Writing, 7th Form, II term (Solutions)

Додано: 5 червня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 86 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

I. Complete the text with the correct answers.

You can 1___ a group of people in a kitchen in both photos. The 2___ photo shows a family having a meal, 3___ the second photo shows a group of people standing around a table. It’s an 4___ long table and I 5___ say that the people are taking part in a cooking class. They’re looking at the food and pointing at the different dishes. It 6___ as if they are deciding which dish is the best. 7___ the first photo everyone is eating, 8___ in the second photo, there’s just one person who is holding a knife. I 9___ he’s probably the cooking teacher 10___ he’s wearing a special, white hat.


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Запитання 2

You can 1___ a group of people in a kitchen in both photos. The 2___ photo shows a family having a meal, 3___ the second photo shows a group of people standing around a table. It’s an 4___ long table and I 5___ say that the people are taking part in a cooking class. They’re looking at the food and pointing at the different dishes. It 6___ as if they are deciding which dish is the best. 7___ the first photo everyone is eating, 8___ in the second photo, there’s just one person who is holding a knife. I 9___ he’s probably the cooking teacher 10___ he’s wearing a special, white hat.



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Запитання 3

You can 1___ a group of people in a kitchen in both photos. The 2___ photo shows a family having a meal, 3___ the second photo shows a group of people standing around a table. It’s an 4___ long table and I 5___ say that the people are taking part in a cooking class. They’re looking at the food and pointing at the different dishes. It 6___ as if they are deciding which dish is the best. 7___ the first photo everyone is eating, 8___ in the second photo, there’s just one person who is holding a knife. I 9___ he’s probably the cooking teacher 10___ he’s wearing a special, white hat.


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Запитання 4

You can 1___ a group of people in a kitchen in both photos. The 2___ photo shows a family having a meal, 3___ the second photo shows a group of people standing around a table. It’s an 4___ long table and I 5___ say that the people are taking part in a cooking class. They’re looking at the food and pointing at the different dishes. It 6___ as if they are deciding which dish is the best. 7___ the first photo everyone is eating, 8___ in the second photo, there’s just one person who is holding a knife. I 9___ he’s probably the cooking teacher 10___ he’s wearing a special, white hat.


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Запитання 5

You can 1___ a group of people in a kitchen in both photos. The 2___ photo shows a family having a meal, 3___ the second photo shows a group of people standing around a table. It’s an 4___ long table and I 5___ say that the people are taking part in a cooking class. They’re looking at the food and pointing at the different dishes. It 6___ as if they are deciding which dish is the best. 7___ the first photo everyone is eating, 8___ in the second photo, there’s just one person who is holding a knife. I 9___ he’s probably the cooking teacher 10___ he’s wearing a special, white hat.



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Запитання 6

You can 1___ a group of people in a kitchen in both photos. The 2___ photo shows a family having a meal, 3___ the second photo shows a group of people standing around a table. It’s an 4___ long table and I 5___ say that the people are taking part in a cooking class. They’re looking at the food and pointing at the different dishes. It 6___ as if they are deciding which dish is the best. 7___ the first photo everyone is eating, 8___ in the second photo, there’s just one person who is holding a knife. I 9___ he’s probably the cooking teacher 10___ he’s wearing a special, white hat.



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Запитання 7

You can 1___ a group of people in a kitchen in both photos. The 2___ photo shows a family having a meal, 3___ the second photo shows a group of people standing around a table. It’s an 4___ long table and I 5___ say that the people are taking part in a cooking class. They’re looking at the food and pointing at the different dishes. It 6___ as if they are deciding which dish is the best. 7___ the first photo everyone is eating, 8___ in the second photo, there’s just one person who is holding a knife. I 9___ he’s probably the cooking teacher 10___ he’s wearing a special, white hat.



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Запитання 8

You can 1___ a group of people in a kitchen in both photos. The 2___ photo shows a family having a meal, 3___ the second photo shows a group of people standing around a table. It’s an 4___ long table and I 5___ say that the people are taking part in a cooking class. They’re looking at the food and pointing at the different dishes. It 6___ as if they are deciding which dish is the best. 7___ the first photo everyone is eating, 8___ in the second photo, there’s just one person who is holding a knife. I 9___ he’s probably the cooking teacher 10___ he’s wearing a special, white hat.



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Запитання 9

You can 1___ a group of people in a kitchen in both photos. The 2___ photo shows a family having a meal, 3___ the second photo shows a group of people standing around a table. It’s an 4___ long table and I 5___ say that the people are taking part in a cooking class. They’re looking at the food and pointing at the different dishes. It 6___ as if they are deciding which dish is the best. 7___ the first photo everyone is eating, 8___ in the second photo, there’s just one person who is holding a knife. I 9___ he’s probably the cooking teacher 10___ he’s wearing a special, white hat.



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Запитання 10

You can 1___ a group of people in a kitchen in both photos. The 2___ photo shows a family having a meal, 3___ the second photo shows a group of people standing around a table. It’s an 4___ long table and I 5___ say that the people are taking part in a cooking class. They’re looking at the food and pointing at the different dishes. It 6___ as if they are deciding which dish is the best. 7___ the first photo everyone is eating, 8___ in the second photo, there’s just one person who is holding a knife. I 9___ he’s probably the cooking teacher 10___ he’s wearing a special, white hat.




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Запитання 11

II. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1       We ___ wait outside before school starts – it’s the rule.

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has to

don't have to

have to

Запитання 12

2. I ___ early for school.

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hardly ever

hardly ever am

am hardly ever

Запитання 13

3       ‘___ computers are in the library?’ ‘About twenty.’

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How many

How much


Запитання 14

4       ___ any meat in this?

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There is

Is there

Are there

Запитання 15

5. There isn’t ___ water for the children.

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Запитання 16

6. Would you like a ___ minutes to think about it?

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Запитання 17

7       I am much ___ than I was six months ago.

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more fit


Запитання 18

8. ___ time to travel there is between March and July.

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The baddest

The worst

The most bad

Запитання 19

9       They haven’t arrived ___.

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Запитання 20

10     Who’s the best swimmer ___ the team?

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