonade. She screamed, "I thought you said your dog (10)........bite". The old woman looked at Linda and then at the dog. Then she said, "That's not my dog!"

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Запитання 7

Заповніть пропуск №7

It was a hot summer day when Linda feeling very thirsty decided to go into a cafe. There was an old woman in the cafe. She (1).....near the door at a table. At her feet, under the table, there was a small dog. Linda (2).....a glass of apple juice and some cookies. She sat down at the table (3) the old woman. The old woman was sitting quietly. She looked (4)...... Linda decided to be kind and talk to the old woman. "It is very hot today", she said. "Yes, but it is nice (5).......the cafe", replied the old woman. Linda looked at the dog and asked, "Does your dog like people?" The woman answered, "Oh! Yes! It loves people." Linda wanted to give the dog a cookie. So she asked, "Does your dog like cookies?" "(6)........are her favourite food", said the old lady. Linda was terribly afraid of dogs, (7)....... she asked, "Does your dog bite?" The old woman smiled and said, "No! My dog is very tame. It is even afraid of cats!" Linda took a cookie in her hand and reached under the table. She put it near the dog's mouth. (8)......., the dog didn't bike the cookie, it (9)......her hand! Linda jumped up, spilling her lemonade. She screamed, "I thought you said your dog (10)........bite". The old woman looked at Linda and then at the dog. Then she said, "That's not my dog!"

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

Заповніть пропуск №8

It was a hot summer day when Linda feeling very thirsty decided to go into a cafe. There was an old woman in the cafe. She (1).....near the door at a table. At her feet, under the table, there was a small dog. Linda (2).....a glass of apple juice and some cookies. She sat down at the table (3) the old woman. The old woman was sitting quietly. She looked (4)...... Linda decided to be kind and talk to the old woman. "It is very hot today", she said. "Yes, but it is nice (5).......the cafe", replied the old woman. Linda looked at the dog and asked, "Does your dog like people?" The woman answered, "Oh! Yes! It loves people." Linda wanted to give the dog a cookie. So she asked, "Does your dog like cookies?" "(6)........are her favourite food", said the old lady. Linda was terribly afraid of dogs, (7)....... she asked, "Does your dog bite?" The old woman smiled and said, "No! My dog is very tame. It is even afraid of cats!" Linda took a cookie in her hand and reached under the table. She put it near the dog's mouth. (8)......., the dog didn't bite the cookie, it (9)......her hand! Linda jumped up, spilling her lemonade. She screamed, "I thought you said your dog (10)........bite". The old woman looked at Linda and then at the dog. Then she said, "That's not my dog!"

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

Заповніть пропуск №9

It was a hot summer day when Linda feeling very thirsty decided to go into a cafe. There was an old woman in the cafe. She (1).....near the door at a table. At her feet, under the table, there was a small dog. Linda (2).....a glass of apple juice and some cookies. She sat down at the table (3) the old woman. The old woman was sitting quietly. She looked (4)...... Linda decided to be kind and talk to the old woman. "It is very hot today", she said. "Yes, but it is nice (5).......the cafe", replied the old woman. Linda looked at the dog and asked, "Does your dog like people?" The woman answered, "Oh! Yes! It loves people." Linda wanted to give the dog a cookie. So she asked, "Does your dog like cookies?" "(6)........are her favourite food", said the old lady. Linda was terribly afraid of dogs, (7)....... she asked, "Does your dog bite?" The old woman smiled and said, "No! My dog is very tame. It is even afraid of cats!" Linda took a cookie in her hand and reached under the table. She put it near the dog's mouth. (8)......., the dog didn't bike the cookie, it (9)......her hand! Linda jumped up, spilling her lemonade. She screamed, "I thought you said your dog (10)........bite". The old woman looked at Linda and then at the dog. Then she said, "That's not my dog!"

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Запитання 10

Заповніть пропуск №10

It was a hot summer day when Linda feeling very thirsty decided to go into a cafe. There was an old woman in the cafe. She (1).....near the door at a table. At her feet, under the table, there was a small dog. Linda (2).....a glass of apple juice and some cookies. She sat down at the table (3) the old woman. The old woman was sitting quietly. She looked (4)...... Linda decided to be kind and talk to the old woman. "It is very hot today", she said. "Yes, but it is nice (5).......the cafe", replied the old woman. Linda looked at the dog and asked, "Does your dog like people?" The woman answered, "Oh! Yes! It loves people." Linda wanted to give the dog a cookie. So she asked, "Does your dog like cookies?" "(6)........are her favourite food", said the old lady. Linda was terribly afraid of dogs, (7)....... she asked, "Does your dog bite?" The old woman smiled and said, "No! My dog is very tame. It is even afraid of cats!" Linda took a cookie in her hand and reached under the table. She put it near the dog's mouth. (8)......., the dog didn't bike the cookie, it (9)......her hand! Linda jumped up, spilling her lemonade. She screamed, "I thought you said your dog (10)........bite". The old woman looked at Linda and then at the dog. Then she said, "That's not my dog!"

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ought to

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