The Case For Coeds Quiz
Look up True(+) and False(-) statements
1 By the most worldwide studies girls at coed schools do worst of all.
2 Single-sex education cannot open new possibilities for students
3 The principal of Mill Hill School commented that female’s brain is much more longer than male’s one.
4 Single-sex schools break down stereotypes.
5 Boys at single-sex schools are more interested in Maths and Science.
6 GCSE is a standard examination at the university.
7 Single-sex education means attending school without any sexual intercourses.
8 Coed schools for boys and for girls is called double-sex ones.
9 Sexual stereotypes reinforce gender stereotypes.
10 The game of who’s cool and who’s not means who’s the Boss.
11 After the division into girls’ wing and boys’ wing the number of cool students has increased much.
12 Languages are the subjects to be more interested in at girls’ schools only.
13 The principal said:”We must recognize the fact that male’s brain is heavier than female’s one.”
14 A single-sex education tends to better academic achievement.
15 “Who’s cool” game is what’s really important at most coed schools in The USA.
Chose the most correct replies you need
1 Mill Hill School was divided up into … wings.
a)three b)two c)equal
2 GCSE means General Certificate of … Examination.
a)Standard b)Single-sex c)Secondary
3 The superior performance of students in single-sex schools is due to … .
a)coeducation b)double-sex education c)single-sex education d)socioeconomic factors
4 Dr. Alan Davison said:”We need to adopt our teaching to … .”
a)differences of human brains b)wings for boys and for girls c)pupils scoring
5 Boys at single-sex school is more interested in … .
a)French and German b)Algebra c)Physics d)Nature Study
6 When a boy fancies some girls it’s a game - … .
a)”Who’s cool” b)”Who’s bad c)”Who’s excited about school” d)”Who’s going out with”
7 Dr Alan Davison was a … at Mill Hill the country high school.
a)command officer b)supervisor c)policeman d)headmaster e)psychiatrist f)maniac
8 When both boys and girls study at one place that’s … .
a)double-sex school b)single-sex school c)coeducational school d)mental house
9 The ones doing worst of all at schooling are … .
a)males of single-sex school b)females of single-sex school c)females of coed schools
10 Gender differences in education means … .
a)single-sex schooling b)double-sex schooling c)academic schooling d)profounded schooling
11 The addition “Dr” to the principal of Mill Hill High school means … .
a)doctor b)driver c)designer d)distributor e)drug-pusher e)dog-catcher
12 The girls at single-sex schools have the highest performance in studying so they are … .
a)outsiders b)undergrounders c)frontiers d)forwarders
Give your replies for those questions using the context
1 What was superior performance due to in British schools according to the results of surveys?
2 When and where was the experiment of dividing up the students into gender schooling started?
3 What does the addition “Dr” to Alan Davison means?
4 What’s the attitude of the US students to studying at single-sex school?