Topic (тема) : Great Britain. London is the capital of Great Britain and England (Великобританія. Лондон столиця Великої Британії та Англії)
Objectives (мета) :
Equipment (обладнання) : підручники, робочі зошити, презентація до уроку, карта Великої Британії, картки з символами Великої Британії.
Хід уроку
The Procedure of the Lesson
Greeting 1. Привітання.
The song “Hello everybody, how are you today”
T : Hello my children! Glad to see you! Sit down, please.
Aim 2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T : Today we are going to travel to Great Britain. This travel is not real unfortunately, but I`m sure you`ll like it. We`ll tell what we know about Great Britain, read the texts, listen to the texts, do interesting exercises. So, let`s start our lesson
Warming up 3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
T : Please say me at first how are you today? Please hook a clothespin to the weel of mood. (ask every pupil about his mood today, and they hook clothespins to the weel)
Vokabulary 1. Повторенна й активізація лексичного
Revision матеріалу.
and Practice
T : So, today we are travelling to the Great Britain. Say me please the full name of Great Britain.
P : The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland.
T : And how shot can we name it?
P : Great Britain or the United Kingdom, the
T : How many countries are in the UK? What are they?
P : There are 4 countries in the UK. They are : England, Scotland, Wales, Nothern Ireland.
T: What is the capital of England? Show it on the map please.
P : London is the capital of England.
T: What is the capital of Scotland? Show it on the map too.
P : Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
T : What is the capital of Wales? Show it on the map too.
P : Cardiff is the capital of Wales.
T : What is the capital of Northen Ireland? Show it on the map too.
P : Belfast is the capital of Northen Ireland.
T : Now I`ll show you pictures with the symbols of this countries and you must name them and hang them on our map of the UK.
So, what is this? The symbol of what country is this? ( the teacher shows the pictures, pupils name the simbols and the country this symbol belons to, then hang them on the map)
Grammar 2. Подання граматичного матеріалу : ступені
Presentation порівняння прикметників.
T : Look at the grammar table on the blackboard and let`s remember how to build the Degreese of Comparison of Adjectives (the teacher ask the questions and the pupils answer)
So, we have comparative and superlative degreeses. How we build comparative? When we use it? How we build Superlative? When we use it?
Open your exercise-books and write down the day and the date. What day is it today? What date is it today?
Ex. 8, p.125
Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative form.
England is (0) bigger than the other three countries. Eastern England is (1) ..... (dry) than the west. It's very flat here, too.
Wales and Scotland are (2) ..... (wet) than England. They are very hilly, too.
Scotland is (3) ..... (cold) than England. There are a lot of hills and mountains there. In winter it often snows and you can go skiing.
The weather in the south of the UK is (4) ..... (nice) than in the north. It is (5) ..... (warm) and (6) ..... (sunny). A lot of people come there on holidays.
Listening 3. Аудіювання та обговорення.
And Discussing
T : Now please take you seats at our double-decker. We are going to travel moreover.
The song “ The weels on the bus go round and round”
Kids, where are we now? Yes, we are at London, the capital city of Great Britain and England.
Now we`ll watch a small video about London. Please, listen to the text attentively.
Video “London”
Єтап перевірки розуміння почутого.
Now let`s do fallowing task. You must say if the sentenses are True or False accoding to the video about London.
Practise 4. Розвиток умінь мовлення. Практичне
застосування знань.
Very good. You were very active and attentive. Look at the picture and name the parts of the world.
Now let`s play a game. We have such unusual map of London. Using the parts of world and my instructions you must say where we are.
Compass Directions : At London
We are at Big Ben
We are at the Houses of Parlament.
We are at Buckingham Palace.
We are at Tower Bridge.
We are at London Eye
We are at the Trafalgar Square.
We are at Nelson`s Column
We are at the double-decker.
Summaraising 1. Підведення підсумків уроку
T : Yes , now we are at our double-decker again and our travelling, our lesson is almoust over. All of you were very attentive, worked hard. Thank you for this lesson.
Reflektion 2. Рефлексія
T : Do you like the lesson and our travel? What do you like most of all?
P : Answer what they like the best.
T : So let`s say “goodbuy” to each other.
The song “Goodbye to you”