Урок: «Art. The golden age of British art.»

Про матеріал

Урок застосування знань, умінь та навичок.

Практичні задачі:

- активізувати вживання відомої лексики та ознайомити з новою;

- тренувати учнів в оглядовому читанні та читанні з повним розумінням прочитаного;

- практикувати учнів у вживанні умовних речень другого типу;

- організувати комунікативну практику в усному спілкуванні.

- продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання та письма

Розвиваючі задачі:

- розвивати комунікативні здібності, навички комунікативного спілкування;

- розвивати мовленневу реакцію;

- сприяти формуванню вміння працювати в парах, групах.

Виховні задачі:

- виховувати культуру спілкування, мовленнєву активність;

- сприяти розвитку полікультурної компетенції учнів;

- виховувати усвідомлення важливості впливу мистецтва на естетичний розвиток людини.

Перегляд файлу

Хмельницьке НВО №28







у 10 класі на тему

«Art. The golden age of British art.»




Вчитель: Мочаліна Т. Л.







Тема: The world of painting.

Підтема: Art. The golden age of British art.

Тип уроку: урок застосування знань, умінь та навичок.

Практичні задачі:

-  активізувати  вживання відомої лексики та ознайомити з новою;

- тренувати  учнів в оглядовому читанні та читанні з повним розумінням прочитаного;

- практикувати учнів у вживанні умовних речень другого типу;

- організувати комунікативну практику в усному спілкуванні.

- продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання та письма

Розвиваючі задачі:

- розвивати комунікативні здібності, навички комунікативного спілкування;

- розвивати мовленневу реакцію;

- сприяти формуванню вміння працювати в парах, групах.

Виховні задачі:

  • виховувати культуру спілкування, мовленнєву активність;
  • сприяти розвитку полікультурної компетенції учнів;
  • виховувати усвідомлення важливості впливу мистецтва на естетичний розвиток людини.

Обладнання: репродукції картин відомих англійських художників, презентації, картки із завданнями для самостійної роботи,  роботи в парах,  в групах; підручник, зошит, на дошці цитати.


Хід уроку

І.  Організаційна частина уроку

1. Привітання

Т: Good morning, dear friends! I am glad to see you.

 Let's start our lesson.

I hope it will be fine.

You'll get 12, 11, 10.

 And none of you 9.


2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

На дошці написи:

"A picture is a poem without words ".(Horace, 65 -8 BC)

All art is but imitation of nature ". Seneca

T. I want to draw your attention to these quotations. I think these words can be the motto of our lesson. Why do I begin our lesson from these quotations?

P. May be we`ll speak about art.

Т. Hippocrates said, "Ars longa, vita brevis" which means: life is short, art is longer. Do you agree with Hippocrates? What is art?

 P. One of the definitions of the word art is the study or creation of beautiful things.

T. What works of art can you name?

P. They are paintings, pieces of music, architecture, films, ballets, poems, etc.

T. Where can we see different works of art?

P.  In many places: in the streets, at the theatre or cinema, at home as well as at the museums exhibitions and art or picture galleries.


3. Тема уроку. Очікувані результати.

T. My dear students! The theme of our English lesson is “Art. The golden age of British art.

 The aims of the lesson are:

1.     To summarize the knowledge which had been got at the previous lessons.

2.    To point out the main features of the classical British painting.

3.    To improve the English language.



ІІ. Основна частина уроку

  1.     Phonetic Drill

T. In order to speak about art we need some specific vocabulary.  Look at the pictures and name the genres. Fill in the word-rose.

(слайди картини різних жанрів: пейзаж, морський пейзаж, натюрморт, портрет, батальна сцена, жанрова картина)



religious painting



T. Match the words with their definitions.


1 a religious painting


a) is a painting or other artistic representation of the sea

2 a landscape


b) is a painting that depicts holy persons or events

3 a seascape


c) is a picture representing a scenery of nature or countryside

4 a portrait


d) is a painting of such unanimated subjects as fruit, flowers or other decorative things

5 a still life


e) is a painting, picture or representation of a person, especially of a face generally drawn from life

6 a battle scene


f) is a painting that depicts aspects of everyday life by portraying ordinary people engaged in common activities.

7 a genre picture


g) a picture representing a fight between people



2. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

(Учні розповідають про улюблений жанр живопису. Презентації.)

T: Pupils, your hometask for today was to prepare a report about your favorite genre of painting and explain why you like it best of all.



3. Активізація вживання лексико-мовленнєвого матеріалу.


T. The 18th century is considered to be the golden age of British art. What do you know about it?

P1. The eighteenth century was the great age of British painting. It was in this period that British art attained a distinct national char­acter.

P2: The 18 century was the century during which a truly national painting school was cre­ated in England. Portrait art at that time was the main kind of painting.

P3: The Industrial Revolution in England greatly influenced art as a whole, tind painting in particular4. Such trends in painting5 as the genre school, realistic landscape and portrai­ture schools6 expressed the social contradic­tions of English life. The new trends may be traced in the works of Wilkie, Lawrence and Constable.


4.  Подання тексту для читання

а) етап підготовки

T. I think we need more information about this period. Who are the typical representatives of this period? Let`s read a short information about them.

(слайд презентації)

P. They are William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, John Constable, Joseph Turner.

b) етап читання

English painters

WilliamHogarth.jpgWilliam Hogarth (1697-1764) was the first great English painter who raised English pictorial art to a high level of importance. He was a man of remarkably individual character and thought. W. Hogarth had friends among famous English writers J. Swift, H. Filding. He was the first English painter who brought painting closer to literature and theatre.

He proclaimed himself a "Comic History Painter", and the result was one of the most famous moral "Marriage a la Mode».

The Mar­riage Contract is the first of this serie. The subject of the picture is a protest against marriage for money and vanity.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7f/Joshua_Reynolds_Self_Portrait.jpg/220px-Joshua_Reynolds_Self_Portrait.jpgSir Joshua Reynolds (1723 — 1792), the first President of the Royal Academy of Arts, was not only a painter but the founder of the academic principles of the "British school". Reynolds was the most outstanding portraitist of the 18th century. In his pictures he did not only paint portraits but produced characters. His famous works are “ Mrs Siddons as the tragic muse’’ and ‘’ Nelly O’Brien’’

225px-Thomas_Gainsborough_by_Thomas_GainsboroughThomas Gainsborough (1727 — 1788) was a brilliant portrait painter who painted with the help of cold tones.. A good amateur violinist and a lover of the drama, he was an artistic person. T. Gainsborough is the creator of the great English school of landscape painting. His great love for the English country and his delicate understanding of nature are felt in his pictures. Ht created such works as ” Mrs Sherridan’’, The lady in blue’ and many others outstanding works.’.

John Constable is one of the greatest landscape painters. He was the first landscape painter who considered that every painter should make his sketches direct from nature, which is working in the open air. Constable was a realist. The most famous of his works are “Flatford Mile”, “The white horse”, “The Hay wain”, “Waterloo Bridge”, “Golden Constable’s father’s garden’’” and others. Constable may truly be considered the father of modern landscape painting.

Another famous English painter was Joseph Turner (1775—1851), whose business was to paint the light. He proved that with the help of  light it is, possible to show qualities of any subject.

 We know practically nothing about Turner's life. Son of a London barber, he started drawing and painting when he was a little boy. When Turner was thirteen, he chose the artistic career. In 1802 Turner was elected academi­cian of the Royal Academy, where his oil paintings had been exhibited.

He died at the age of seventy-six.

Turner was a representative of Romanticism. The de­scription of nature dominated in his paintings. In his work with colour he anticipated, in some degree, the practice of impressionists. In his late works he anticipated sometimes the practice of expressionists of the 20th.

Turner's "The Shipwreck", "Burning of the Houses of Parliament" and "Snow Storm" The sunrising through Vapour’’ are masterpieces of the great artist.


c) етап перевірки розуміння змісту прочитаного тексту

T. Match the information with the painter`s names

(pupils work in pairs)

(правильні відповіді – на екран) самоперевірка


He was the first President of the Royal Academy of Arts

He was the founder of the academic principles of the "British school"

He is considered as one of the outstanding portraitist of the 18th century

In his pictures he did not only paint portraits but produced characters.

Sir Joshua Reynolds


His business was to paint the light. He proved that with the help of light it is, possible to show qualities of any subject

Son of a London barber, he started drawing and painting when he was a little boy.

He was a representative of Romanticism.

In his late works he anticipated in some degree the practice of  expressionists of the 20th.

Joseph Turner


He raised English pictorial art to a high level of importance

He was the first English painter who brought painting closer to literature and theatre.

He proclaimed himself a "Comic History Painter"

“The Mar­riage Contract” is a protest against marriage for money and vanity.

William Hogarth


He was the first landscape painter who considered that every painter should make his sketches direct from nature, which working in the open air.

He may truly be considered the father of modern landscape painting

John Constable


He is a brilliant portrait painter

He is the creator of the great English school of landscape painting. Blue and green are his favorite colours. He was one of the painters who painted his native land.

Thomas Gainsborough


5. Гра “Guess the picture’’

T: You have got acquainted with the outstanding painters of the golden age of British art and their works. So, try to guess their pictures while listening to their description. (Учитель описує картину, учні відгадують назву картини та її художника. Учень, який відгадав картину виходить і вказує на неї.) 


6. Діалогічне мовлення.

Розвиток умінь мовлення.

1) Впр. 6 (с. 125).

Учні висловлюють думки щодо поданих  тверджень ланцюжком.

2) Рольова гра. Впр. 7 (с. 125).

T: Look at the screen. (на екрані демонструється діалог у картинній галереї.)

Pupils, imagine that you are at the art gallery. In pairs make up the dialogues between a guide and a visitor or between two visitors.

Учні в парах складають діалоги. По закінченні роботи дві-три пари інсценують свої діалоги. Учитель стежить за правильністю граматичної будови речень.






7. Розвиток навичок аудіювання.

A great English writer Oskar Wilde said “The artist is the creator of beautiful things. The artist can express everything.’’ Let’s listen to the episode from his novel ‘’The picture of Dorian Grey’’


Task 1


In this section you are going to listen to the episode from the novel "The Picture of Dorian Grey" by Oscar Wilde.

Your task is to decide if the statements (1-6) below are TRUE or FALSE according to what the text says.

Mark your answers with an X in the table on the right.

An example (0) has been given.


0. The window in the artist's studio was opened.

  1. Lord Henry Wotton was lying back in a large chair.
  2. The artist was happy because the por­trait was finished.
  3. Lord Henry liked to buy expensive paintings.
  4.     The artist suggested sending the por­trait to the best gallery in London.
  5.     The young man in the portrait looked just like the artist.
  6.     The artist doesn't want people to dis­cover his feelings.



























Task 2

Listen to the text "The Picture of Dorian Grey" again.

For questions (13-17) choose and circle the letter of the correct answer (А, В, C, or D) in the boxes on the right. There is always ONE correct answer.

An example (0) has been given.





0. What was Lord Henry Wotton watching?

A His friend's cigarette smoke.

В Flowers on the windowsill.

C Smoke and his friend, the artist.

D The ceiling and a cigarette.      


  1.      Why was Basil pleased?

A Because his friend was standing in front of the portrait.

В Because the portrait was finished.

C Because the painting was not finished.

D Because the painting was almost finished.  


  1.      Which of these facts about Lord Henry is TRUE?

A He was thirty years old.

В He didn't buy cheap things.

C He was a well-known artist.

D He worked very hard.      


  1.      What was Lord Henry's suggestion?

A To exhibit the painting in one of the galleries in London.

В Not to send the portrait anywhere.

C To exhibit the painting in one of the galleries in Oxford.

D To send the painting to his friend.    


  1. What did Basil say about the young man in the portrait?

A He resembled the artist.

В He was not beautiful.

C He had black hair.

D He had an intelligent face.     


  1. What does Basil believe about artists?

A Harry understands the artist very well.

В All artists like to paint people.

C An artist shows the feelings of his soul.

D People want to enjoy paintings.    















Перевірка: учні в парах обмінюються зошитами і здійснюють перевірку.

T: Change the exercise-books with your partner. Now check the work of your neighbour. For each correct answer put one point. The total amount of the points will be a mark.

(запитати декількох учнів які оцінки вони отримали)

8. Робота в групах.

T: Everybody knows that  painting of the 18th century has got positive and negative aspects.

You are divided into 2 teams. The first team should think of disadvantages. The second team will try to find out only advantages.


9. T: We have just compared some possible advantages and disadvantages. It is time to play. The game is called “Chains of events.” Use the second conditional and don’t forget that you should start your own sentence from the previous one.


You should start your chain of events with the words:” If I were a painter…”

But before let’s remind some rules of the conditional 2


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

1. Домашнє завдання T. Your hometask will be to write a letter to your pen friend about the painter and the picture your like the best.

2. Оцінювання

3. Підсумки уроку

.T: Look at the blackboard  and read English proverb again: “Life is short, art is long”. What conclusion can you make at the end of our lesson.

 Pupil 1: We can’t live without art, because it makes our life more expressive, beautiful and enriches our own culture.

Pupil 2:  Art develops our artistic taste and helps to appreciate beauty, to solve the eternal problems of kindness and evil.

Pupil 3:   Art enriches our life emotionally and spiritually. It will exist in centuries. I agree that art is long life is short.\


Англійська для обдарованих дітей. – Х.: Вид. група «Основа», 2006.

Лисовець І.П. Усі уроки англійської мови. 10 клас. Рівень – стандарт. – Х.:  Вид. група «Основа», 2006.

Погарська Т.В. Англійська мова. 11 клас. Плани-конспекти уроків. – Харків: Веста: Видавництво «Ранок», 2001.

Сапрыгина В. В., Слонская А. М. Искусство.

Британская школа живописи XVІI–XIX веков. Концептуальное искусство ІІ половины ХХ века. Музеи, - Англійська мова та література - Х.:  Вид. група «Основа», 2010. № 03 (265).




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