Урок англійської мови в 1 класі " Свято алфавіта"

Про матеріал
Підсумкове заняття на завершення вивчення алфавіту. В розробці використано ігрові форми роботи,театралізація.
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TEACHER- Good morning , dear girls and boys!

Welcome to our ABC party! There are a lot of us. And who is coming?

Letter A :Hello! I am the letter A. A is for Alphabet and for ABC. Can you say the alphabet from A to Z ?

PUPILS: Yes, we can.

LET.A: Let us sing the song



                           Now I know the alphabet

                           That you’ll never must forget.

LET.A: Do you know how many letters there are in the English alphabet?

Pupils: There are twenty – six letters.

T: And now our children will recite the poems about the letters  and her friends.

Let. A : A is for Ant and Apple trees, you can see Ants on apple trees

  Let.B: B is for Bear and Bookcase, I have not Bears in my bookcase.

Let. C : C is for C at. My cat is grey and with me it likes to play.

Let.D: D is for Dog and for Doll  , I have a dog and a doll.

Let.E : E is for Elephant and sEvEn, four and seven is eleven

Let.F : Flowers here, flowers there, flowers grow everywhere

T: Who are you?

L.F: I am the letter F, f is for flowers, red and blue,white and yellow,and pink  too

T: But I think , F is for Family too, let’s sing a song about the family  

           MY FAMILY

This  is my home, open the door, there you can see mother, father,sister and me

Mum and Dad are so much fun, they are the best  under the sun,

Grandpa and Grandma are so jolly, we are all a happy little family

Let.G: Look at me, I am the letter G, G is for goose, it likes to eat grass, show me the goose ,says brother Gus.

Let.H: I am the letter H, H is for hand, I have two hands, this is the way I clap my hands


Clap, clap, clap your hands, clap your hands together,

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet, stamp your feet together,

Nod,nod, nod your head, nod your heads together,

Shake,shake, shake your head, shake your heads together,

Stretch, stretch, stretch up high, stretch up high together

Let.H: How many hands has a boy?Say!

How many hands has a girl? Say!

How many hands for work and play?

Pupils : Two!

Teacher : Tell me , little children, what do you like to eat?

Pupils : Ice cream!

Let. I: Ice cream starts with the letter I, but I think I is for I

I am a boy and I am six , I like to play with sister Trix.

Let.J :J is for jam, this is an apple jam,Jimmy likes it  and so does Sam.

Let.K : K is for kite, Kate has a kite, it  is  little and it is white, my kite  is in the sky, now left, now right, we fly the kite.

Let. L: I see a big yellow lion, a big yellow lion, what a big yellow lion, L is for lions.

Let.M : I am the letter M, m is for mouse,

Little mouse, little mouse, where is  your house?

MOUSE: Little cat, little cat, I have no flat, I am a poor mouse, I have no house

CAT : Little mouse, little mouse, come into my house

MOUSE : Little cat, little cat, I do not do that, you want to eat me!

Let. N : N is for numbers, n is for nine, children, how much is four and five?


Let.O: o is for one, one and two is three

Three little cats are in a tree, let’s count all together!

Pupils : one,one,one, little dogs run, two,two, two, cats see you

Three,three, three, birds in a tree

Four, four,four, toys on the floor.

Let. P :I am the letter p, p is for pencils, with them I can draw.

A red pen, a green tree or a blue door, p is for picture, in it you can see a  car  or a bus, a street or a tree

Let.Q:  I am the letter q, q is for questions: How are you?

Teacher : Let’s play the game “ Taking steps”

L et.: R: I am the letter r, r is for Brown, Grey and Green too,but  not in White, Yellow or Blue

Teacher : What things can be brown( grey, green) ?

Pupils : brown – a bear, a skirt , a hat, a coat, a monkey.

Grey – a mouse, a cat, a wolf,a pencil,

Green – a frog, a crocodile , a tree , a leaf

Let.S : Street begins with the letter s , s is for street, this is my street!

Let.T: T is for Tick  and t is for Tock, tick – tock, tick – tock, says the clock

Let.U: u is for under, but not for at.

Let.V: V is  for vegetables!

Let.W: w is for where, when, who, and what, who is in the school and who is not?

Teacher: I am in the school! It’s time to play the game. Look at this ABC and say what letters are missing.

Let.X: x is in six, let ‘s count up to six.

Pupils: one, two, three, four, five, six!

Let.Y:Y is for yard where children play, we play in the yard every day.

( sing the song “   The more we get together”)

The more we get together, together, together

The more we get together, the happier we’ll be

For your friends are my friends

And my friends are  your friends

The more we  get together, the happier we’ll be

Oh, how’s for getting friendly, quite friendly, real friendly

Oh, how’s getting friendly , both  your friends and mine

If your friends like my friends , and my friends like your friends

We’ll all be friends together, now won’t that  be fine!

Let.Z: I’m the last letter , the letter Z, z is for zoo, let’s go to the zoo! I like to go to the zoo, and you?

Pupils : Yes!

Let. Z: Tomorrow Sunday we’ll go to the zoo, tomorrow , tomorrow, we’ll go to the zoo

There is a giraffe there and a zebra too , a bear and a monkey  and a kangaroo

Teacher : Now we know the alphabet

Pupils : we can read, we can write, we can speak  English too

We love learning  English, and what about you?





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До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 1 клас (Карпюк О. Д., Ростоцька М.Є.)
26 січня 2020
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