Clothes make the man

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Конспект відкритого уроку у 6 класі на тему "Clothes make the man" ( за підручником On Screen)
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Кафедра іноземних мов

                             Підрозділ вчителів англійської мови




Конспект відкритого уроку з англійської мови в 6 класі з теми


Вчитель:Даценко Н.В





Клас : 6-А

Тема :Clothes make the man


Практична: Активізація вживання лексичних одиниць та формування мовленневих навичок учнів в усному мовленні та на письмі.

Розвиваюча: Розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, увагу, пам’ять, логічне та творче мислення учнів;

Виховна: Виховувати ввічливість та культуру поведінки, естетичний смак;

Освітня: Розширити словниковий запас учнів, поглибити знання учнів з теми, підвищити мотивацію вивчення англійської мови;

Тип уроку: комбінований (урок засвоєння нових знань та формування вмінь та навичок)

Обладнання: магнітофон, ілюстративні матеріали,роздаткові матеріали.










Хід уроку


I.Організаційний момент. Привітання.

Good afternoon dear pupils. I’m glad to see you today. How are you today?

What is the weather like today?


II.Мовленнєва зарядка

Pupils do you know riddles about seasons

1)This is the season

When fruit is sweet,

This is the season

When school-friends meet. (Autumn)

What clothes do people usually wear in autumn?

2) I come with cold and snow

But you like me and know. (Winter)

 What clothes do people usually wear in winter?


3) This is the season

When nights are short

And children have plenty

Of fun and sport.(Summer)

 What clothes do people usually wear in summer?

4)This is the season

When birds make their nests,

This is the season

We all like best. (Spring)

 What clothes do people usually wear in spring?

Основна частина

I. Повідомлення теми

There’s an English proverb “Clothes make the man”. Which ukrainean proverb suits it. (По одягу зустрічають, по розуму проводжають)  How would you translate this proverb? (Одежда делает человека)

Do you agree that clothes make the man?

Why? Why do you think so?

So, we’ll try to find out why clothes make the man.



Now your task is to come up to the blackboard, choose a card and guess the word. You have to guess a word and write the correct word in the crossword.

  1. Women wear it with skirts

2. I am some kind of trousers.

People wear me in hot weather.

Children like me very much.

3. Women like me very much.

 I make them beautiful.

 I can be long and short.

 4. Young men and women like to wear...

 5. You wear this when its very cold.

 6. I like to sit on men’s and  women’s heads

 7. Men wear this with their trousers or jeans

 8. People wear me when it is cold and frosty.

 9. You wear these in your shoes on your feet

 10. We are always in a pair.Don’t go outside without me!


ІІ. Сlothing styles

When we speak about clothes we should speak about styles of clothing.

There are a lot of styles. What kinds of styles do you know?

P:  classical, modern, extravagant, sport style, conservative.

What is typical for sport style?

What is your favourite style of clothing and why?

And now you should devide the words into the columns.You have 2 min.

Words: a coat, trainers,a suit, jeans, a tie, a tracksuit, a cap, a hat, a skirt, trousers, a T-shirt, a shirt, shorts, sandals, a blouse, a jacket, a jumper,a dress,a sweater.

Sport style

Modern style

Classical style






III. Clothing for every occasion.

Different places need different clothes.Look at different people and say where can they go in these things.

And now you should move around the class and ask your friends about their favourite clothes.You have 3 min.

       In the park Vova usually wears…….

       At home Misha always wears…….

       At the party Dasha usually wears…….

       At the theatre Sasha often wears…….

       At school Nastya usually wears…….

       On a picnic Ilya sometimes wears…….

       In the yard Kiril often wears……


IV. Fashion

Speaking about clothes we can’t help talking about fashion. There is a text about fashion.

 Pre-reading activities

Do you like fashionable clothes?

What clothes are popular this autumn?

What colours are the most popular now?

Reading activities

Let’s read the text.While reading you should fill in the words.

What is in Fashion?


Parents,designers, trainers, coloures, styles, taste, season


Fashion goes in cycles and those cycles can often be predicted. Fashion 1)___________ fool us into buying clothes that our 2)__________ bought twenty years ago. The things are changing in fashion.

People wear many different 3)___________. Trousers can be wide or tight. Jeans supposed to be very fashionable and comfortable. This 4)___________ low-waisted jeans with wide legs are very popular. 5)___________ are fashionable from well known companies. Teenage girls wear mini skirts one day and very long skirts the next day.

Fashionable 6)____________ are white, black and yellow. Make up is lighter this season. Sport clothes like track suits and trainers are in fashion too. It’s good 7)__________ to wear tightly waisted clothes.

Many young people don’t like big department stores and they buy their clothes in small shops and boutiques. The idea is that people dress to please themselves.


Post-reading activities

Find antonyms to the words:

wide-    tight

mini skirts – long skirts

white  -   black

big  -small

low waisted  -  tightly-waisted.

And now answer the guestions:

1.What kinds of jeans are popular this season?

2.What are the fashionable colours?

3. Are the sport clothes in fashion, too?

And now your task is to mark the sentences T(true) or F(false).

  1. Fashion designers fool us into buying clothes that our parents bought twenty years ago.________
  2. Trousers can be light and bright._______
  3. This season jeans are not very popular._______
  4. Women wear mini skirts one day and very long skirts the next day._______
  5. Fashionable coloures are white, black and yellow._______
  6. Many young people like big department stores._______
  7. The idea is that people dress to please parents._______



Pre-listening activities

Have you ever visited any fashionable perfomences?Would you like to visit it?Would you like to become a designer?Would you like to become a model?

 Listening activities

Listen to the text and while listening your task is to put clothes on the models you have.

Post-listening activities

And now your task is to describe the model you have.


V.Group work

Do the clothes affect the way we react to other people? What can the clothes tell us about a person who wears them? Read and complete the statements using words from the box.

1/ People who never clean their shoes are……

2/ people who always wear dark clothes are….

3/ People who like to invent their own clothes are…..

4/ People who dislike decorative elements on their clothes are….

5/ People who wear bright colours are….

7/ People who always wear a suit and a tie are……


Optimistic, shy, untidy, lazy, intelligent, friendly, pessimistic, adventurous, creative, conservative, tidy, boring.


Заключна частина

Well, what do you think about an English proverb at the end of the lesson. Do you think that clothes make the man?

P;   - I think clothes make the man because it is very important to find your own style and to wear something that suits you.

  •      It’s very important to wear right clothes for different situations
  •      It’s bad to look alike; that’s why we mustn’t forget about fashion, too.
  •      Clothes make the first impressions.

So, we’ve proved that clothes make the man.

I hope that you will never forget about it, and your appearance will help you to be successful.