Texts for reading Ukraine Natural Attractions

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Читання відіграє важливу роль у вивченні англійської мови. Цей вид мовної діяльності можна зробити цікавим та захоплюючим. Пропоную тексти для 6-го класу НУШ до підручника Prepare 6, автори Джоана Коста, Мелані Вільямс. Матеріал містить дотекстові, текстові та післятекстові вправи, що сприяють розширенню словникового запасу учнів, розвитку комунікативного мовлення та підвищення інтересу до вивчення англійської мови .
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Lake Synevyr

Legend of Synevyr Lake – Blog about tours to Ukraine

for the 6-th grade students 

Lake Synevyr is in the Synevyr National Park in the Carpatian Mountains. It is the biggest mountains lake in Ukraine. Geologists think it is about 10,000 years old. Around this bright blue lake there is a thick forest that is 150 years old. 

Synevyr is also called Sea Eye (Morske Oko) because there is a small island in the middle of the lake which makes it look like an eye. Sometimes after heavy rain there is a lot of water in the lake and the island disappears. 

There is a legend about Synevyr. It says that tears of a girl called Syn formed the lake when her father killed the young man she loved. 

Actually, four mountain streams and underground water fill the lake with clean water. The deepest point of the lake is about 23 metres, so it is very cold, even in summer. 




Heavy rain





Pre-reading activities

  1. Look at the photo and say what is this text about? 
  1. Read the definitions and say the words 
  •          A piece of land surrounded by water 
  •          A lot of rain 
  •          Drops of salty water that appear in your eyes as a result of strong emotions 
  •          A small, narrow river 
  1. Give adjectives to go with the following nouns: mountains, lake, forest, island, stream 

While – reading activities

  1. Read the text silently  
  1. Find and read the sentences about: 
  •          The location of Lake Synevyr  
  •          The age of the lake 
  •          The age of the forest 
  •          The other name of Lake Synevyr  
  •          The legend  
  •          The deepest point of the lake  
  1. Say if these statements are true or false 
  •          Lake Synevyr is located in the Carpathian Mountains 
  •          It is the smallest mountain lake 
  •          Lake Synevyr is very old 
  •          Near the lake there is a thick forest  
  •          In the middle of the lake there is an island 
  •          The lake always disappears after heavy rain 
  •          The legend says mountains streams formed the lake 
  •          Actually, three mountain streams fill the lake 
  •          The water is very warm in the lake 
  1. Answer the questions 
  •          Where is Lake Synevyr located? 
  •          How old is it? 
  •          How is it also called? 
  •          Why is it called Sea Eye? 
  •          What makes the island disappear? 
  •          What is the legend about Synevyr? 
  •          What actually fills the lake? 
  •          Why is the water in the lake very cold? 

Post – reding activities

  1. Say what is the most interesting place in the text and why? 
  1. Play a game “Who remembers the text the best” 

The students are put into groups. They should reproduce as many facts from the text as they can. The team that comes up with the most facts wins 

  1. Role Play 

Imagine you are a guide. Tell the tourists about Lake Synevyr 

Ukraine Natural Attractions


For the 6-th grade students

Shypit is located in the Carpathian Mountains. It’s one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Ukraine. Lots of tourists come to see it every year.  It’s about 14 meters high and its waters make a noise which the locals call a whisper. The waterfall surprises with its mystical beauty and incredible grace. Every July people come there to celebrate a summer festival that finishes on Kupala night.

There are a lot of legends about Shypit. One of the legends tells about a love between a Hutsul young man and a girl who met their death at the waterfall. People say that their souls still wander here, and at night you can hear the whisper of lovers.






The locals 






To wander

Pre-reading activities

  1. Look at the photos and say what is this text about?
  1. Match the highlighted words in the text to the meaning
  1. To speak or say something very quietly 
  1. People who live in some small area 
  1. A cascade of water falling from a height 
  1. Amazing 
  1. To move slowly
  1. The state of being dead
  1. The spirit of a person
  1. Charm 
  1. Give adjectives to go with the following nouns: waterfall, whisper, the locals, grace, beauty


While – reading activities

  1. Read the text

What is the first paragraph about?

What is the second paragraph about?

  1. Selective Reading. Find and read the sentences about:
  •          The location of Shypit
  •          The size of the waterfall
  •          A summer festival 
  •          The legend 
  1. Say it these statements are true or false 
  •          Shypit is located in the Carpathian Mountains
  •          It’s one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Ukraine 
  •          It’s about 15 metres high
  •          Every June people come there to celebrate a festival
  •          There are a lot of legends about Shypit
  1. Answer the questions
  •          Where is Shypit located?
  •          How high is it?
  •          Why does the waterfall have such a name?
  •          Why do lots of tourists come every year?
  •          What does one of the legends tell?

Post-reading activities

Creative Discussion

  1. What are the most interesting facts in the text and why?
  1. Play a game “Who remembers the text better”

Students are divided into three teams. Each team should reproduce as many facts from the text as they can. The team that comes up with the most facts wins

  1. Role Play

Imagine you are a foreigner who has just visited Shypit. Share your impressions with your relatives or friends


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