Урок "Англомовні країни : Канада."

Про матеріал
Розробка інтегрованого уроку (англійська мова + географія). Сприяє розширенню кругозору учнів, мотивує до самостійного опрацювання додаткового матеріалу краєзнавчої тематики. Елемелнти уроку можна використовувати для проведення позакласних заходів.
Перегляд файлу





Objectives: to summarize the knowledge on the topic;

to develop speaking abilities;

to improve speaking and reading skills;

to master writing skills;

to broad pupils’ outlook;

to develop respect to other countries and nations.


Equipment:  maps, video records,  cards and pictures, slides, projects.



I Greeting and warming up.


1 . Greeting


2 . Warm up .


1 . Build a mind-map of your own associations. (Учні пишуть свою асоціацію на окремому аркуші , кріплять на дошці та пояснюють її.  Вчитель починає і  демонструє , що саме треба зробити. )

What is your association with the word “Canada”?








2 . Comment on the statements. (Прокоментувати вислів на дошці. Пояснити до чого стосується: культура, географічне положення і т.д.)


Comment on the statements

When I’m in Canada , I feel this is what the world should be like.

Jane Fonda

Canada has never been a melting-pot; more like a tossed salad.

Arnold Edinborourgh

Canada is an interesting place – the rest of the world thinks so, even if Canadians don’t.

Terence M. Green


I am a Canadian , free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.

John Diefenbaker

 (From the Canadian Bill of Rights, July 1, 1960 ) 



II . Main part.  


1 . Vocabulary  HO1 (Робота з ЛО. З’ясувати значення слів та заповнити пропуски в реченнях. Індивідуальна робота)

2  . Reading and filling the table.

What else do you know about Canada? Refresh your knowledge and fill in the chart form. 



3 . Watching (Video “Why are you moving to Canada?”)


Why are people moving to Canada? Express your ideas.

While watching 

Watch the video and check your guessing.

Watch again and complete the sentences. 



Watch the video and complete the sentences .

(Why do people move to Canada? Express your ideas then watch the video check your guessing and fill in the gaps )

Why Are You Moving to Canada?

1 . The life expectancy  for male is ____________ and for female is ______ .

2 . The birth rate in Canada is _____________ .

3 . There diversity of population  in Canada ____________ .

4 . There is the Great Public Transportation System in ______________ .

5 . The average salary in Canada is ______________ per year.

6 .  The unemployment rate is ______________ .

7 . The most popular attractions in Canada are ______________________ .

8 . Underline only Canadian’s territories  and province

New England


. South


Yukon Territory




British Columbia




The Australian Capital Territory



New Brunswick 

Northwest Territories

New South Wales


Great Plains



The Northern Territory

Nova Scotia

Prince Edward Island






4 . Work in groups

Split students into two groups.

Look at the map and say what does each country look like?  (Висловити припущення на що схожа держава на карті. Наприклад: Канада схожа на ворона, а Україна – на хмаринку.)

Tick geographical items on the map . HO4

Read the text about main cities. Write a short summary. Exchange your information and fill in the table. 

Watch the ppt. “Places of interest” and match the site to the city.

HO5 + ppt. “Places of interest”

What famous Canadians do you know?

Watch the video and match the statement with the person.

HO6 + Students’ video

Read the statements , watch the video and guess the celebrity .

1 . This person is a photographer and a football fan – favourite team is “Chelsea ”.

2 . This person starts the career as a soup opera actor.

3 . This person said: “You must solve your problems, but not to take the drugs.”

4 . This person suffers from dyslexia.

5 . This person works as a lawyer and a corporate consultant of National Bank Financial  


Do you know any Canadians of Ukrainian origin? (Work with the ppt. )

5 . Урядова парадигма.  Заповнити схему по черзі (учні самостійно виправляють свої помилки або допомагають один одному). Порівняти з Україною (спільні та відмінні риси) HO7


III Summarizing

1 . Finish the sentences (The teacher reads the beginning , students read the ending  )



1. Canadians enjoy …

2. The Canadian economy is based , as it always has been, …

3. These natural riches include …

4. Although only 5% of the land is arable, the agricultural sector , primarily in wheat and barley , accounts …

5. Canada’s main agricultural products are …

6. The most important manufactured product is …

7. And the metal and chemical industries are …

8. As Canada has many lakes and rivers , …

9. By far the largest part of the economy at a whopping 75% is …

10 . Banking, insurance, education, communication and consulting bring in …

11. The rest of the service sector …

12. The countries major trading partner is …

13. But business people are increasingly strengthening ties with …

14. About 40% of the country’s industry is owned by …


a) does not .

b) for much of the Canadian export total.

c) wheat, meat, dairy products and leather from the prairie regions.

d) motor vehicles.

e) highly developed too.

f) the high standard of living.

 g) in services which includes an enormous civil service.

h) foreign exchange.

i) the USA.

j) the hydro-electric industry is highly developed.

k) Japan, China and all the Pacific Rim.

l) on abundant natural resources.

m) non-Canadians, led by the USA interests.

n) fish, timber and wood products, minerals, natural gas, oil and hydroelectricity. 


2 . Quiz (Short quiz for two teams) 


3 . Watch students’ own films (Перегляд учнівського фільму – результат самостійного опрацювання інформації. )



До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 листопада 2019
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