Тренувальні вправи з граматики для 6 класу

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тренувати вживання Present Perfect, модальних дієслів, часів англійського дієслова, артиклів, структури “going to…"

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                          Тренувальні вправи з граматики для 6 класу


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives given.

1 A mouse is …………………………..…... (small) than an elephant.

2  The Blue Planet is …………………………..…... (interesting) nature programme I’ve ever seen.

3  Science is …………………………..…... (easy) than history.

4  Ali is…………………………..…... (heavy) person in our family!

5  Your car was …………………………..... (expensive) than hers.

6  His house is …………………………..…... (near) than mine.

7  George is …………………………..…... (strong) person I know.

8  I think people are …………………………..…... (dangerous) animals in the world.

9  Fruit is generally …………………………..…... (healthy) than chocolate

10  I think Messi is …………………………..…... (good) footballer in the world.


2 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of these verbs. There are two extra verbs.

climb    go    help     meet     not visit     see    wear

1       ………………………………….. you ever …………………….. a mountain?

2 She …………………………..…... lots of famous people.

3 They …………………………..…... never …………………………..…... me with my homework.

4 …………………………..…... he …………………………..…... the new James Bond film?

5  I …………………………..…... the Eiffel Tower.


3.  Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.

     I have (1) ever/never been to South Africa but I would love to go there. It’s got everything you can imagine. There are great (2) lakes/deserts that have no water and temperatures of 40° centigrade. They are some of the (3) hotter/hottest places in the world! Then there are the (4) beaches/forests that are full of giant trees and strange animals. But most of all, I’d love to go to Kenya in East Africa. I (5) have/has read that this is the  (6) better/best place for safaris. I’ve (7) saw/seen elephants and lions in the zoo but it’s (8) more interesting/most interesting to see them in the wild. I know it’s more dangerous (9) that/than seeing them in the zoo, but that doesn’t worry me. I’ve never (10) be/been afraid of animals.


4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to and the verbs given.

1 They  …………………………..…... (not play) tennis because it’s raining.

    2 A: What …………………………..…... (do) at the weekend?

 B: I’m going to visit my grandmother.

  3 I …………………………..…... (work) in my mum’s shop in the summer holidays.

  4 A: …………………………..…... (help) them with their homework? B:  Yes, she is.

  5 He …………………………..…... (not go out) with his friends this evening



5. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1      We don’t have to/mustn’t/should go to the cinema. We can do something different.

2 You shouldn’t/should/must go out. It’s cold and it’s raining. 

3 They have to/must/mustn’t forget their passports. They need them for the school trip.

4  We don’t have to/mustn’t/should do homework this weekend. We’ve got an exam on Monday.

5 You have to/mustn’t/should tell them. It’s a secret!



6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.

1. He …………………………..…... often …………………………..…... (stay) at home in the

evenings. He usually goes out with his friends.

2  They …………………………..…... never …………………………..…... (see) the Egyptian pyramids.

3  …………………………..…... (watch) the match last night?

4 You…………………………..…... (go swimming). It isn’t a good idea when you’ve got a cold!

5 A: What …………………………..…... (do) at the moment?  B: They’re watching TV with me.

6   She plays the piano but …………………………. (sing).

7  …………………………. you …………………………. (go) to that new sports shop last weekend?

8  I can’t stand …………………………. (get up) early.

9 She …………………………. (stay) at Marta’s house tomorrow evening.

10 I …………………………. never …………………………. (speak) to her. Is she friendly?


7. Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the blog post. 

   My brother (1) ………… around Europe (2) ………… the summer. He’s going to go by train with some friends for four weeks, so they (3) ………… plan carefully. They’ve got  a (4) ………… so they’re looking at different destinations  (5) ………… the moment. They'd like to visit Paris and Berlin, and also travel through Italy. They (6) ………… passports and the special train ticket. They pay once for the ticket so they (7) ………… pay every time they use the train. They  (8) ………… in hotels because it’s expensive. I think they  (9) ………… stay in people’s houses. This is the best idea because it’s cheap and you can see how the local people live. There are websites where you can organise this so he’s going to look at them (10) ………… the weekend.


1  A is going to travel       B should travel      C travels

2  A at                          B on                          C in

3  A shouldn’t                    B have to                C mustn’t

4  A dictionary                          B passport                C guidebook

5  A at                          B on                          C in

6  A should get                          B get                          C must get

7  A have to                           B don’t have to             C mustn’t

8  A aren’t going to stay     B don’t stay                C are going to stay

9 A must                          B have to                C should

10 A in                          B at                               C on


8. Complete the email with one word (or a contraction) in each gap.

Hi Stephanie,

I’ve got some good news. I (1) ……………..…...  made some new friends from the UK. We met when I (2) …………..…...  on holiday (3) ………………...  month. Their names are Ellie and Martin. Ellie is 13 and Martin is 11. I’m 12 so Ellie’s older (4)………………...  me and Martin’s (5) …………….. They (6) ………..…...  speak much French so I (7) …………………. English to them. It (8) ……………..…...  easy because I forgot lots of words. Speaking English to real people is definitely (9) ………… difficult than practising in class! (10) ……………..…...  you made any new friends? Write and tell me your news.





9. Choose the best answer.

     I love (1) ………… and my favourite place to find new recipes is the Internet. There  (2) ………… thousands of recipes online. A lot of famous chefs have websites where you (3) ………… find their recipes. I usually look in the (4) ………… and see what ingredients we’ve got. Then I search for a recipe with those ingredients. When I find (5) ………… famous chef’s recipe, I usually (6) ………… on that one. I’ve got the Internet on my phone so I can (7) ………… the recipe when I’m (8)  ………… the kitchen. Today we’ve got a chicken and (9) ………… apples so I’m cooking chicken curry (10) ………… an apple cake.

  1. A  cooking                  B  cook             C  cooker
  2. A  is                            B    are                C  aren’t
  3. A  do                           B  can               C  are
  4. A  shelf                       B  table             C  fridge
  5. A  a                             B  an                 C  some
  6. A cut                          B    paste              C      click

7  A  reading                   B  read              C  reader

8  A  on                           B  at                  C  in

9  A  some      B  any               C  an

10 A  but                         B  and               C  so



10. Complete the sentences with the correct answer.

1  You ………. help each other in the exam.

 A  must             B  don’t have to      C  mustn’t          D  should

2 I usually go running ………. Sunday mornings.

 A  in        B  at       C  on            D  with

3 Usain Bolt is ………. runner in the world.

 A  the most fast  B  the more fast        C  the faster  D the fastest

4 I think that’s ………. house. The one with the blue door.

 A  they  B their  C  theirs  D  they're

5  That’s ………. very nice picture you’ve painted.

      A  a        B  an       C  any  D  the



11. Choose the best answer. 


     I (1) ………. to go to Valencia (2) ………. the holidays with my mum and dad. My dad (3) ………. the city before and he says (4) ………. great. It’s also got (5) ………. sea life park in Europe and (6) ………. animals from all of the  (7) ………. in the world. It’s really big so you (8) ………. spend the day there. We’re going to get tickets on (9)  ………. Internet so we (10) ………. have any problems getting in.


1  A go            B going      C ’m going

2  A at            B in      C on

3  A visits           B is visiting     C has visited

4  A it’s            B he’s     C they’re

5 A the biggest   B the bigger    C the most big

6 A there’s        B there are     C are there

7 A lakes  B rivers     C oceans

8 A don’t have to B mustn’t        C have to

9 A an     B the                C

10 A haven’t         B don’t have     C haven’t had


12 Choose the best answer.

1 What time do you get home from school?

A About four o’clock.       B Twenty minutes.           C Yes, always.

2 Is she Lucy’s cousin?

A Yes, she has.                 B Yes, they are.                 C No, she isn’t.

3 I think those are my pens.

A They’re not. They’re her.    B They’re not. They’re hers.     C They’re not. They’re she’s.

4 What’s your favourite subject at school?

A A laptop.                       B The classroom.              C ICT.

5 Has he got long hair?

A Yes, and it’s tall.           B No, it’s short.                C No, it’s fair.

6 Do you eat with your parents?

A Yes. I have breakfast with them.     B No. They don’t have it.      C No. I have lunch.

7 What do you do in your free time?

A I don’t like it.               B I go out with friends.     C Yes, I do.

8 Excuse me, do you know where the cinema is?

A Yes. It’s a good film.   B It’s on your left.            C I watch films there.

9 Have you got brothers or sisters?

A No, I don’t.                  B Yes, I have.                   C Yes, I do.

10 Do you go to school by car?

A No, I haven’t.              B Yes, I go by bus.           C No. I go by bus.


19 серпня 2018
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