Unusual Places in Ukraine ( Wider World 1. Unit 8. Culture Project Lesson)

Про матеріал
Матеріал містить розробку краєзнавчого уроку до НМК Wider World 1 про незвичайні місця України для учнів 5 класу. Корисні посилання ( активні лінки) на відео та інтерактивні ресурси містяться у кінці конспекту. Розробка також стане в нагоді при вивченні теми " Україна" для учнів середньої школи, адже спрямована на проектну роботу , яка сприяє інтеграції англійської з іншими навчальними предметами та розвитком STEM-освіти в Україні .
Перегляд файлу

Year 5

Subject: Unusual Places in Ukraine

Teaching Objectives:

1) to help pupils  get to know  more about  cool and unusual places to visit in Ukraine;

2) to  practice usage of active vocabulary of unit 8

3) to develop  the 21st century skills;

4) to bring up the patriotic feelings and pride in their native country

Teaching Aids and Materials: an online presentation Genial.ly, an interactive white board and the internet resources WordArt, Wordwall, You Tube, mobile phones, posters, glue, stickers, felt-tip-pens

The Type of the Lesson: Review lesson. Culture project


I The beginning of the lesson

1. Greeting

Good morning! How are things?

I am happy to see you in a good mood today and I hope that today's lesson will be very useful and interactive.


Slide 8.1

2. Warm up

And now the first task before we start. I would like you to play Word Wall

So, read the word and find their Ukrainian equivalents. Do it as quickly as possible. I wish you GOOD LUCK!

( Place of interest – відоме місце,

Wonder – диво,

National – національний,

Unusual – незвичайний,

Create – створювати,

Monument - пам'ятник

Proverb - прислів'я

Ancient – стародавній,

Be famous for – відомий чимось,

Region – область,

Foreign – іноземний,

Be proud of – пишатись чимось)


https://wordwall.net/resource/27721063/widerworld1-unit-8-culture-project [8;1]

Slide 8. 2

II. The  main part of the lesson

 Now have a look on the board and the topic of our lesson Unusual Places in Ukraine. Culture Project I believe that this lesson will help you understand that Ukraine is a very fascinating country and you will find out many unusual facts you hadn't heard about before.

    Slide 8.3


So, you will work in two groups. First you have to split into them according to the colours of the card that I will propose you to choose from the box. There are  cards of two colours : blue and yellow (Children choose the card and find their teams).

 And now it's time to choose each team's leaders and the name of your team.

Remember about the team's rules we always follow! (After voting for leaders and choosing the name of the team, children start doing tasks on the project).

Your first task is going to be connected with some proverbs about home and motherland  and some vocabulary from Unit 8. You have to find them hidden in the image of WordArt on the board. But before it, you should put together the words on the sheets of papers on your desks in order to have YOUR saying: two teams, two different proverbs. You will stick those sayings on your posters.(Children work in their groups. They form proverbs from the sheets of paper on their desks and then they find them on the image of Word art on the board in the interactive presentation. The teacher could ask them to find as many words from  unit 7 as they can.)

  1. East or West home is best.

2 – There is no place like home

         В гостях добре, а вдома краще)

https://wordart.com/edit/cx9bwhv17mnl [8;2]

  Slide 8.4


GOOD  JOB! Now your second task: watch the video about Top 11 Places to visit  in Ukraine ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YkgEpZTZ-o [8;3] and try to memorize them .

    Slide 8.5


It's time to have a rest. So let's sing and dance. Try to read the words of the song and follow the movements

( Pupils follow the movements of the singer on the video and sing all together

Then they read the English variant of a famous Ukrainian song.)

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnqQCtzUei0) [8;4]


  Slide 8.6


     I hope you had a good portion of energy with the help of the energizer and you are ready to continue getting to know Ukraine better.

You have watched the video about 11 attractions attentively. Now find some of them among the pictures on your desks. You should also stick them on your posters and choose their proper names and region on the stickers under the photos (Children perform the task and the teacher check their work before sticking photos on their posters )

Now let's summarize and revise the sights and regions in which they are situated.

(Pupils name the famous place,the region and check the answer on the presentation)

 Slide 7.7

Slide 7.8

Thank you for your persistence. And now your last task for today's lesson.

You have to write a few sentences for your projects about unusual places in Ukraine using words on the board and the wordlist on page 102 in your Student's books.

(Words to use in the text:

Ukraine, country, amazing, sightseeing, you can find (see, visit, discover,  natural,  such as, rare…)

(Students write a few sentences about Ukraine after teacher had checked it)

Now present your amazing projects!

(Children present their culture projects )


III. The final part of the lesson

  1.                    Summarizing

To sum up, answer my questions and express your point of view.

  • What impressed you most?
  • What attractions are you planning to visit?
  1.                    Homework

Your task at home is going to be creative: to make up a quiz about interesting places in Ukraine. You can work in pairs or teams. Next time you will present your work in the class.

        3.  Praising the pupils. Evaluation.

  1. Saying “goodbye”

Wish you lots of success! See you!

Keep calm and love Ukraine!!!


      Slide 8.9



Список використаних джерел

1.Culture Project 8.WiderWorld1.Unit 8. - [Електронний ресурс]. –  Режим доступу



2.Proverbs.WordArt. – [Електронний ресурс]. –  Режим доступу



3.Top 11 Places to visit in Ukraine | Ukraine sightseeing & Ukraine Tourist Attractions. – [Електронний ресурс]. –  Режим доступу https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YkgEpZTZ-o


4.Червона калина | Ukrainian Folk Rhyme | World Kids Action Songs. -  [Електронний ресурс]. –  Режим доступу https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnqQCtzUei0)


5.Unusual Places in Ukraine. – Інтерактивна презентація [Електронний ресурс]. –  Режим доступу.



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