Урок англійської мови для 10 класу "The Power of Art"

Про матеріал
комунікативна компетенція: мовленнєві функції: висловлювати власні враження, почуття та емоції у зв'язку з почутим, побаченим та прочитаним лінгвістична компетенція: лексична: мистецтво; граматична: порядок слів; фонетична: наголос та інтонація. мовленнєва компетенція: читання, говоріння, аудіювання, письмо; соціокультурна компетенція: знання про історичні та культурні цінності світу загально навчальна компетенція: вміння за ситуацією вживати досвід та набуті мовні та мовленнєві навички.
Перегляд файлу

Урок англійської мови в 10 класі (укладено у співавторстві з учителем англійської мови Осолодковою О.М.)

Тема: Англомовний світ та Україна (види мистецтва).

Підтема: The Power of Art. Сила мистецтва.

Тип: Урок засвоєння нових знань.


комунікативна компетенція:

мовленнєві функції: висловлювати власні враження, почуття та емоції у зв’язку з почутим, побаченим та прочитаним

лінгвістична компетенція: лексична: мистецтво; граматична: порядок слів; фонетична: наголос та інтонація.

мовленнєва компетенція: читання, говоріння, аудіювання, письмо;

соціокультурна компетенція: знання про історичні та культурні цінності світу

загально навчальна компетенція: вміння за ситуацією вживати досвід та набуті мовні та мовленнєві навички

Обладнання: Card 1, Card 2 (Variant 1, 2), Card 3, Card 4 (Variant 1, 2), Card 5; board for PowerPoint presentation (vocabulary, keys of the listening); cards with the words  “excellent”,  “good”, “not bad”; blackboard  with the phrases (Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth. Pablo Picasso. I dream my painting and then paint my dream. Vincent Van Gogh.), felt-tip-pens, sheets of paper, 15 small badges with a smile.

Хід уроку

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу
  1. Greeting                                 

 Good morning!

I am glad to see you.

Take your sits, please.

How are you?

  1. Aim

Today we are going to know more about art, artists such as Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso and their woks, different genres  and techniques.

  1. Warming up
  1. Do you agree that …

art is indeed a great power, especially if it appeals to the heart and mind of a man, to his feelings ideals and if it proclaims life. Art is truthful only when it serves life, only when the artist hopes to arouse a warm response in the heart of a man.

  1. Phonetic drill (vocabulary).

Now we have a short phonetic drill. Listen and repeat after me. You may look at the board. (PowerPoint presentation)

  • Genre
  • a portrait
  • a still life
  • a landscape
  • a city scape
  • a seascape
  • a genre picture
  • a battle picture
  • a caricature
  • technique
  • oil
  • charcoal
  • felt-pen
  • water-colour
  • pastel.


  1. Основна частина


  1. Your Language Portfolio: Listening

Today we’ll try to make your language portfolio. Use the prints at your desks.  Look through Card 1 for listening comprehension. Listen to the text and a) predict the last sentence in the text; b) choose the right variant. You can do it during my reading. If you need I can read it ones more.

The title of the text is “The king and the painter”. Are you ready? Let’s start.


The king and the painter

There was a king who thought that he could paint very well. His pictures were bad, but the people to whom he showed them, were afraid of the king. They all said they liked his pictures very much.

 One day the king showed the pictures to a great painter who lives in this country and asked: “I want to know what you think of my pictures. Do you like them? Am I a good painter or not?”

 The painter looked at the kings pictures and said:”My king, I think that your pictures are bad and that you will never be a good painter”.

 The king was very angry and sent the painter to the prison. 

 After the two years the king wanted to see the painter again.

 “I was angry with you”, he said, “because you didn’t like my pictures. Now forget all about it. You are a free man again, and I am your friend”.

 For many ours the king talked to the painter and even invited him for dinner. After dinner the king showed his pictures to the painter and asked:”Well, how do you like them now?”

 The painter didn’t answer. He turned to the soldier who was standing near him and said, … “Take me back to the prison”.


Card 1. Language Portfolio: Listening

Listen to the text and a) predict the last sentence in the text; b) choose the right variant to complete the sentence.

  1. There was a king who thought that he could _______.
  1. paint very well
  2. sing very well
  3. dance very well
  4. write poems very well
  1. His pictures were ______.
  1. good
  2. talented
  3. bad
  4. beautiful
  1. The people to whom he showed his pictures said that they are ______.
  1. didn’t like his pictures
  2. liked the pictures very much
  3. were real masterpieces
  4. were not afraid of the king
  1. One day the king showed the pictures to ______.
  1. a great musician
  2. his best friend
  3. his wife
  4. a great painter
  1. The king sent the painter _______.
  1. back home
  2. abroad
  3. to the prison
  4. to the army
  1. The king wanted to see the painter again _______.
  1. after ten years
  2. after midnight
  3. the next morning
  4. after two years.
  1. The king told the painter that ________.
  1. the painter was a free man
  2. they were friends
  3. he was still angry with the painter
  4. he would be taken to the prison.
  1. For many hours the king talked to the painter and even ______.
  1. presented  him with one of  his pictures
  2. gave him some money
  3. invited him to dinner
  4. invited him for supper
  1. Then he _____.
  1. showed his place to the painter
  2. sent him back to prison
  3. sang a song for the painter
  4. showed his pictures for the painter
  1. The painter told the soldier _______.
  1. to set him free
  2. to take him back to the prison
  3. to show the pictures
  4. to have a good rest


Let’s check the answers. Change the cards with the classmate. The keys are at the board.

The keys: 1a, 2c, 3b, 4d, 5c, 6d, 7a, 8c, 9d, 10b.

What are your results?  For the each right done  task you’ll get cards with the words  “excellent”,  “good”, “not bad”, that helps you to sum your mark for today’s  lesson.

  1. Your Language Portfolio :Reading

Now we continue to make your language portfolio. Find Card 2 for reading comprehension. Don’t forget that we have two variants.

Variant 1 - read the text about Pablo Picasso and do the tasks.

The painter.

On 25 October 1881 a little boy was born in Malaga, Spain. It was a difficult birth and to help him breathe, cigar smoke was blown into his nose. But despite being the youngest smoker this baby grew up to be one of the 20th century’s greatest painter’s – Pablo Picasso.

Picasso showed his truly exceptional talent from a very young age. His first word was lapis (pencil for Spanish) and he learnt to draw before he could speak. He was the only son in the family, and very good-looking, so he was thoroughly spoilt.  He hated school and often refused to go unless his doting parents allowed him to take one of his father’s pet pigeons with him!

Apart from the pigeons, his greatest love was art, and when in 1891 his father, who was an amateur artist, got a job as a drawing teacher at a college, Pablo went with him to the college. He often watched his father paint and sometimes was allowed to help. One evening father was painting a picture of their pigeons when he had to leave the room. He returned to find Pablo had completed the picture, and it was so amazingly beautiful and lifelike that he gave his son his own palette and brushes and never painted again. Pablo was 13.

From then onwards there was no stopping him. Many people realized that he was a genius but he disappointed those who wanted him to become a traditional painter. He was always breaking of the aristocratic tradition and shocked the public with his strange and powerful picture He is probably best known for his “Cubist” pictures, which used only simple geometric shapes. His paintings of people were often made up of triangles and squares with their features in the wrong ways. His work changed our ideas about art, and to millions of people modern art mills the work of Picasso.

Picasso created over 6000 paintings, drawings and sculptures. Today “A Picasso” costs several million pounds. Once, when the French Minister of Culture was visiting Picasso, the artist accidentally split some paint on the Minister’s trousers. Picasso apologized and wanted to pay for them to be cleaned, but the Minister said: “Non! Please, Monsignor Picasso, just sign my trousers!”

Picasso died of heart failure during an attack of influenza in 1973.


  1. Answer the questions.
  2. Five of these following numbers or dates relate to this painter? Find them and circle.

Card 2. Language Portfolio :Reading

Variant 1.

  • 1. Answer the questions.
  •       1. When was Pablo Picasso born?
  •        2. Where was Pablo Picasso Born?
  •        3. What do you learn about his childhood?
  •        4. Which people played a part in his career?
  •         5. What do you think were the most important events in his life?

2.  Five of these following numbers or dates relate to this painter? Find them and circle.













Variant 2 - read the text about Vincent Van Gogh and do the tasks.

The great painter.

Vincent Van Gogh was an outstanding painter of the 19th century. He was born in 1883 in Holland, but he lived much of his life in France. He was a very emotional man and there was much suffering in his life.

Van Gogh did not start painting until he was 27, ten years before he died. Before becoming a painter, he was a teacher, an art dealer and a church preacher.

However Van Gogh was mentally ill. During one of his fits of madness he attacked his friend, the artist Paul Gauguin. In another fit of madness, he cut of part of his own ear. Eventually he went into a mental hospital, but he did not get any better.

Finally, in 1890 Vincent Van Gogh shot himself. His last words were “The sadness will continue”.

His style of painting was very different from classical art. He painted pictures of the sunny, hot regions of France. Nobody has ever painted cornfields or sunflowers like Van Gogh. His paintings are full of colour and sunlight. He looked for interesting shapes and exiting colours. He liked to work freely and quickly. Today his paintings are worth millions of pound, but in his lifetime he only sold one.

There is fast movement in many of his paintings. Sometimes the trees look like fire. The sun, the moon and stars move rapidly in the sky. He also painted pictures of people. Like his life his art was always unusual and very emotional.


  1. Choose the correct variant.
  2. Mark if the sentences are true or false.

Card 2. Language Portfolio :Reading

Variant 2.

1. Choose the correct variant.

  1. How old was Van Gogh when he started painting?
  1. 27    b) 37        c)    17     d)   26
  1. What was he before becoming a painter?
  1. a teacher and a sailor
  2. a teacher, a doctor and a preacher
  3. a teacher, a dealer and a preacher
  4. a dealer and a farmer
  1. What was wrong with him?
  1. He was mentally ill.
  2. He was emotional.
  3. He was disabled.
  4. He was left-handed.
  1. How did he die?
  1. His heart was broken.
  2. He was shot by his brother.
  3. He had a strong heart attack.
  4. He shot himself.
  1. How many pictures did he sell in his lifetime?
  1. one      b) many     c)    none     d) twenty-one.

2.  Mark the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Van Gogh was an outstanding actor of the 19th century.  ______

2. Van Gogh was born in 1853 in Holland. ______

3. Van Gogh started painting when he was 17. ______

4. Before becoming a painter he was an accountant.______

5. His paintings were full of colour and sunlight. _______

Let’s check the tasks. Read your answers in chain one by one.

The keys of 1 task: 1a, 2c, 3a, 4d, 5a.   

 The keys of the 2 task:  1F, 2T, 3T, 4F, 5T.

(I give the cards to pupils with the words “excellent”, “good”, and “not bad”). Well done.

4. Physical warming up.

Now we’ll have some rest. Stand up! Instead traditional exercises let’s revise the names of geometric shapes. Listen, repeat and do the shapes with me: oval, circle, square, rectangle and triangle. I suggest you to be cubist painters. Now write pictures using the only geometric shapes. You’ll draw at the sheets of paper on the blackboard with a felt-tip-pen.

Great job! Well done! Thank you! Take your sits!

5. Your Language Portfolio: Writing

The next stage of our lesson is writing. We’ll play a writing game “Thoughts of art”. Find Card 3 for writing. I’ll show you some pictures of Pablo Picasso and some pictures of Vincent Van Gogh. Every picture has a number. Choose one picture you’d like best, remember its number, write the thoughts or emotions of the picture, share your thoughts with the class, but don’t tell its name.   We’ll try to guess what picture you mean. Now look at the pictures.

Card 3. Your Language Portfolio: Writing


The name of the picture and the author

Your thoughts, emotions


Potato eaters, Vincent Van Gogh



The Yellow house,  Van Gogh    



Vase with twelve sunflowers, Van Gogh    



The girl on a ball Pablo   Picasso



Three musicians, Pablo  Picasso



Pablo Picasso self           portrait



(I give the cards to pupils with the words “excellent”, “good”, and “not bad”).  Well done.

  1. Your Language Portfolio: Speaking

Now we complete making your language portfolio. The last stage of our work is speaking.  Make up the dialogues about Vincent Van Gogh or Pablo Picasso using the material of cards 1, 2, 3.  You have the example of the dialogues on the Card 4.


Variant 1.

Card 4.  Language Portfolio: Speaking

         Орієнтовний приклад діалогу.

       -  When was Pablo Picasso born?

      -   On 25 October 1881.

       - Where was Pablo Picasso Born?

       - In Malaga, Spain

       - What do you learn about his childhood?

         - Picasso showed his truly exceptional talent from a very young age. He learnt to draw before he could speak. He was the only son in the family, and very good-looking, so he was thoroughly spoilt.

       - Who played a part in his career?

       - His father did.

        - What his pictures do you know?

        - The girl on a ball, Three musicians, Pablo Picasso.


Variant 2.

Card 4.  Language Portfolio: Speaking

         Орієнтовний приклад діалогу.

 - How old was Van Gogh when he started painting?

- He was 27.

- What was he before becoming a painter?

 - He was a teacher, a dealer and a preacher.

- What was wrong with him?

- He was mentally ill.

- How did he die?

- He shot himself.

- What his pictures do you know?

- Potato eaters, The Yellow house, Vase with twelve sunflowers.   


(I give the cards to pupils with the words “excellent”, “good”, and “not bad”).  Well done.

  1. Self-assessment.

Card 5.

Think of your records. Tick how well you know it.

4 =excellent , 3 = good, 2 = not bad, 1 = need to improve.


Today’s lesson helps me to

    4   3    2    1


• read and understand the texts about artists

•find the necessary information  in the text  quickly 




• talk about the art, artist, techniques, genres of painting

• ask and present information about art




• understand the information during a discussion



• write the impressions of paintings



So let’s summarize your language portfolio. For today’s lesson your mark is … Open the diaries, I’ll put you the marks. (I give the pupils small badges with a smile).

  1. Заключна частина.


T: Our lesson will be over soon. Let’s sum up our lesson.

 Tell me:  What information was new for you? What facts from painter’s life did you remember? What pictures of Van Gogh and Picasso do you know now? Tell the one sentence the impressions of the lesson.

Home assignment

Your home assignment for the next lesson is to tell the interesting facts from the biography of the famous artist.

Saying goodbye

Our lesson is over. You may be free! Good-bye!






  1. Програма для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Англійська мова для  10-11 класів. Академічний рівень. 
  2. Л.В. Калініна, І.В. Самойлюкевич. Your English Self, підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Академічний профіль. – Київ. 2010. 
  3. І.П. Лисовець. Усі уроки англійської мови. Рівень стандарт. – Харків. 2010.
  4.   English after classes: Методичний посібник для позакласної роботи загальноосвітньої школи. У трьох книгах. Книга1/ Л.В. Калініна,       І.В. Самойлюкевич, - Харків: Веста: Видавництво «Ранок», 2003. 


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