Урок у 2 класі на тему " Professions"

Про матеріал

Конспект уроку для учнів 2 класу, на якому учні закріплюють з допомогою різних видів діяльності лексику до теми. Конспект містить матеріали автентичного підручника "Family and Friends 1", видавництва Oxford University Press".

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Теребовлянська спеціалізована школа І-ІІІ ст. № 3

 з поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов






уроку в 2 класі

на тему






Описание: http://st.depositphotos.com/1278120/1990/i/950/depositphotos_19908511-3D-group-of-workers-3D-group-of-workers-.jpg



вчитель англійської мови



Теребовля 2014

Topic: The world of professions

Subject Matter: Professions


To practice the usage of the vocabulary on the topic;

To develop speaking skills;

To present the new grammar material (He’s/She’s)

To practice the grammar material;

To involve students into interactive activities;

Materials: class-books, video, jobs posters, pictures, CD



- Greeting

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you,

Good morning, good morning,

I’m glad to see you.



Teacher: I want you to play a game. Come to the board, take a present and do the task.















Vocabulary Drill

Teacher: You can see the jobs flashcards on the board. I’m going to give you the pictures and your task will be to match the job and the picture it is connected to.







Описание: http://www.dubna.ru/i/77/678_jezl1.jpgОписание: http://pixers.pl/image/1/400/n8nLuITiqvXZ9NmLWzmexQE19UUR5FUeuVEUx6neWzURrRXUfZlewF0Qb19QfNDXw79Qh79RhMkShU9Qh72MhF3FqzSKhZkaMR3KhRGKm5dRkRHT0NnasiGaho2F0Rni/94/59/81/0094598126/3/naklejka-wektor-klasyczny-mikrofon-fachowiec.jpgОписание: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvnt2a9YsA1r48wz7o1_400.jpgОписание: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3iGaekYXyw4/UWda8pQxIJI/AAAAAAAAAH4/FwLnQfgTVek/s1600/14836299-stack-of-books-books-stacked.jpgОписание: http://littletechgirl.com/wp-content/uploads/988120305.pngОписание: http://www.charlestontoday.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/fire-graphic.pngОписание: http://spoki.tvnet.lv/upload2/articles/67/671624/images/_origin_Un-es-vel-domaju-ka-es-3.jpgОписание: http://thesportsphysio.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/junkie-syringe-injection-needle.jpg

Checking the homework

Teacher: Last lesson we spoke about your favourite professions. And today I want you to imagine you’re adult and tell us about your professions.

Pupil 1: My name is…. I’m a teacher. I work at school. I teach pupils to read and to write. I love my job.

Pupil 2: My name is…. I’m a doctor. I work in the hospital. I treat my patients. I love my job.

Pupil 3: My name is….I’m a builder. I work on a site. I build houses. I love my job.

Pupil 4: My name is….I’m a chef. I work in the kitchen. I cook food. I love my job.

Pupil 5: My name is….I’m an artist. I work in the studio. I draw pictures. I love my job.

Pupil 6: My name is….I’m a singer. I work on a stage. I sing songs. I love my job.

Pupil 7: My name is….I’m a policeman. I work in a police department. I keep people safe. I love my job.

Pupil 8: My name is….I’m a waitress. I work in the café. I bring food and drinks. I love my job.

Pupil 8: My name is….I’m a barber. I work in a barber’s shop. I cut hair. I like my job.

Pupil 8: My name is….I’m a farmer. I work on the farm. I take care of cows, chicks and goats. I like my job.

A Song

Teacher: As you told us about your dream jobs I want you to greet each other and to sing a song.



Teacher: Today I’m going to present you a new material. If we speak about men, we use the expression HE’S and when we speak about women we use SHE’S. For example,









Teacher: Watch the video, listen to the sentences, and repeat the sentences.

(Appendix 1)

He is a cook. She is a student. He is a fisherman. She is a dentist. He is a doctor.

He is a fire fighter. He is a pilot. She is a bus driver. She is a nurse.

He is a police officer. He is a farmer. She is a teacher.


Teacher: Next task is to fill in the gaps with the words HE’S or SHE’S











_______a chef.                     _________a doctor.                           ______a farmer.










_______a policeman.         __________a teacher.          _________a singer.










________a fireman.               ________a pilot.


Teacher: I see that you are very tired, so you need some exercises, so let’s read the alphabet rap.

A, B, C, D, E-

Here’s a rap for you and me!

F, G, H, I, J-

English lessons are OK!

K, L, M, N,O

Nice to meet you! Hi! Hello!

P, Q, R, S, T-

Count the students-1, 2, 3!

U, V, W- shout and clap!

X, Y, Z- do the rap!


Teacher:. And now open the book and read the text.

After-reading activity.

Pair Work



Teacher: You read about Milly’s family and now I want you to draw your family and tell us about your family jobs.









Pupil 1: My name is Sophiyka. This is my mum. She’s a teacher. This is my dad. He’s a builder. This is my sister. She’s a pupil.



Teacher: You worked well. Thank you very much. You marks are…..


Today everybody will have an individual homework. Come to the board and take the picture with the task.













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