Урок англійської мови у 4 класі за темою "У будинку"

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Конспект уроку з роздатковим матеріалом та відео для проведення у 4 класі за темою "У будинку"
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Ічнянський ліцей №4




Урок англійської мови у 4 класі

за темою

 «У будинку»

за підручником «Quick minds»











                                                                          Учитель: А.М.Кириченко



Хід уроку

І. Організаційна частина.

Good morning. I’m glad to see you. How are you? (ask each other)

II. Повідомлення теми.

Ok, let’s start. First watch a video and tell what is the topic of the lesson?

Right you are – In the House.

III. Фонетична розминка.

But first let’s practice sounds. Repeat the tongue-twister “Elizabeth’s birthday is on the third Thursday of this month”

Do you know when the third Thursday of this month was? Yes, it was yesterday. So today we will prepare presents for her birthday – it’s a new house with furniture. You will tell Elizabeth what she can do in different rooms.

Get motivation cards “You are a star” or “You are number one” and so on.

IV. Формування навичок усного мовлення та роботи в групах.

So, come to the table and take any card with a piece of furniture. Then combine in groups according to the furniture which can be found in this room.

Now take a picture of your room and stick the furniture on it. Then go to the board, put your picture on it and describe the room: e.g. There is a table in the kitchen.

Get motivation cards “You are a star” or “You are number one” and so on.

V. Формування зорових навичок.

Next task – to tell Elizabeth what she can do in different rooms. You have sentences, read them and write in which room you can do it. Then underline the sentences that refer to your room and read them: e.g. You can have lunch in the kitchen.

Get motivation cards “You are a star” or “You are number one” and so on.

VI. Фізкультхвилинка.

You worked hard and you can have a rest. Let’s learn a dance and we can dance it at the birthday party.

Get motivation cards “You are a star” or “You are number one” and so on.

VII. Формування граматичних навичок.

You know how to tell what you can do and cannot do in different rooms. Today we will learn how to ask about it. So look at the board: when you ask a question you should put Do at the beginning of the sentence: e.g. Do you sleep in the bedroom? – Yes, I do. Do you sleep in the kitchen? – No, I don’t.

OK, now you can play a game “Guess”. Each team choose any room and another teams guess it asking Do you sleep in this room? (you have sentences, put Do at the beginning and ask).

Get motivation cards “You are a star” or “You are number one” and so on.

I think Elizabeth will like this game.

VIII. Підсумок уроку.

And now tell one thing you learnt at the lesson, one thing you liked at the lesson most off all and one thing you would like to improve at the next lesson. Thank you very much. You were super today. The lesson is over. Good-bye!


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