Урок англійської мови в 9 класі "The Protection of the Environment"

Про матеріал

The Protection of the Environment


  • -узагальнити і закріпити в усному мовленні лексико-граматичний матеріал за темою «The protection of the Environment»;
  • - формувати вміння учнів коментувати факти, описувати природні явища, сприймати інформацію на слух;
  • -розширювати знання учнів про небезпеку забруднення навколишнього середовища та наслідки від забруднення, оволодіння термінологією;
  • -виховувати почуття необхідності берегти Землю, піклуватися про майбутнє покоління.
  • Обладнання: картки з роздатковим матеріалом та завданнями роботи в групах, відеоматеріали, малюнки, план-схема села, таблиці, епіграф.
Перегляд файлу

The Protection of the Environment


  • узагальнити і закріпити в усному мовленні лексико-граматичний матеріал за темою «The protection of the Environment»;
  •  формувати вміння учнів коментувати факти, описувати природні явища, сприймати інформацію на слух;
  • розширювати знання учнів про небезпеку забруднення навколишнього середовища та наслідки від забруднення, оволодіння термінологією;
  • виховувати почуття необхідності берегти Землю, піклуватися про майбутнє покоління.

Обладнання: картки з роздатковим матеріалом та завданнями роботи в групах, відеоматеріали, малюнки, план-схема села,  таблиці, епіграф.




1.T: Good morning students! I am glad to meet you. I hope you are all right! Today we are going to discuss a very actual problem. Read the quotation on the blackboard and try to guess the topic of our lesson.

«Mother Planet is showing the red warning light. “Be careful”, she is saying. To take care of the planet is to take care of own house» (Dalai Lama).

P1: To my mind the topic of our lesson is «Environmental Protection».

P2: I think we shall speak about the most valuable thing we have – our Earth, the planet we live on.

T: You are right. Today we are going to speak about ecology and the world around us, discuss the problems of pollution and try to find the ways out of them. Now friends, let’s remember all the words connected with the topic «Environmental Protection». What words do you associate with it? Write a word on a piece of paper and stick it on the globe.( Possible words: environment, trees and forests, rivers, seas, oceans,  air, water and land pollution, acid rains, atmosphere, wastes, litter, radiation, etc.)

2. T: Now, students, look at this chamomile. Each chamomile petal has a word which deals with the theme of our lesson. Take one of the petals, read the word on it and give its definition.

Ecology – the science that deals with the relation of the living things to their environment.

Nature – the sun, the moon, the stars and everything in the world that was not made by people.

Organism – any living thing.

Atmosphere – the layer of gases surrounding the Earth.

Endangered species – animals and plants in danger of becoming extinct. 

Extinct – when animals and plants die out and are gone from the Earth forever.

Oxygen – gas that makes up about 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere, necessary for living things.

Acid rain – when harmful gases from cars and power plants are released into their and fall back to the Earth with rain or snow.

Greenhouse effect – when gases from factories, power plants and cars trap the sun’s heat and warm up the Earth.

Lessen – to reduce the pollution of environment: air, water, land.

Harmful – dangerous for people’s health and life.

Recycle – to make something good for the second using.



T:  Mankind long believed that whatever we did the Earth would remain the same. Now we know that it is untrue and many people believe the way that we live our lives today is having an extremely bad effect on the environment. So it’s high time to give a warning to the world. So, what are the main ecological problems we face nowadays?

Possible answers:

P1: The main ecological problems nowadays are:

*the pollution of atmosphere;

*the pollution of water;

* the pollution of soil.

P2: I agree that the first problem is pollution. Pollution is the contamination of the environment including air, water, and soil. One third of the emission into the atmosphere originates from automobile transport.

P3: I want to emphasize that not only transport but also industrial enterprises emit dust and other harmful substances into atmosphere. As a result it has become very difficult to breathe in large cities.

P4: I want to stress that cars and new industrial inventions make pollution steadily worse and it destroys habitat of animals and birds.

P5: I want to tell you that a man pollutes air especially severely in such cities as Chicago, Tokyo, Sheffield as well as Donetsk, Dnipropetrovs’k, Kryvy Rih and many other places in Ukraine and abroad.

P6: What is more, man cuts down trees that produce oxygen that is so necessary for people to live.

P7: The second reason is the pollution of soil. I want to emphasize that a man pollutes land with rubbish, dust, pesticides and other harmful substances. Coal-using industries such as metallurgical, coke-chemical plants, steel mills as well as thermal power plants emit uncontrolled amount of sulphur dioxide, dust and unburned hydrocarbons.

P8: as a result of this pollution many species have disappeared.

P9: Bear in mind that food can’t be produced on the polluted soil. Many parts of the world are overcrowded; people live in big cities and produce a lot of waste. Waste from factories and power stations is especially dangerous. It’s dangerous not only for environment, wildlife but also for people.

P10: I don’t want you to forget about the Greenhouse effect. Gases and chemicals stay in the air like a blanket around our planet causing the changes in the world’s climate.

P11: A few words should be said about the pollution of water. It’s a pity but many rivers and lakes are poisoned. The same should be said about the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. People forget the words of a famous scientist who said:” If the ocean dies, the man will die too”. It is time to think about the waters of the world ocean.

P12: We have touched upon a very important problem. People live in the polluted environment, walk in polluted parks and forests, swim in the polluted seas and rivers, drink polluted water, eat polluted food. All these things ruin their health greatly. It’s time to start solving all these problems.

T: Well done! Now look at this words and expressions and match the problem and it’s solution.

  1. Air pollution

a)  to a) plant more trees.

  1. Greenhouse effect

b)  to b)  waste less but recycle more.

  1.      Toxic wastes

c) alt c) alternative sources of energy

  1. Radiation

d)  n  d)  ecologically pure plants.

  1. Destruction of forests

e)  le  e) less quantities of cars.


Keys: 1e; 2d; 3b; 4c; 5a.


T: My dear friends! I’m proud that you are aware of all these problems. Humans have been living on this planet for 2 million years and unfortunately the last two hundred years they have made a mess on the planet.

Now we’ll have a kind of a Congress of people who protest against pollutions. Let’s unite into 3 groups. Some of you are representatives of Green Party and Green Peace Organization, some are doctors and some are ecologists. Each group takes a card with the task and uses the given words and word-combinations in their reports. You have some minutes.

Card I

You are members of the Green Party and of the Green Peace Organization. Tell the Congress about the danger of pollution. Speak about the radioactive contamination in 1986 in Chernobyl. How did it affect the Earth?

Use the following words and expressions:

-the course of pollution

-to contaminate with

-harmful substances

-acid rains

-to emit to the air


Possible answers:

P1: Ladies and gentlemen! We are the members of the members of the Green Peace organization. The radioactive contamination was in Chornobyl in 1986. It was spread to many parts of Ukraine and other countries. It made some regions unsuitable for living. That’s why many people had to go to another places to live.

P2: We are members of the Party of Greens. The nature is in danger now. The trees and animals are killed by people, by the polluted air, water and acid rains. Tons of smoke and gas are emitted into the air. If there is no oxygen from the trees, the life will die.

Card II

You are a group of doctors. Speak about harmful changes in people’s health caused by the Chernobyl Contamination.

Use the following words and words combinations:

-serious diseases

-changes in human genes [d i:nz](гени)

-the elevated level of birth defects

-children’s leukemia [lju:k mi ] (лейкемія)

Possible answer:

P1: A lot of people are getting ill with serious diseases. The health of many people is getting worse every year because of our poor ecology. Today we must pay attention to the elevated level of birth defects, sickness, children’s leukemia and changes in human genes, caused by Chernobyl’s contamination.


Card III


You are the ecologists. Speak about “greenhouse effect”, toxic wastes and other problems of the environment.

Use the following words and words expressions:

-chemical plants

-intensive agriculture

-vital importance

-invisible gases

-to change the weather

Possible answers:

P1: We are a group of ecologists and it’s our work and our duty to solve ecological problems. We must admit that pollution is spread due to toxic waste produced by chemical plants and intensive agriculture. The climate is also changes. It becomes warmer due to the so-called greenhouse effect.

P2: The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of invisible gases that act just like Greenhouse. The sun shines in and the blanket of gases traps the heat like a roof, keeping it close to the planet. That’s good – we can’t live without warmth, but if the Earth’s temperature gets hotter by just a few degrees, it could change the weather all over the planet. Every person can help to stop the greenhouse effect by using less energy, protecting and planting trees and by recycling.



T: Now let’s read some information about environmental problems. Your task is to read the text and fill in the gaps with the words given below. (HOI)

(Pupils get texts on cards.)


T: Students, I know you have prepared some presentations devoted to the problem of environmental protection. Will you show us your work?

(Pupils show and comment their presentations.)



T: Thank you for your preparations. Now let’s listen to the conversation about Global warming and be ready to do some tasks after that.

*True –False Sentences:

1. It is a conversation between 2 students.(F)

2. Global warming means rise of the temperature on the planet and the climate changing.(T)

3. Pollution causes global warming.(T)

4. When the global warming continues there will be no changes on the Earth.(F)

5. Global warming will have serious effect on the agriculture.(T)

6. We can slow global warming.(T)

7. It is necessary to use cleaner source of energy.(T)

8. Government does nothing to solve this problem.(F)

9. It is planned to reduce the number of cars.(T)

10. They are going to close dirty factories.(T)

* Choose the right ending:

1. The professor mentioned the problem of …

a) water pollution; b) global warming; c) acid rains;

2. global warming is caused by…

a) the number of people on the Earth; b) rainfalls; c) pollution.

3. If the temperature continues to rise…

a) the polar ice will melt; b) the ocean will freeze; c) there will be more trees.

4. Global warming will influence …

a) the life in big cities; b) ocean life; c) the agriculture.

5. The government is going to …

a) reduce the number of cars; b) increase the number of dirty factories; c) close all schools.

Keys: 1b; 2c; 3a; 4c; 5a.




T: Dear friends! Our Earth needs your help and there are many things that we can do to protect the environment. Think of the ways to make the Mother Earth happy. Meet the Earth!

Earth: I am the Earth! Look at me! What do you make with me?

Only when all the rivers have run dry

And all the fish in the sea have died,

Only when all the blue skies

Have been filled with smoke,

And the cities of the world have choked.

Will the white man understand

 That it’s too late to save the Earth?

Help me, please! Make me happy!

P1: I can save you by riding a bicycle instead of using public transport.

P2: I can save you by using water at home rationally.

P3: I can save the Earth by not doing harm to birds and animals.

P4: I can save the Earth by using old plastic bags instead of buying new ones in shops.

P5: We save rivers, it’s necessary to stop polluting them.

P6: We make factories and power stations cleaner.

P7:  Helping the mother Earth

We can peacefully roam.

We all deserve a place

We can call our home.

Earth: Thank you, friends. I knew the future is in your hands.

P8: The future is in our hands

We want to see blue seas

We want to see green fields

We are defenders of our lands.

We want to breathe clean air

We want to show we care

 We know the future’s in our hands.

We want to see birds fly

Up into a clear sky

We are defenders of our lands.

We want to see flowers grow

To pollution we say “no!”

We know the future’s in our hands.



T: I see you are ready to make up some nature rules: what people must do to protect nature and what they must not do not to do harm to it. Let’s write “Nature Rules” on the piece of paper and stick it on this poster for everybody to remember. While you are writing listen to a famous song.


*Don’t cut, but plant trees.

*Don’t pick but plant flowers.

*Don’t kill birds, insects, and animals but help them.

*Don’t throw the litter.

*Don’t leave fire in the forest.

* Don’t pollute rivers, lakes, seas, oceans.

*Clean your home, yard, streets, village, and school.

*Switch off your household devises when you don’t use them.

*Turn the water off when you brush your teeth.



T: We spoke about global problems of our environment. But do we have any problems in our village? Look at the map of it and say what you would do to make it cleaner and ecologically healthier.

P1: Our central park needs care. Nobody looks after it, especially in autumn, when there are a lot of leaves. I suggest to clean it regularly.

P2: Our bus stop in the centre of our village. There are a lot of rubbish there. Let’s ask our local authority to put waste-bins there. I think it makes the place much cleaner.

P3: Our village garden. You see, the collective farms were reorganized, so the garden was cut down. I think it is necessary to replant it.

P4: The banks of our river. They are choked with weeds. So it is necessary to clear away the banks of the river.

P5: The place in front of our club and church. It is also choked with weeds. Many people gather there during different holidays, so it should be clean and beautiful.

T: Thank you very much that you have done the correct choice. Thanks for your efforts, eagerness and interest. And don’t forget about the rule of three Rs: reduce, recycle and reuse. Recite the poem about it.

Ps: Reduce, recycle and reuse,

Be careful with the things you choose.

Don’t leave lights and water on,

Pick up litter when you’ve done.

Keep the air and water clean,

Help our Earth stay strong and green.




T: Dear students! You’ve done a good job. Thank you for your activities. I suggest to finish our lesson with a song. It is about the world we could build together. Your home task is to write  an article about ecological problems in Ukraine.





 Fill in the gaps:


You can do a lot to_____ the environment. Please, remember to_____ the TV when you are not watching it. Don’t forget to _____ the light when you leave the room. Don’t leave the refrigerator door _____. Draw and colour on ____ sides of paper. Don’t leave the water ____ when you brush your teeth. ______ plants, for plants are the lungs of our ____.


Words Bank: cultivate, open, planet, both, save, turn off, running, switch off.



Fill in the gaps:


On April26,1986 there was the blast at the Chornobyl’ Nuclear Power Station. And a lot of radioactive substances got into the ______. People all over the world could see the courage and selflessness of the people who tried to _____ the situation.

The rescuers did impossible. The courageous heroes saved people who has got dangerous doses of ______. They struggle against the threatening and invisible ____.

We can say that it was a national ______. The  damaged _____ was covered with steel and concrete and buried under them. It certainly effect the ______ situation in Ukraine. In 2000 it was closed.


Words Bank: reactor, save, atmosphere, ecological, feat, enemy, radiation.



Fill in the gaps:


Today ____ are in serious danger. This danger attacks old trees like ____, birch, fir tree and pine. First the ____ turn yellow and brown. Then the tree’s needles or leaves fall. The roots and the trunk _____.Finally the trees die. But what is calling the trees? Nobody knows exactly, but it is probably _____ and ______.The wind carries the poisoned ________ from one country to another.

In other parts of the world trees are killed by people, not pollution. Something must be done, because trees are the _____ of the planet. They produce ____. If they die, we will die too.


Words Bank: substances, oak, shrink, air pollution, acid rain, branches, lungs, trees, oxygen.




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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
27 березня 2018
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