Урок англійської мови у 2 класі на тему: «Ми — щасливі»

Про матеріал

На допомогу вчителю англійської мови. Даний урок передбачає використання різноманітних методів навчання, зокрема активних та інтерактивних. Поєднання цікавих форм організації роботи учнів підсилює пізнавальний інтерес та сприяє розвитку вмінь і навичок.

Перегляд файлу

Iryna Kotyk

a teacher of English

School #99


The lesson is based on the textbook “English 2 (Oksana Karpiuk),

Unit-2 (Meet Me and My Family).





Subject of the lesson: ”We are Happy”.


Practical Aim:


  • to activate and reinforce pupils’ vocabulary:

Vocabulary. Family: father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother…; 

Weather: cold, hot, rainy, snowy, windy, sunny…;

 Actions: sit, stand, jump, dance, swim, sleep, climb, go…;

School: desks, books, pens, pencils, pencil-boxes, lamps…;

  • to practise finding out personal information: asking about name, surname, age…;
  • to practise structures:  “this is…”, “…can/cannot…”,   “It is…/Is it… ”, “I see…” (statements, questions, short answers)

Developmental Aim

-      to develop pupils’ speaking, reading, listening  and writing skills;

  • to stimulate creative initiative and extend pupils’ memory, attention, imagination (through various kinds of activities);
  • to activate the use of logical thinking;

Educational Aim

  • to deepen pupilsknowledge about the world around them;

Cultural Aim

       -     to enlarge pupils’ ability to work in a group and pairs.

Equipment: students’ book  “English 2”, a class cassette set, handouts (HO1 – A Family, HO2- sound [k]),  pictures – sound [k], a set of posters “We are Happy”,  video-songs – “Come and Meet My Family”, “Animal Sounds”, “The Weather Outside”, “Alphablocks”.


Lesson Plan

  1. Organizing moments. (1 min)

 - Greeting;          

  1. Introduction. (2 min)

-  The presentation of the topic and the aims of the lesson;

- The poem “Together”;

  1. Warming-up activity. (10 min)


Speaking about the families (dialogues: teacher         pupils , pupil                pupil - the game “Moving Circles”, the song “Come and Meet my Family”).

  1. Main Part. (25 - 30 min)

- PETS : revision of the vocabulary “Actions” (pronunciation practice “Animal Sounds”, role-playing “Pets”, commands - “…can/cannot…” );

 -WEATHER : activation of pupils` vocabulary, practicing the structure “It is…/Is it…”, short answers “Yes, it is./ No, it is not.”


a) vocabulary practice, the game “I see…”

b) pronunciation practice “Alphablocks”, sound [k]

c)  checking on the hometask: reading p.29 ex.4

d) the work with the HO2 (sound [k] – read, circle, match, colour)

e) the physical activity “Open – shut…”

  1. Assessments (1 min)
  • summing up; (the song “If You are Happy”)
  1. Home Assignment. (1 min)

(We should remember that the lesson in the 2nd form lasts for 40 minutes, 45 minutes is possible if we take into consideration game activities).



Lesson Procedure


І.    Organizing moments. (1 min)


  • Greeting;


Hello-song (відео додаток до підручника з англійської мови «English 1», О.Карп»юк,2012, «Лібра Терра», 2012, «Сорока Білобока», 2012


  1. Introduction. (1 min)


  • The presentation of the topic and the aims of the lesson;


Teacher: «We are Happy», we`ll talk about our friends, family, weather, school and pets. We`ll play, sing, read together.


Teacher: Hand in hand  and repeat!


 - The poem “Together”;


All together:  Together, together, together every day, together, together we work and play!


  1. Warming-up activity. (10 min)



Teacher: Are you ready? Let`s start with our “Family”. Family!

Pupils: Family, family, family (all together)

Teacher: open your books at page 29 (“English 2, O.Karpiuk). We can see a family at the table. Show me “a father” repeat “a father, this is a father” (учні показують усіх членів родини і повторюють про них за вчителем за поданим зразком“a mother – this is a mother”, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother)


Т: Well done! Now, let`s sing a song about this nice family.

(The pupils watch the video and sing a song “Come and meet my family” – відеододаток English with Smily 2, «English 2», О.Карп»юк,2013, «Лібра Терра», 2013, «Сорока Білобока», 2013)

Come and meet

My family!

Mummy, Daddy,

My brother and me!

Come and meet

My family!

Mummy, Daddy,

My sister and me!

Come and meet

My family!

Grandma and grandpa

Are coming for tea!


-  діалог вчитель-учні (учень-учень)

Teacher: Very well! Thank you! I like all your families, I want to learn more about you, answer my questions:

-What`s your name?

- What`s your surname?

- How old are you?

 - Where do you live?

- What street do you live in?

- What is your mother`s name?

- What is your father`s name?

- Do you have a sister?

-Do you have a brother?

- What is your sister`s name?

- What is your broher`s name?

T: Thank you! It was great!


T: now introduce your friends to your family, help them become good friends.

(the game “Moving Circles”)


(The teacher and the pupils form two circles. They’ll play the game “Moving Circles”).

“Moving Circles” ( a  communicative  game

Focus: Greeting and making simple introductions.

Time:  3-5 minutes.

Group size: 18 students.

Material: None.

Procedure: The class is divided into two groups. There should be two circles – the inner and the outer one. When the students hear “Move”, they begin to move in different directions. At the signal “Stop” the circles stop moving and the students stand face to face to each other. The partners ask each other. The possible expressions can be used:

- What street do you live in?

- What is your mother`s name?

- What is your father`s name?

- Do you have a sister?

-Do you have a brother?

- What is your sister`s name?

- What is your broher`s name?



  1. Main Part. (25-30 min)


- PETS : revision of the vocabulary “Actions” (pronunciation practice “Animal Sounds”, role-playing “Pets”, commands - “…can/cannot…” );


Teacher : But we can`t without our pets . Pets!

Pupils: Pets, pets, pets. (all together)

Teacher: have you got pets? Let`s talk with them. (Учні дивляться відео “The Animal sounds song” і повторюють звуки тваринок -  It's a song for children describing the sounds that animals make. It is designed to help learn phonic patterns in English.
This song was written and performed by A.J.Jenkins. 
Copyright 2010 A.J.Jenkins/KidsTV123.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t99ULJjCsaMour pets


 The dog goes WOOF, WOOF, WOOF, WOOF

The cow goes MOO, MOO, MOO, MOO

The duck goes quack, quack, quack

And the owl says  - to whit to whoooooo

The cat goes  - meow, meow, meow

The bird goes tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet

The pig goes oink, oink, oink, oink

And the little mouth says squeak, squeak, squeak

These are the sounds that the animals make

These are the sounds that the animals make

The horse goes  - neigh, neigh, neigh

The sheep goes baa-baa-baa

The rabbit goes thump-thumpety-thump

And the people they say bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla


Teacher : And here, at school, we also have pets! Here they are, dogs! (вчитель і учні одягають на пальчики макети собак зроблені з картонки, показують дії, які тваринка може або не може виконувати)

What can our pet-dogs do? (let`s show – stand,  sit, jump, fly –not, swim, sleep, climb – not, go, run, bark, dance. Вчитель: Stand! Учні: My dog can stand! і т.д.)

Teacher: Let it have a rest! Stroke your dog! Say: My dog, good dog!


Teacher: And What can we do??? – stand up, let`s move!

(Вчитель: Jump! Учні: We can jump! Stand! Dance!...)

 учні – учні

Teacher: it`s your turn to give a command!  (учні самі дають команди і виконують їх)

Teacher: Thank you! It was nice!


-WEATHER : activation of pupils` vocabulary, practicing the structure “It is…/Is it…”, short answers “Yes, it is./ No, it is not.”


Teacher: Are you tired? Let`s go outside! (ходімо на прогулянку) and now we are in the street on the way to school! Weather!

Pupils: Weather, weather, weather! (all together)

Teacher: Let`s sing about the weather!

учні дивляться відео (за бажанням учні можуть показувати рухи – дощ, сніг, сонечко…  It`s rainy..”




It`s rainy outside today

It`s sunny outside today

It`s windy outside today

It`s snowy outside today

It`s cloudy outside today

It`s hot outside today


Dialogue (teacher – pupils):

Teacher: Is it cold? (Hot? Rainy? Windy? Snowy? Cloudy? Slippery?) – відпрацювання yes, it is/no, it is not.

Pupils: Yes, it is./ No, it is not.

Teacher: Repeat after me:

  • It`s autumn.
  • It`s cold.
  • It`s rainy.
  • It`s windy.
  • It`s not hot.
  • It`s cloudy.
  • It`s not slippery.
  • I like the weather.
  • I don`t like the weather.



a) vocabulary practice, the game “I see…”


 Teacher:  and now we are at school (ми у школі). School!

Pupils: School, school, school!

Teacher: What can we see around? Have a look! Are you attentive? Let`s check! Close you eyes! Don`t peep! Tell us!


Pupils  (із закритими очима): I see desks, books, pens, pencils, maps, lamps, exercise-books, windows, blackboard…


Teacher : Yes a lot of things.

But what can we do at school?

Can we speak English? Yes – let`s pronounce English sounds.

Учні переглядають відео  і повторюють звуки букв англійського алфавіту – Alphablocks – Episode 1 (learning the alphabet)





b) pronunciation practice “Alphablocks”, sound [k]


Teacher: Look here – на попередніх уроках ми вивчали букву с звук «к»


c [k] – cat, cap

k[k] – desk, kitten

 Teacher: ми казали що ці дві букви товаришують адже часто зустрічаються разом у словах і співають спільний звук «к», але, що трапилось, наш півник (cock) так кукурікав, що налякав усі слова з цим звуком, вони загубились,  треба у класі їх знайти, знайти звук «к» подивіться ось тут він є  і ось тут (у класі розташовані підказки “ck» на іграшках та предметах (sock, clock, cock, duck).  Півень не може без годинника (clock), півень носить шкарпетку (sock), півень товаришує з качечкою (duck)/.Учні знаходять ці слова і повторюють їх за вчителем.


c)  checking on the hometask: reading p.29 ex.4



Teacher: and now let`s check your reading, the hometask Ex. 4page 29.


ck[k] – Nick, Jack, Vicky, black.

This is Jack. It is Nick`s dog. Jack is big. It is six. It can run. It can jump. It can sit.  – Jack, stand up! Jump!

(Учні читають  речення та перекладають їх.)



e) the physical activity “Open – shut…”


Teacher: are you tired, let`s have a break, do you like breaks (move), we can sing and move during the breaks, have a talk with friends! Stand up, please! Let`s move!

Open Shut Them from Super Simple Songs




This version of "Open Shut Them" is a great kids song for teaching some basic opposites. It's full of easy-to-understand, easy-to-gesture vocabulary.

Open shut them, open shut them. 
Give a little clap, clap, clap. 
Open shut them, open shut them.
Put them in your lap, lap, lap. 

Big and small.
Big and small. Big and small. 
Big, big, big, big, small, small, small.
Big and small. Big and small.
Big, big, big, big, small, small, small.

Please. No, thank you.
Please. No, thank you. Please. No, thank you.
Please, please, please, please. No thank you.
Please. No, thank you. Please. No, thank you.
Please, please, please, please. No thank you.

Fast and slow.
Fast and slow. Fast and slow. 
Fast, fast, fast, fast, slow, slow, slow.
Fast and slow. Fast and slow.
Fast, fast, fast, fast, slow, slow, slow.

Loud and quiet.
Loud and quiet. Loud and quiet. 
Loud, loud, loud, loud. Shh... Quiet.
Loud and quiet. Loud and quiet.
Loud, loud, loud, loud. Shh... Quiet.

Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo.
Peek-a, peek-a, peek-a-boo!
Peek-a-boo. Peek-a-boo.
Peek-a, peek-a, peek-a-boo!



Teacher: the break is over! It was funny, wasn`t it? And we have one more interesting task HO2 (read, circle, match and colour) – учні виконують завдання (читають слово, обводять правильне, з»єднують з малюнком та розмальовують малюнок).


1.cock  -  cuck, cack, cick, cock

2. sock – sack, seck, sock, sick

3. duck – duck, dack, dock, deck

4. clock – click, clock, clack, cluck


  1. Assessments (1 min)
  • summing up;



  • Did you like the lesson today? (що вам найбільше сподобалось?)

Stand up! Every day we are getting better and better! How are you now? (pupils` answers: ok, well, happy…)

Teacher: Let`s sing a song “If you are happy”(відео)




If You Are Happy - http://www.muffinsongs.com (more songs)

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap clap)

If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet. (stomp stomp)

If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hurray!" (hoo-ray!)

If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap, stomp, hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap, stomp, hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, do all three. (clap, stomp, hoo-ray!)


  1. Home Assignment. (1 min)


Teacher: Good bye! Good-bye song! (відео додаток до підручника з англійської мови «English 1», О.Карп»юк,2012, «Лібра Терра», 2012, «Сорока Білобока», 2012)





-     Карп`юк О.Д., Англійська мова: підручник для 2 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. – Тернопіль: Видавництво «Астон», 2012.  

  • відео додаток до підручника з англійської мови «English 1», О.Карп»юк,2012, «Лібра Терра», 2012, «Сорока Білобока», 2012
  • відеододаток English with Smily 2, «English 2», О.Карп»юк,2013, «Лібра Терра», 2013, «Сорока Білобока», 2013
  • the teaching aid „130 ігор для уроків з англійської мови”/М.В.Бондарь, О.В. Бондарь та ін. /Серія „Бібліотека журналу „Англійська мова та література”; Вип..9(21) ст.80.
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t99ULJjCsaMour pets. “The Animal sounds song”.

      -     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SA_zWo5LGF0. “It`s Rainy outside”.


      -     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU4FKj0OmWs&list=PLBE90F1D7E914DEB3.        “Alphablocks”.


      -     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNUZBHlRH4Y. Open Shut Them from Super Simple Songs”.


-     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUeS6gabSkE. “If you are happy”.





17 липня 2018
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