1. Виберiть правильне речення
1.I am not smoke.I don't smoke.I not smoke.
2.She drinks a lot of tea.She drink a lot of tea.She is drink a lot of tea.
3My brother haves a car.My brother is have a car.My brother has a car.
4Do you go to work by bus?Does you go to work by bus?Is you go to work by bus?
5Do he go to the cinema?Is he go to the cinema?Does he go to the cinema?
6Do you like ice-cream? - Yes, I am.Do you like ice-cream? - Yes, I like.Do you like ice-cream? - Yes, I do.
7Where do they usually walk?Where are they usually walk?Where does they usually walk?
8What do your father do?What does your father do?What is your father do?
9On Saturday I doesn't go out.On Saturday I don't go out.On Saturday I am not go out.
10He doesn't play tennis.He isn't play tennis.He don't play tennis.
2. Поставте дiеслова в стверджувальну форму Present Simple
3. Вставте в речення потрiбне допомiжне дiеслово
4. Напишiть речення у заперечнiй формi