Тренувальні завдання. CONDITIONALS

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       If - clause

     Main clause


If + Present Simple

Unless (if not)



Present Simple


Real or very probable

situation  in the present

or future




       If + Past Simple

       If I were you…




Improbable situation  in

the present or future;





      If + Past Perfect


Could       + have V3


Unreal or improbable

situation in the past;

regrets and criticism


Complete the sentences below and appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I have time, I _______ (write) to him.

2. If today _______ (be) Sunday, we could go to the beach.

3. If I didn’t have to study, we _______ (go out) tonight.

4. If it hadn’t snowed, we _______ (leave) yesterday.

5.  If you are in Paris, _______ (call) me.

6. She would have sold the house, if she _______ (find) the right buyer.

7. If I have time, I usually _______ (walk) to work.

8. If you _______ (go) to the post office, please mail this letter for me.

9. If I finished the dress before Sunday, I _______ (give) it to my sister for her birthday.

10. If I had seen the movie, I _______ (tell) you about it last night.

11. He would give you the money, if he _______ (have) any.

12. She _______ (call) you, if she had needed your help.

13. We could go for a drive if today _______ (be) Friday.

14. I _______ (accept) if they invite me to the party.

15. If they had known him, they _______ (talk) to him.

16. If I heard form Jane, I _______ (call) you.

17. If I _______ (hear) from Jane, I would have called you.

18. We would have arrived sooner, if we _______ (lose) our way.

19. If I _______ (be) you, I _______ (spend) the week-end in London.

20. If Terry _______ (like) coffee, he _______ (go) to the coffee shop every day.


                                             Речення з дієсловом TO WISH




I wish + subject + Past Simple

(If only = “I wish” but more emphatic)

We express a wish about a present situation which we want to be different.

I wish he were with us now.

Шкода, що він не з нами зараз.

If only he were with us!

Якби тільки він був зараз із нами!

I wish + subject + would V (if only)

Note. We never say:

I wish I would

We express a wish for a change in a future.

I wish she would ever stop smoking.

Шкода, що вона ніколи не припинить палити.

I wish + Past Perfect (if only)

We express a regret or a wish that something happened or didn’t happen in the past.

I wish he hadn’t failed his test last term.

Шкода, що він не склав цей іспит у минулому семестрі.


Complete the sentences below and appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. I wish _______ (meet) with you when you were in town.

2. Jack wishes he _______ (send) the letter yesterday.

3. If only people _______ (fly).

4. Jane wishes she _______ (go) to London, but she has to work.

5. I wish your brother _______ (stop) drinking.

6. I wish it _______ (be) so cold now.

7.  Paula wishes Jack _______ (talk) so much yesterday.

8. I wish you _______ (not be) so lazy.

9. Kate wishes you _______ (type) faster.

10. Mr. Brown wishes his students _______ (work) better last term.

11. If only it _______ (be) Indian summer now.

12. Melanie wished she _______ (not mention) Patrick’s name in the conversation.

13. Now Dan wished he _______ (study) harder at school.

14. I wish I _______ (know) the answer to this question.

15. The Davises wished they never _______ (board) that plane.

16. We wish your cat _______ (not leave) mice at our door.

17. My brother wished he _______ (not go) to college that day. He got an F!

18. I wish I _______ (be) Sherlock Holmes and _______ (can) solve the mystery.

19. Thousands of people wish the volcano eruption _______ (not start) yet.

20. The police inspector wished there _______ (be) more witness to the crime.

14 квітня 2021
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