Use of English. Events. Family

Додано: 13 вересня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 11 клас
Тест виконано: 150 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text below. For gap 1 choose the correct answer.

It was a beautiful warm evening as we 1___ slowly back to our hotel. We had spent most of the day sightseeing, and now we were rather tired.

After we 2___ a late dinner in a restaurant in the old part of town, we agreed that instead of taking a taxi, we’d prefer to walk along the bank

of the river to the hotel. All of a sudden, a few young men appeared on the path just in front of us. They all had knives and we knew we were 3___ danger.

One of them told us to hand in our bags. Neither of us 4___ anything – we quietly put our bags on the ground and stepped back.

A moment later, the young men disappeared. We were still shocked when we got back to the hotel and called the police to tell them that we’d been 5___.

варіанти відповідей

have walked

had walked

were walking

Запитання 2

Read the text below. For gap 2 choose the correct answer.

It was a beautiful warm evening as we 1___ slowly back to our hotel. We had spent most of the day sightseeing, and now we were rather tired.

After we 2___ a late dinner in a restaurant in the old part of town, we agreed that instead of taking a taxi, we’d prefer to walk along the bank

of the river to the hotel. All of a sudden, a few young men appeared on the path just in front of us. They all had knives and we knew we were 3___ danger.

One of them told us to hand in our bags. Neither of us 4___ anything – we quietly put our bags on the ground and stepped back.

A moment later, the young men disappeared. We were still shocked when we got back to the hotel and called the police to tell them that we’d been 5___.

варіанти відповідей

have had

were having

had had

Запитання 3

Read the text below. For gap 3 choose the correct answer.

It was a beautiful warm evening as we 1___ slowly back to our hotel. We had spent most of the day sightseeing, and now we were rather tired.

After we 2___ a late dinner in a restaurant in the old part of town, we agreed that instead of taking a taxi, we’d prefer to walk along the bank

of the river to the hotel. All of a sudden, a few young men appeared on the path just in front of us. They all had knives and we knew we were 3___ danger.

One of them told us to hand in our bags. Neither of us 4___ anything – we quietly put our bags on the ground and stepped back.

A moment later, the young men disappeared. We were still shocked when we got back to the hotel and called the police to tell them that we’d been 5___.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

Read the text below. For gap 4 choose the correct answer.

It was a beautiful warm evening as we 1___ slowly back to our hotel. We had spent most of the day sightseeing, and now we were rather tired.

After we 2___ a late dinner in a restaurant in the old part of town, we agreed that instead of taking a taxi, we’d prefer to walk along the bank

of the river to the hotel. All of a sudden, a few young men appeared on the path just in front of us. They all had knives and we knew we were 3___ danger.

One of them told us to hand in our bags. Neither of us 4___ anything – we quietly put our bags on the ground and stepped back.

A moment later, the young men disappeared. We were still shocked when we got back to the hotel and called the police to tell them that we’d been 5___.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 5

Read the text below. For gap 5 choose the correct answer.

It was a beautiful warm evening as we 1___ slowly back to our hotel. We had spent most of the day sightseeing, and now we were rather tired.

After we 2___ a late dinner in a restaurant in the old part of town, we agreed that instead of taking a taxi, we’d prefer to walk along the bank

of the river to the hotel. All of a sudden, a few young men appeared on the path just in front of us. They all had knives and we knew we were 3___ danger.

One of them told us to hand in our bags. Neither of us 4___ anything – we quietly put our bags on the ground and stepped back.

A moment later, the young men disappeared. We were still shocked when we got back to the hotel and called the police to tell them that we’d been 5___.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 6

For gap 1 choose the correct option.

I’m the middle child of the family. My older brother

always used to 1 ....... and accuse me of taking his things, so we

often 2 ....... each other.My younger sister and I get on well though.

We both 3 ....... our dad who is quite easy–going. I feel I can 4 .......

her one hundred percent. My mum is very patient.

She tries to 5 ....... all rather than taking sides. She’s very

persuasive too, and she usually 6 ....... doing things.

варіанти відповідей

identify with me

pick on me

take after me

Запитання 7

For gap 2 choose the correct option.

I’m the middle child of the family. My older brother

always used to 1 ....... and accuse me of taking his things, so we

often 2 ....... each other.My younger sister and I get on well though.

We both 3 ....... our dad who is quite easy–going. I feel I can 4 .......

her one hundred percent. My mum is very patient.

She tries to 5 ....... all rather than taking sides. She’s very

persuasive too, and she usually 6 ....... doing things.

варіанти відповідей

fell out with

depended on

talked ourselves into

Запитання 8

For gap 3 choose the correct option.

I’m the middle child of the family. My older brother

always used to 1 ....... and accuse me of taking his things, so we

often 2 ....... each other.My younger sister and I get on well though.

We both 3 ....... our dad who is quite easy–going. I feel I can 4 .......

her one hundred percent. My mum is very patient.

She tries to 5 ....... all rather than taking sides. She’s very

persuasive too, and she usually 6 ....... doing things.

варіанти відповідей

identify with

take after

pick on

Запитання 9

For gap 4 choose the correct option.

I’m the middle child of the family. My older brother

always used to 1 ....... and accuse me of taking his things, so we

often 2 ....... each other.My younger sister and I get on well though.

We both 3 ....... our dad who is quite easy–going. I feel I can 4 .......

her one hundred percent. My mum is very patient.

She tries to 5 ....... all rather than taking sides. She’s very

persuasive too, and she usually 6 ....... doing things.

варіанти відповідей

depend on

take after

fall out with

Запитання 10

For gap 5 choose the correct option.

I’m the middle child of the family. My older brother

always used to 1 ....... and accuse me of taking his things, so we

often 2 ....... each other.My younger sister and I get on well though.

We both 3 ....... our dad who is quite easy–going. I feel I can 4 .......

her one hundred percent. My mum is very patient.

She tries to 5 ....... all rather than taking sides. She’s very

persuasive too, and she usually 6 ....... doing things.

варіанти відповідей

talk us into

identify with us

pick on us

Запитання 11

For gap 6 choose the correct option.

I’m the middle child of the family. My older brother

always used to 1 ....... and accuse me of taking his things, so we

often 2 ....... each other.My younger sister and I get on well though.

We both 3 ....... our dad who is quite easy–going. I feel I can 4 .......

her one hundred percent. My mum is very patient.

She tries to 5 ....... all rather than taking sides. She’s very

persuasive too, and she usually 6 ....... doing things.

варіанти відповідей

talks us into

takes after us

falls out with us

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