Урок - практикум "My Future Profession"

Про матеріал
Це розробка уроку для учнів п'ятого класу, яка націлена на активізацію лексичного матеріалу з теми в усному та писемному мовленні, а також в тренуванні учнів у побудові речень, використовуючи Future Simple. Діти вчаться вмінню злагоджено працювати в малих групах під час наданих їм завдань.
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My Future Profession (Form 5)


- to activate topical vocabulary in oral and writing speech;

- to practise usage Future Simple;

- to develop students' listening skills;

- to practise work in groups;

- to develop communicative skills, memory, imagination, critical and logical thinking;

- to bring up interest to learning English.

Equipment: a laptop, topical flashcards and posters, handouts, the motto of the lesson, etc.

The type of the lesson: combined


I. Introduction. Warming-up

T: Hello, everyone! I'm glad to see you. How are you today?

Ss: Hello, teacher! We're glad to see you, too. We're all right, thank you!

T: Let's start our lesson then. Look at my table, please!  There are many different things on it. Say what people can you them?

Possible answers:

S1: Ball, trainers - a football player

S2: Pens, pencils, pointer - a teacher

S3: Books, newspapers, magazines - a library

.... etc.

T: What do all these words mean?

Ss: Professions.

T: You are right! As you see, the topic of our lesson is "My Future Profession". The motto of our lesson is "All professions are useful and interesting". Now let's remember all the words which associate with "profession" and write down them on the board.

* Phonetic drills

T: Let's improve your pronunciation. I'll show you some cards with sounds, you should pronounce and name the profession which begin with it.

(p) policeman, pilot, postman, painter

(s) secretary, spaceman, seller

(d) driver, doctor

(k) correspondent, compositor

(t) teacher, tailor

II. The Main Part of the Lesson

* Vocabulary Practice

T: Match the professions to their definitions.

1. a seller

2. a secretary

3. a postman

4. a waiter

a) delivers newspapers and magazines

b) someone who serves food in a cafe or in a restaurant

c) types the computer

d) someone who works in a shop selling things and helping customers

* Work in groups

T: The first group has to make up three sentences using the professions which are important in our life; the second group - professions which are interesting for many people; the third group - professions which are popular nowadays.

* Listening Comprehension

Pre-listening activity

T: Who are your parents? Where do they work?

(Ss answer the question in a chain.)

                                               My Mother

My mother is a doctor and she helps people a lot. She works at the hospital in our town.  Her profession is very important nowadays.  My mother sometimes works at night. Her life is full of stressful situations.

My mother loves her profession very much.  She is a very kind, patient and calm woman.  Thanks to her, I want to be a doctor, too.

Everyone knows and respect her and she is very sociable. She has got a lot of friends. As for me,  I want to be like her when I grow up.


Post-listening activity

T: You have the cards to the text on your desks. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1. Mother is a nurse. (F)

2. She works at the hospital. (T)

3. Her work isn't important nowadays. (F)

4. Her life is full of stressful situations. (T)

5. She is kind and patient. (T)

6. She has got a lot of friends. (T)

*Physical Activity

T: let's have a rest and do some physical exercises. Repeat after me!

One - I am looking at the sun.

Two - I am cleaning my shoes.

There - I am sitting on the floor.

Four - I am going to school.

Five - I am running to my mum.

* Writing Practice

T: Look at the screen. You can see two pictures on it. Your task is to make up and write down the sentence using these pictures. One picture is for the first group and the other one is for the second group.

* The game "An Actor"

One student from each group show the profession and other students try to guess what profession is it.

* Speaking Practice (in pairs)

S1: What will you do in the future?

S2: I will teach children at school. I will be a teacher.

III. Summing-up. Home Assignment

T: Our lesson is coming to its end. Let's sum-up! What did you do at the lesson? What was interesting for you? What was easy/difficult? Have you got any questions?

You were active, energetic, hardworking today. Your results are good and excellent.

What was the motto of our lesson? Why?

Your homework is:

the 1 st group - to make up the dialogue using the professions;

the 2 nd group - to write an essay about favourite profession.

1 листопада 2021
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