Урок англійської мови "An apple a day keeps a doctor away"

Про матеріал

Урок англійської мови "An apple a day keeps a doctor away" повязаний з проблемою правильного харчування. Мета уроку ознайомити з новою лексикою теми, повторити назви продуктів харчування, формувати навички читання, аудіювання, виховувати усвідомлення важливості правильного харчування. Урок з елементами гри та занурення в англомовну атмосферу.

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Тема: Харчування

 Підтема: Правильне харчування

Мета: Ознайомити з новою лексикою теми. Повторити назви продуктів харчування. Формувати навички читання, аудіювання. Виховувати усвідомлення важливості правильного харчування.

Обладнання: підручник, зошит, картки для індивідуальної роботи



І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


Good morning!

2.Yведення в іншомовну атмосферу

How are you today? ….

Aren’t you hungry? Have you had breakfast in the morning?


(Students answer and the teacher makes notes on the blackboard)



And I had a ….

-But some food is healthy, good for us and some is not good, that is unhealthy food. Could you say what of this food is healthy and what is unhealthy? ………………..

2.Повідомлення теми та мети

Could you guess what our topic is today?

Students: about food

-Yes, you are right; today we are going to speak about food, about the right food. We’ll discuss why you need food and which food is good for health and which is not very good. You will revise the vocabulary on the topic and learn some new words.

And one more thing I have a surprise for you. I hope you will enjoy it very much!

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

  1. First of all, we need to revise words to the topic

-T. gives the kids a set of cards with food names

Your task is to divide these words in 4 groups: fruit, vegs, food, drinks

(Students come one by one, take a card and stick on the board in a proper group)

  • Let’s read and translate the words and see if you know all of them.
  •                   Can you add any more names? ………………………
  • Make up 1 sentences with the words:” I like …. But I don’t like….”
  • As for me I like apples very much.

Even the proverb says:” An apple a day keeps a doctor away

-Do you agree? What does it mean?  fruit, vitamins,…)

-Yes, you are right. It is a healthy food. But not all food is healthy.


-Look at the picture on p.116 Ex.1 and write the names of the food in 2 groups: healthy food and unhealthy food. 

-Read your lists


*The time of my surprise is coming but before it I would like to ask you what else helps us be healthy?

PP- Exercises!

-Yes, of course, exercises. Let’s do your favourite ex-s…. (Wash wash…)


So its high time for the surprise. Have you any ideas what it is? And my surprise is ……...?... from Scotland!!!

  • Watch the video, listen to the text and be ready to do some tasks. So, be attentive, please.
  • While watching the video, make the notes of the food you hear.
  • Now answer my q-s please:…..

- Could you retell the video?


- (ask students about their food experience in Britain)


As you see, we all eat different kinds of food healthy and not. I would like you to read the text about the right food. You will learn why we need it.

-Read and translate

-Answer the q-s

 -Work in pairs. Make up dialogues using these q-s.

-You eat different food. And now I’d like to check if you remembered well what the right food is and why we need it.

-Watch the slides, read and say if you agree or not. If not, correct it.

* People can live without food.

* Sugar helps us to grow.

* Sugar, meat and cheese give us energy.

* Vegetables make our bones and teeth strong.

* Fish and milk help us to grow.

* Butter has a lot of vitamins.

* There are five types of vitamins.

* Vitamins are important for our skin and bones.

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку


Well done. And your home task is to make booklets and tell in them about the right food.

2.Підведення підсумків уроку

So, let’s sum up what we’ve done today.

-What was our topic today?

-Name as many healthy products as you can.

-Why do we need to eat different food?

12 липня 2018
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