Урок "Потреби живих істот" з теми "Природа і навколишнє середовище України та країни виучуваної мови ".

Про матеріал
Матеріали уроку можуть бути використані як основна, так і додаткова інформація при вивченні теми "Природа і навколишнє середовище України та країни виучуваної мови "
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The topic of the lesson. Nature

The subtopic of the lesson. Living Things’ Needs

The aim of the lesson: to develop students’ critical and creative thinking by observing the world around, by learning about living things and their needs.

The objectives:

To encourage students to:

-         recollect their knowledge about plants and their needs;

-         practise the vocabulary on the topic;

-         practise Present Simple by reading, listening and talking about the needs of animals and people;

-         practise Present Continuous while describing the pictures;

-         develop critical thinking by discussing in groups how the needs of living things differ;

-         develop creative writing skills by describing own needs;

-         reflect on the information discussed at the lesson;


By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

-         recollect, recognize and identify the vocabulary units on the topic of the lesson;

-         use Present Simple talking about the needs of living things and Present Continuous while describing the photographs;

-         identify the differences between the needs of living thing groups;

-         identify basic common needs of animals and people;

-         summarize the common needs of all living things;

-         to tell and write about own needs.

Resources and materials: internet resources (YouTube) text books Big Science 2, flash cards, video presentations, charts, speech patterns, pictures of animal habitat, pictures of villages, towns and cities.


  1. Organizing moment

Good morning, students. I am glad to see you. You are looking very nice today. I hope you all will be active and supportive at the lesson which will be devoted to living things’ needs. Before we start, choose the picture and join two groups (group 1 – animals, group 2 - people).

We have talked about main features of living things and today we will learn about their needs. The topic of the lesson is Living Things’ Needs.

  1. Building Background

Activity 1. Watch the video and respond my sentences with your thumbs-up or thumbs-down.


T: All living things ___________ (move, breathe, sleep, eat food, play, grow, …)

Thank you. You were great! You know about living things’ features.

Activity 2. Discuss in groups and build a mind map about needs of plants.

Let’s see and compare the maps. Both groups are right mentioning air, water, light, space, soil and nutrients as the main needs of plants. Let’s repeat what plants need altogether.

 space  air

 light water

  nutrients (soil)

  1. Lead-in

Now close your eyes and think of a pet you have / would like to have. Recollect the time you spent together. Imagine you have to leave the pet with a pet sitter. What would you communicate with the pet sitter about your pet’s needs. Start your sentences like “She needs to …”

P1: She needs to take my dog for a walk.

P2: She needs to feed my cat.

P3: She needs to give water.

P4: She needs to wash my pet.

P5: She needs to air the room and clean the cage. …

Good! I see you love your pets and take care of them well. Giving the instructions to the pet sitter you were talking about the needs of your pets.

  1. Presentation

Activity 1. Discuss in groups and make the list of things your pets need.

Group 1: food, air, water, clean cages, regular walks, light.

Group 2: water, special food, vitamins, fresh air, sunlight.

Let’s compare the lists and identify the common needs. They are food, air, water, light. Very good!

Activity 2. Now look at the picture of the beavers. Think if wild animals have the same needs. Describe as much as you can see in the picture.

Follow the structure: N + is / are + Ving

Use the prompts: forest, river, wood, build, swim, dam.


Two Beavers

Group 1: This is a day time. The beavers are near the river. They are not swimming.

Group 2: The beavers are in the forest near the river. We can see some wood on the ground. Maybe they are building the dam.

Great! The animals are performing according to their needs.

  1. Practice

Activity 1. Discuss and say what the beavers need.

Group 1: They need water. They need some trees or grass to eat.

Group 2: The beavers need water. They need wood to live.

Yes, you’re absolutely right with the answer.

P1: yes, they are almost the same.

Activity 2.  Listen to the text Needs of Animals (Big Science 2 - ex.6 p.19SB) and complete the chart.




















Relaxation moment: play a mime game

You are a dog. You need food.

You are a frog. You need water.

You are a cat. You need sunlight.

You are a beaver. You need a shelter.

Activity 3.  Match what plants and animals need. (Big Science 2 - ex.7 p.19SB)

 Plants        Animals

soil   light   water    nutrients

 space   air    shelter   food

P1: Plants don’t need food.

P2: Plants need soil.

P3: Animals don’t need soil.

P4: Animals need shelter.

Fill in the chart about the plants to show the common and different needs. You may use the mind maps. 























Activity 4.  Look at the picture of the family. Take turns to name the objects you see.

71,100+ Family Breakfast Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty ...

P1: a table.

P2: bananas

P3: glasses with juice. …

Thank you. Discuss in groups and say as many sentences as you can about the people.  Follow the structure: N + is / are + Ving

P1: The people are smiling.

P2: They are eating.

P3: They are having breakfast.

P4: The woman is drinking.

Yes, you’re very observant. Can you say what people need to live and be healthy?

P1: fruit and vegetables

P2: good food

P3: different food ….

Activity 5: Read the text Needs of People ( Big Science 2 - ex.6 p.19SB) check your answers completing the chat about people’s needs.























You’re right. To live and be healthy people need air, water, food, space and shelter.

Activity 6.  Compare the needs.

P1: Animals and people need space and shelter? Plants need space and soil.

P2: Animals and people need food to eat, plants need nutrients.

P3: They all need sunlight and air.

That’s right!

  1. Reflection

Activity 1.  Use the information from the chart to tell about your needs.

P1: I need water to live.

P2: I need air.

P3: I need food to get nutrients. …

Activity 2.  How do you think …?

Look through the list of your needs. What can happen if you don’t have one of them?

P1: I can’t live without air.

P2: I can die without water

P3: I can become ill without good food to eat. …

  1. Assessment

Thank you for your work. You were great, active and supportive today.

  1. Home assignment

Do a project to show your needs as a living thing.









До підручника
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
8 жовтня 2023
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