Урок - конференція "Our planet is in Danger."

Про матеріал
If you look green you are probably not feeling very well. But if the Erath is green it is a healthy planet. And some wonderful news: anyone can help to keep the Earth green. It is so easy! We are the happiest people because we are face to face with nature. Our first spaceman Y. Gagarin said: “How beautiful our blue planet is. How small it is. People of the world, take care of it, protect it”
Перегляд файлу

Our planet is in Danger.


  • Узагальнити знання учнів за темою «Environmental Protection»;
  • Вдосконалювати мовленнєві навички;
  • Виховати необхідність захисту навколишнього середовища.

Мовний матеріал: Модальне дієслово «should»



  • Ноутбук, мультимедійна дошка,  проектор, учнівські плакати, газети та презентації.






  1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: We live in a magic world. The world is full of won­derful things. It is our nature. Nature gives us life. We are the children of nature. Nature is our best and kindest friend. Nature teaches us to be kind and clever, attentive and creative. It teaches us to understand the world around us. We see the blue sky and the grey rain, the black night and the shiny stars, green mountains, seas and sunshine.

It is fun to know about stars that look little but are very big, about the Moon that looks big but is smaller than the stars, about the Earth that is turning all the time.

Nature shows us wonderful pictures of different colours: the blue sky and the green grass, the white snow and the black night, the red poppy and the yel­low sunflower. Nature is a great artist and poet. It has different colours for each season. Autumn is yellow, winter is white, spring is green, summer is bright.

Ecological problems have no borders. European states solve these problems together: the necessary meas­ures are taken, congresses and conferences on these ques­tions are organized, and these questions have already the reflection in the legislation of many countries.


2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Pronunciation drill with “should”.

T: Almost at each lesson you can hear, “You should do this”, “You shouldn’t do that”. I suppose you know what the verb “should” means. It is used when you want to advice or recommendation (слід, повинен).

Its synonym is “ought to” and it sounds more polite.

If the action refers to the past, use Perfect Indefinite after “should”, e.g.

You should do it. (Ви повинні це зробити.)

You should have done it. (Ви повинні були це зробити. Вам слід було це зробити.) * Now, you’ll practice these modal verbs in a chant, and you’ll be able to use them in your speech.



  1. Повторення і активізація ЛО теми. Контроль Д.З.










deal with



point out











Конкурс плакатів, газет та буклетів.

Т: Express your likes or dislikes using the following cliches:



I love/like...

...is very good (great, fantastic) What I like best is...

I like the idea

I dislike it

It’s not up to the topic

What I don’t like about this is...

I don’t understand the idea.


  1. Виступи учасників конференції.

Speak on the following situation.

Suppose your pen-friend from another country is interested in your opinion on what may happen to the world in the next 10, 20, 30 years.

He wants to know your views and hopes that you are as concerned as he is. He thinks people should do all the best to preserve our planet for future generations.


Speak on the following situation.

You are to participate in the conference on Nature Protection, and speak about environmen­tal problems of the earth. Write an outline of your speech. You may start like this:

“We are slowly destroying the earth ...”


Speak on the following situation.

Make a report on Nature Protection. What should people do to protect nature? What shoulc the authorities do?




Speak on the following situation.

Think of what will happen if the population of the world doubles and write a paragraph aboir

it. Prepare arguments for mini debate (positive and negative).


Speak on the following situation.

Imagine you are a member of Green Peace Organization and you are taking part in the press- conference. Think of the questions you may be asked and the way you will answer then.


Speak on the following situation.

Write a paragraph about what your generation can do to make life safe, and the earth, air water clean in 20 years’ time.


Speak on the following situation.

You are to participate in the conference for the Peace Corps volunteers, and speak about the ecological situation and the state of environment in the region the volunteers are going to work in.

  1. Доповіді груп із презентаціями.




1. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: What can be done to protect nature?

  • I believe that environment disasters can be avoided if people broaden ecological education and every person understands that the beauty of nature is extremely fragile and people must obey the unwritten laws of nature.
  • Governments must be prepared to take action against pollution. Air pollution could be reduced if plants and factories were made to fit effective filters on chimneys and car exhausts.
  • Green zones around big cities must be protected and extended. Natural resources should be used econo­mically because their stocks are not unlimited.





 If you look green you are probably not feeling very well. But if the Erath is green it is a healthy planet. And some wonderful news: anyone can help to keep the Earth green. It is so easy! We are the happiest people because we are face to face with nature. Our first spaceman Y. Gagarin said: “How beautiful our blue planet is. How small it is. People of the world, take care of it, protect it”


12 лютого 2020
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