Урок - змагання з англійської мови для НУШ на тему: "Animals"

Про матеріал
Урок дає можливість удосконалити свої знання з англійської мови, вміло і вправлятись з даними завданнями. Поглибити знання і лексику. Активно вправлятись робота в групах, парах.
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До підручника «Англійська мова».2 клас (авт.Карпюк О.Д.)              

(2 form)  Пелещак А.А.,Капустинська ЗОШ,

                                                           Збаразький р-н,Тернопільська обл.

Objectives: - to improve pupils’ skills in speaking, listening;

 - to enrich pupils’ vocabulary;

 - to expend speaking skills of pupils through methods of interactive

                     activity (group work, pair work, free discussion);

                   - to cultivate cooperative activity.

Equipment: books, cards with tests, pictures, notebook with CD and DVD.



Teacher: Good morning! Pupils sing a song “ Good morning…” (any variant of this song). Today we’ve got a special lesson. We will work in teams. So think about the name of your team.


  1. Guess the animal.

There are pictures of the animals on the board.

Pupils read the riddles and guess the animal.

  1. It is brown. It can climb and jump. It can’t sing.  (Monkey)
  2. It is big. It’s grey. It can walk. It can’t fly. ( Elephant)
  3. It is big. It’s brown. It can run. It can’t sing. (Bear)
  4. It’s red. It can run and jump. It can’t fly. (Fox)
  5. It’s big. It’s pink. It can run. It can’t fly. (Pig)
  6. It’s brown. It’s thin. It can climb and swim. It can’t run or jump. (Snake)
  7. It’s small. It’s yellow. It can swim. It can’t run. (Fish)
  8. It’s white and brown. It can fly. It can’t swim. (Bird)
  1. Learn the poems.

At the zoo.                                                      I like bears.

 At the zoo I see a bear,                                 I like bears. They are fat.

 He has brown fluffy hair,                              Bears are happy, bears are sad.

 I see lions, crocodiles                                    Bears are big, bears are small.

 With a very toothy smile.                              I like different bears, I like them all.

 I see yellow long giraffes,

 Funny monkeys make me laugh.

 But my favourite animal at the zoo

 Is an elephant – what about you?

  1. Magic bag.

Teacher: Look, I’ve got lots of toys in my bag. Take one of them and describe it.

P1: I’ve got a bear. It’s small and fat. It’s brown and white.

P2: I’ve got a rabbit. It’s big. It’s pink. It’s funny.


P3: I’ve got a crocodile. It’s long. It’s green.

  1. Puzzles.

Teacher: Now every team will get a puzzle (a picture of animal). The winner is the team that collects the puzzle first. Then you will describe it.

Team1: It’s a parrot. It’s yellow. It can fly.

Team2: It’s a lion. It’s big. It can roar.

  1. Mime the animal.

Students mime animals. They can’t talk. The other team will guess.

  1. Drowing. The zoo.

Students draw the zoo and describe the animals.

Team1: There are lots of animals in our zoo.

            There are lions. They are big. They like meat. They can walk.

Team2: There are monkeys. They are brown and black. They are funny. They

            can jump and play.

            There are parrots. They are blue and yellow. They are nice. They can sing.

  1. Relaxation.

We can jump, we can swim,

We can fly, fly, fly up to the sky

One, two, three – hop.

One, two, three – stop.

  1. Reading comprehension.

Teacher: So, let’s read the text about the giraffe.

P: A giraffe lives in Africa. It is brown and yellow. It has a very long neck. The giraffe has four legs. It eats fruits.

1.Where does giraffe live? a)In America; b)In Africa; c)In Ukraine.

2.How many legs does giraffe have? a)4; b)2; c)6.

3.What kind of neck does giraffe have? a)very long; b)very short; c)very little.

4.What colour is giraffe? a)brown and black; b)yellow and red; c)brown and yellow.

5.What does giraffe eat? a)meat; b)fruits; c)vegetables.

C:\Users\User\Desktop\IMG_20200123_190600.jpg  VIII.  Wordsearch.










  1. Watching a film about animals.

Teacher: What animals did you see? Call them. Whose team will name the animals more correctly, and the team wins.

Pupils: (tiger, giraffe, zebra, crocodile, monkey,  lion, elephant…)


  1.  Jumbled letters.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard and guess what animals are hidden here.

         Team1:                                                            Team2:

         keyMon      affeGir

         codileCro                                                         onLi

         braZe phantEle

         gerTi arBe

  1. Learn to spell animals.





  1. Put the correct number. Pupils have two copies each team. Who will do faster.

C:\Users\User\Desktop\з 001.jpg 










  1. C:\Users\User\Desktop\х 001.jpgRead the sentences and write True or False








  1. C:\Users\User\Desktop\Без названия (1).pngMatch :

C:\Users\User\Desktop\Без названия (1).jpg 

a) a lion



                                                       b) a zebra

C:\Users\User\Desktop\2610-raskraska-Zhiraf.gifC:\Users\User\Desktop\Без названия.jpg 


  1. a hippo



  1. a girrafe
  1.   Read the description and write about which animal is it.
  1. I am yellow and brown.

I am tall.

I have a long neck.                         a) a zebra

  1. I have four legs.

I am very big.

I have a long nose.                         b) a girrafe

  1. I am white and black.

I have got stripes.

I have four legs and a tail.              c) an elephant

  1.  Make up the sentence:
  1. big, I’ve, got, ears.
  2. I’ve, stripes, got.
  3. a big, mouth, I’ve, got.

  XVII.  The final song “ Animals”

SUMMARIZING. Teacher: You’ve worked very well today and you’ll get good marks and sweet presents. Whatever team wins all of you are winners. Thank you for the lesson. Good luck!



31 березня 2020
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