Тема: Lasers
Мета: - Оволодіння мовними засобами для здійснення іншомовного спілкування з теми;
-введення та симентизація лексики;
- робота з текстом;
- активізувати вивчений лексично-граматичний матеріал;
- поглибити знання учнів з данної теми;
- вживання граматичних структур з Passive Voice;
- удосконалення техніки читання;
- активізаація мислення, пошукової діяльності.
- виховання почуття відповідальності, самодисципліни.
Обладнання: Картки с завданнями, тексти, підстановчі лексичні й граматичні таблиці.
Хід Уроку
1.New vocabulary
Powerful return
Unknown outer
To be used to be solved
Field measure
Scientist establish
Article measurement
Possible exploration
Transmission understanding
30 років потому Використовуються
Машинобудування написали
Не досить потужні хоча
Лазери краще розуміння
Just thirty years ago the word “lasers” was unknown to people. Today, lasers are used in electronics, medicine, communications, in the automobile industry , in agricultural and industrial machine building, and in many other fields if science and the national economy. Scientists have written articles discussing whether it is possible to use lasers for long distance space communications and the transmission of energy to space stations, to the moon, and other planets. There are, in fact, two different problems here—one of energy transmissions and other of information transmission. The lasers of today are not powerful enough to transmit energy. In principle, long distance laser communication in outer space is possible, although a number of technical problems must still be solved. With the laser it is possible to measure great distances, for example, the distance to the Moon. As with radar, the distance to the moon is established by measuring the time the light signal takes to reach the Moon with a mistake of not more than one or two centimeters. The laser measurement of distances has become a new method in the exploration of the Earth-Moon system. It will give us a better understanding of the laws governing the movements of the Earth and the Moon.
3.Answer the questions
1.When did you first hear the word “lasers”?
2.Can lasers transmit energy today?
3.Has problem of long distance laser communication in outer space been solved already?
4.Why has the laser measurement of distances become a new method in studying the Earth-Moon system?
4.Read and discuss the questions:
1.How is science used in countries?
(To develop industry and agriculture: to serve the interests of man and socialist society; to help people in their work and life.)
Ruling class- керуючий класс
2.Science has become the most important factor in the development of national economy in the society.
Can you explain why the role of science has become so great?
(the needs of modern industry and agriculture; great achievements of science itself; to use new technologies; to produce new goods (materials); to make people’s life better.)
3.Scientific and technological progress is very important in the further development of the society.
What is the roles of science in our country?
(to solve national economic and social problems, to strengthen the economic and military might of our Motherland, to improve the material well- being of the people , to improve the education, to develop the culture).
5. The summarizing of the lesson. Marks.
6.Write a short composition about the meaning of lasers in the development of technology and science.