Travelling around Chernihiv

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Відкритий урок з теми: Travelling around Chernihiv”

( 5-A клас )













Урок № 122, з теми - 3

Тема:Travelling around Chernihiv.


1) Навчити вільно оперувати вивченими ЛО з теми “Travelling around the world”, виконувати проектну роботу стосовно видатних місць Чернігова, самостійно розшукуючи та обробляючи інформацію за допомогою Інтернету. презентувати зібрану інформацію у класі;

2) Розвивати лексичну, соціокультурну компетентність, навички усного та монологічного мовлення, навички виконання проектної роботи, вміння формулювати, висловлювати та аргументувати власну думку;

3) Виховувати зацікавленість у вивченні власної культури, історії свого рідного міста, бажання бути освіченим, зацікавленість у вивченні англійської мови.


Обладнання та матеріали: дошка, мультимедійна дошка з проектором. проектні роботи учнів.


Тип уроку: систематизація та узагальнення компетентностей учнів.

Хід уроку

  1. Організаційний момент


  1. Бесіда


- How are you today?

-I’m OK/good/super/so-so…

- What day is it today?

- It’s Tuesday, the fifth of March.

- What’s the topic of our todays lesson?

- Travelling around Chernihiv.


  1. Повідомлення теми, мети уроку


Today, my dear pupils, we’re going to revise some information about places of interest in Chernihiv and you’ll present your own project works.Please, be very attentive and concentrated.


  1. Актуалізація опорних ЗВН

a)some information about the UK

What British cities do you know?

London (the capital of Britain), Edinburgh,

What famous British people do you know?

Oueen Elizabeth II, David Cameron (the prime minister), Elizabeth I, Mary Stuart? Boadicea….


b) some essential information about Chernihiv

What about Chernihiv? When was it founded?

It was founded in 907 A.D.

What’s the population?

For about 296 900 people.

What famous people do you know?

Serhiy Kovalenko – a footballer, Oksana Khvostenko - a Ukrainian biathlete…

Very good of you, my dear pupils!

And now let’s listen to yours project works concerning Chernihiv places to visit.


  1. Практика навичок проектної роботи та монологічного мовлення з поданої теми (перевірка д/з)

After you have listened to the prepared reports of your classmates be ready to answer these questions:

What information was new for you?

Which facts surprised you?

What places of interest would you recommend your English friend to see in Chernihiv? Why?


  • Listening to Pupil’s reports


1st pupil:

Chernihiv is older than Kiev. Many legends and ballads are connected with the city. According to one of them, Chernihiv was named for Prince Cherniy and his daughter. Another one says it owes its name to the thick, dark, surrounding cherniy (black) forests. According to folk legend Prince Cherniy was buried in Black Burrow not too far from Boldin Hills. The name comes from the slavish word Bold (Oak-tree). There were (and still are) many oaks there. Boldin Hills in Chernihiv is probably one of the most important historical sites in this ancient city.


2nd student:

During the course of the Rus Empire, Chernihiv became a center of spiritual life in Rus. In 1069 the founder of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery, monk Anthony created an underground monetary. In 1239 Chernigov was captured and destroyed by Tatar-Mongol invaders and in 1649 the monastery was restored by the Cossack colonel Stephan Podobailo who dubbed it his "Sky Protector". He was later killed in in 1654 in a battle for independence for Ukraine. Some believe that the underground caves of the monastery can cure people of their illnesses. Many people, not only from Ukraine, but from Russia and Belarus visit these caves to get energy from them.


3d student: Chernihiv Val (Rampart) is the name of the former fortified center of the ancient town. This forested park is a favorite place to visit with spectacular views. Nowadays, boat rides can be taken up the river to see some of the surrounding forests. These 45 minute cruises are well worth the time. Within the neighboring area of the park sits Our Savior Cathedral which was built in 11th century. Nearby is Borysoglebsky Cathedral which is considered one of the first constructions in the city.


4th student: Chernihiv is famous for its churches. The most famous is the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior, one of the oldest churches in the Kyivan Rus, built about 1017 by Mstyslav, the younger brother of Yaroslav the Wise. St. Katherine Church, on a hill opposite the dytynets, was completed in 1715  . There are a total of 12 old churches in Chernihiv worth exploring. It is one of the city's most popular tourist attractions and many people come here to hold their marriage ceremonies in nearby Trinity Cathedral. There are three underground wooden churches on the grounds of Anthony's Caves. Two churches at the monastery are worth a visit: the Troyitsky Cathedral (1679-1695) and the 1677 Presentation church with its five-tiered bell tower.


5th student: The V. Tarnovsky Regional Historical Museum, founded in 1896, is among the oldest and most popular in Ukraine. Highlights are archaeological finds from the burial mounds, including arms, jewelry, and everyday objects from the Kyivan Rus period, like Gulbishche's sword. It is really worth visiting.


  1. Фізкультхвилинка

So, you see how many places of interest are there in our native city.

I guess you are tired a little. In order to relax watch some slides and guess what must sees are shown there.

1st slide: the Val

2nd slide: the Taras Schechenko Music and Drama Theater

3rd slide: Pyatnitskaya Church

4th slide: Red Square

5th slide: Trinity Cathedral

6th slide: Savior Cathedral

7th slide: Alexander Pushkin Bust


6th student:

A visit to Chernihiv would not be complete without a visit to the main theater in Red Square. First class performances by local professionals of the Taras Schechenko Music and Drama Theater . The square itself is worth the trip and is a few blocks away from one of Chernihiv's most spectacular parks with a great view of the Ally of Hero's with its water fountains that leads to the golden domed St. Catherine's Church. Right beside the city's main theater is Pyatnitskaya Church. It was built at their expense and named after their protector (patron) of trade, Paraskeva Pyatnitsa. It is believed that there is a stone in the church which possesses a magical force: if one is to touch it and make a wish, then their dreams will certainly come true.


7th student: There are many other places of culture within the city: A philharmonic society, a museum of war history, M.Kotsubinsky Literary Museum, over 20 community centers and clubs, 138 libraries, 34 schools and the Palace for Youth and Children. Each winter the school puts on its annual New Years and Christmas pageant and schools from all over the region attend the festivities which last over the holiday season. It is open to the public. The festival is complete with a towering 50 foot lighted Christmas tree, a theater production and the story of "Granmpa Frost" and concerts held three times a day for two weeks. There are many sports facilities - four stadiums, 44 gyms and several swimming pools.


8th student: Chernihiv Oblast Art Museum was founded in 1983 and located in the building of the former girls' school on the territory of the Val . National architectural-historical park "Ancient Chernihiv” was created on February 20, 1967. Chernihiv Oblast Historical Tarnovsky Museum is one of the oldest and richest museums in Ukraine.


9th student:

There are many famous people to have lived and worked in Chernihiv. Among them Pushkin, Shevchenko, Gogol. Chernihiv land gave the world the saints Anthony Pechersky and Feodosy Uglitsky . Famous writer Myhaylo Kotsyubynsky and poet and fabulist Leonid Glibov lived and created in Chernihiv . Hetman of Ukraine Kyrylo Razumovsky and President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma were natives of Chernihiv region.


10th student:

Nowadays 32 objects that are included to the State register of national cultural property, 39 architectural monuments of local value and many cultural, art and archaeological sights are located on the territory of the city. The city with its historical monuments entesr the previous list of World inheritance of UNESCO.


  1. Підведення підсумків уроку


Today we’ve revised many facts about our native city. Now I wonder…

Which of them were new for you?

Which of them surprised you?

What places of interest would you recommend your English friend to see in Chernihiv? Why?

What for should we know information about our native city??


Thank you, my dear pupils. Though this type of work was rather new, you did really a great work. For today that’s all.

Let’s write down your home assignment.

  1. Пояснення та запис д/з


  1. Ex 1, p. 54 (fill in the gaps, read and translate)
  2. Revise the V


  1. Повідомлення та мотивація оцінок



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